Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 55: Chu Dingyuan: I'm Going To Work Under Lin Yuan!

"What's going on? We still have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. I don't even know what happened?"

Wang Liang looked at the A4 fax in his hand and was confused. He had just done a good job in the experiment, and was pulled out to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

He didn't understand it at all, so he had to ask.

Although a confidentiality agreement has to be signed, internally, this matter can still be communicated.

Zheng Rong on the side raised his mouth and said: "It is said that Lin Yuan has left the customs, and the people in the dormitory went to watch, and then saw Lin Yuan pretending to be a ghost to find inspiration. Signed a confidentiality agreement."

Wang Liang:? ? ?

What kind of underworld operation is this?

"Old Lin is on the road to the underworld, gone forever!"

Li Guoqiang sighed and signed without any hesitation.

Zhang He: "By the way, what is this will-o'-the-wisp? Didn't he say that he wants to build a nuclear bomb? A will-o'-the-wisp nuclear bomb?"

Zheng Rong shook his head: "Probably not. Some researchers who came back later found abnormal itching in the eyes, mouth and nose. They suspected that there was ammonia in the will-o'-the-wisp."

Wang Liang was startled: "Isn't this a nuclear fusion material?"

Zheng Rong nodded: "That's right, the most important thing is that the research team engaged in artillery next door, didn't they set up an energy-sensing device, and they stayed in the dormitory. When they went back, they found that the device had called the police! Instantaneous energy level, already surpassing 100mm artillery!"

Li Guoqiang was speechless: "Damn it! You won't make a hydrogen bomb for him! This is a bit awesome!"

The rest of the people were also shocked.

Although Lin Yuan's life is a bit better, his skills are definitely not there.

This front foot is still saying that he is pretending to be a ghost. The next moment, he directly leapfrogged a generation of nuclear bomb technology and directly engaged in fusion nuclear bombs.

Beyond the underworld? The more awesome it is!

Every researcher who signed the confidentiality agreement thought so in his heart.

And Lin Yuan, who was resting on the bed in the dormitory, looked happy at the soaring research and development progress of [Tianxia Taiping].

Although the event this time did not spread to the entire research institute, through the confidentiality agreement, it was widely spread. Except for logistics, almost everyone provided an underworld evaluation.

The research and development progress of [Tianxia Taiping] has broken through from 1986 days to 1451 days!

In the final progress, Lin Yuan intends to clear the entire Mushroom Cloud at one time, and checkout is not a problem.

the other side.

A voice of doubt came from Chu Dingyuan's office.

"What? Want the two of us to learn nuclear fusion knowledge and theory?"

Luo Shengli looked confused and puzzled.

Chu Yurong was even more surprised. Didn't she remember that she came to assist Lin Yuan in learning nuclear technology?

Now, Lin Yuan doesn't talk about it when he sees it, but he has to learn it himself.

Chu Dingyuan nodded: "That's right, I can't say the specific reason, anyway, you should learn first, especially the theoretical knowledge in the field of controllable nuclear fusion."

"Anyway, there is nothing wrong with Tenglong No. 1. You two will be transferred back to Dragon Star sooner or later. If you don't study this, why don't you go back to earn money?"

Luo Shengli nodded slightly. He and Chu Yurong didn't specialize in nuclear energy in the first place, they were born out of nuclear bombs.

There is a position in Tenglong 1, also because of the commonality, and its own technology is very hard, and I still have to go back to Longxing to continue researching nuclear bomb technology in the future.

However, Chu Yurong was still puzzled: "Grandpa, what about Lin Yuan? Let's leave him alone?"

Chu Dingyuan nodded: "No need."

Chu Yurong breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, she lowered her head and although she couldn't see her feet, she didn't feel any burden anymore.

"However, there may be more in the future. Of course, next time it will not be your assistants, but work under him!"

Chu Dingyuan said.

Luo Shengli and the two were shocked, and went to work under Lin Yuan? how can that be?

However, at the next moment, Chu Dingyuan said: "Even, the old man, I will go to work under him. In short, work hard, the opportunity is in front of your eyes!"

Luo Shengli, Chu Yurong:? ? ?

This time, they were completely stunned.

It might be understandable that they went to work under Lin Yuan. After all, Lin Yuan wanted to build a nuclear bomb, and they were experts in nuclear bombs, so it was no problem to help out.

However, who is Chu Dingyuan? He is currently the last 221 researcher in Longguo, and he is also a treasure in the domestic nuclear technology field.

A large part of the reason for Chu Dingyuan's retirement is because of his poor health. The country has stopped Chu Dingyuan from working in the front line, and he himself doesn't like things in the rear, so he was forced to retire. He had nothing to do, so he came to No. 0.

Now, Chu Dingyuan said that he was going to work under Lin Yuan, not to mention whether it was possible, whether the country would agree or not was a question.

Chu Yurong said: "Grandpa, let's forget about your body, build a nuclear bomb, it won't happen."

Luo Shengli didn't speak, but he also looked worried. If that time came, he would be willing to cut himself, and he would stop him!

Chu Dingyuan didn't explain much, Xiaolin didn't even hear about the nuclear bomb now, and there was no rush to talk about the controllable nuclear fusion.

When it was over, Chu Yurong and Luo Shengli walked out of the office, both preoccupied and plunged into the ocean of knowledge.

The best way to keep Chu Dingyuan from working under Lin Yuan is to improve his ability.

At this moment, they no longer cared about the fact that they were going to work under Lin Yuan.

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