Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 54: Can The Underworld Solve The Temperature Of 100 Million?

Lin Yuan's words made Chu Ding's eighty-year-old soul tremble completely.

In the field of Longguo's nuclear industry, there is no one who admires nuclear fusion technology more than him.

The more you know about nuclear technology, the clearer it is that nuclear fission is nothing compared to nuclear fusion.

No matter in terms of cleanliness, energy level or cost convenience, there is a huge gap.

The uranium, plutonium, and thorium needed for fission are all extremely harmful radioactive elements. He, who participated in the nuclear bomb program in the last century, was sterilized by nuclear radiation because of the conditions at the time.

In Chu Dingyuan's heart, he hoped that one day, people in the nuclear field in Longguo would not suffer such suffering like him.

Therefore, he has been promoting the development of nuclear technology, especially in the field of nuclear fusion.

Because, compared with nuclear fission technology, nuclear fusion is safe, clean and efficient, whether it is the raw material or the entire fusion process.

Raw materials, mainstream controllable nuclear fusion theory and technology are all discussing hydrogen nuclear fusion, mainly hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium.

Among them, deuterium-deuterium fusion is the most discussed.

Because it is compared with tritium, a radioactive isotope that is extremely rare on the earth and requires nuclear reactions to produce.

The raw material of deuterium is the sea, which is almost inexhaustible.

As for the same conditions, the energy obtained by fission and fusion is even more different.

To use an analogy, fission is equivalent to leaving a cup of hot water to cool down, and in the process of giving it to others, countless energy is lost in the process.

And fusion, it is a cup of hot water, pour half of it directly, almost no energy loss.

This is why, the energy generation of fusion is 4 times that of fission, or even more.

Half of the Dragon Kingdom is surrounded by the sea. If the hydrogen fusion research is successful, the Dragon Kingdom will be on the road to take-off!

Thinking of this, Chu Dingyuan was very excited.

He held Lin Yuan's hand tightly and said, "Tell me! What to do! I'll help you! I'll solve all the problems above. Compared with nuclear fusion, those assessments are not important!"

At this moment, in Chu Dingyuan's eyes, he was sure that Lin Yuan could create nuclear fusion.

Because, his dream is nuclear fusion.

But Lin Yuan's dream is black impermanence, and Lin Yuan has already made two solid footprints on his dream.

Lin Yuan even invented the ultra-sci-fi technology of consciousness transcoding.

Controllable nuclear fusion, this kind of theory is infinitely rich, and there are only a few difficult technologies left, how can it not be overcome?

Chu Dingyuan's excitement exceeded Li Guangrong and Lin Yuan's expectations.

Li Guangrong also said: "Professor Chu, this time the military industry reform has been issued an iron order, are you sure you want to talk about it?"

Chu Dingyuan laughed: "Hahaha! Lao Li, you don't understand technology, and you don't know the country's strategic direction. If Lin Yuan speaks now, he will definitely be able to create nuclear fusion! Don't talk about military industry reform!"

"At least 10% of the resources in the military industry of the entire Dragon Kingdom can be transferred to No. 0! Do you understand?"

"And this is just a preliminary test. If he comes up with something, or even the experiment is successful, there will only be more!"

Hearing this, Li Guangrong felt his head go blank.

Ten percent of resources, what a concept! And this is just the initial resources!

In an instant, Lin Yuan was like an ingot shining with golden light in front of Li Guangrong.

Lin Yuan hesitated.

Chu Yurong and Luo Shengli are a little difficult for him to deal with. If he sets up a scientific research team, or even a large-scale scientific research project with a unit of hundreds or thousands of people, he probably will blow his head off.

Furthermore, taking Lin Yaoguang as an example, their team has not yet figured out the consciousness transcoding technology.

Nuclear fusion technology, let others learn, and help yourself. With this time, I can rub several black impermanences with my hands.

Lin Yuan said: "Professor Chu, don't get excited, resources are not important, we'll proceed step by step, don't make such a sensation."

Chu Dingyuan hesitated: "You mean, you have a direction, but you are not sure?"

Lin Yuan said: "That's it. I'll study it slowly. If there is any progress, I will contact you first. High and low, I will make a nuclear bomb first, won't I?"

Chu Dingyuan nodded slightly: "Yes, you are more thoughtful than me, and you are more convincing when you have a nuclear bomb, so the higher authorities will agree to the approval of the nuclear fusion project."

Lin Yuan was helpless, Chu Dingyuan was far behind, but he didn't intend to explain it, and when they found out, he probably did all of his black impermanence.

Chu Dingyuan said at this time: "Old Li, you go back now and adjust the monitoring. Forget it, let the whole research institute sign a confidentiality agreement directly. No one can spread the matter today!"

Li Guangrong nodded.

Later, Chu Dingyuan talked with Lin Yuan about a lot of theories related to nuclear fission and fusion, and found that Lin Yuan's understanding was much deeper than his own, so he left with confidence.

However, while walking on the road, Chu Dingyuan kept thinking about how Lin Yuan would solve the problem of temperature and pressure.

With a reaction temperature of 100 million degrees, does the Underworld have this kind of technology?

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