Half a month later.

"Leader! The laboratory is fully completed, please check it!"

In front of a brand-new laboratory, a middle-aged man wearing a red hard hat looked at Chu Dingyuan and the others with piercing eyes.

Chu Dingyuan nodded: "Take a look first!"

Although it is a laboratory, in fact, the nuclear radiation laboratory in front of him occupies an area less than half a football field.

Of course, this laboratory is just a small laboratory in front of the Zero Research Institute, which is the size of ten bird's nests. Compared with the blasting center that occupies an area of ​​two and a half football fields, it is almost meaningless.

Of course, half of the blasting center is the experimental site.

Like a horse watching flowers, Chu Dingyuan and others completed the acceptance inspection without any problems. Li Guangrong also sent a message to Lin Yuan, asking him to come and receive the goods.

After receiving the news, Lin Yuan rushed to the scene non-stop, and checked the various facilities with a little joy.

Although, in his eyes, many facilities are "rudimentary, outdated" and even useless, but Lin Yuan is still very happy.

This should be a fairly high level in the Long National Nuclear Laboratory specifications.

"How about it?"

Chu Dingyuan asked.

Lin Yuan nodded: "It's okay, I'm very satisfied!"

Chu Dingyuan nodded with satisfaction: "Then work hard and try to build the nuclear bomb as soon as possible! I'll let Yurong and Shengli come to your subordinates to do odd jobs. If there is any dirty work, just let them do it!"

Chu Yurong and Luo Shengli behind him nodded their heads as a greeting.

Lin Yuan nodded: "Good!"

During the past half month, Lin Yuan was like a sponge, constantly absorbing and mastering nuclear-related technologies in his mind, and at the same time learning the nuclear technologies of the current world.

It can be said that as long as conditions permit, rubbing a nuclear bomb with one hand is not a problem.

As for Chu Yurong and the other two, just let them play around.

There are still two months left before the assessment. There is not much time left. He has to start work as soon as possible!

Lin Yuan made up his mind and said: "Deputy office! Let the warehouse manager bring in all the materials now, I will start work today! Try to listen to it for half a month!"

Li Guangrong nodded quickly.

Chu Dingyuan looked delighted: "Okay! It is to have this kind of drive! Very energetic."

Chu Yurong and Luo Shengli looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

It’s actually not difficult to listen to it for half a month. At present, the mainstream nuclear factories in Longguo generally take about ten days to make a nuclear warhead.

However, this is also based on mature workers and mature assembly lines.

Right now, this is just a laboratory, without an assembly line, so it would take half a year for them to rub nuclear bombs with their hands, and the top skilled workers in Eagle Sauce.

Lin Yuan said something, can you hear it in half a month?

Probably, the results will be produced in five days, then go to the factory to start work, and then ship in ten days, and go to the field for experiments, right?

However, they didn't care anymore, as long as Chu Dingyuan didn't go to the front line, he could do whatever he wanted. If he really couldn't, they built a nuclear bomb themselves and let Lin Yuan hear it.

Here, the warehouse manager's logistics has put all the materials in the designated location, and the report has been completed with Chu Dingyuan and Li Guangrong.

During this time, He Kangguo was not around.

Chu Dingyuan was the only person to talk, and he said with confidence: "Okay, it's getting late, you should do your research well, and if you need anything, just ask Yu Rong and the others."

Lin Yuan nodded, looked at Chu Yurong and the two and said, "Let's start working!"

The three walked into the laboratory, and Chu Dingyuan took Li Guangrong to leave, explaining again and again: "Old Li, you can contact Long Xing now and ask him to help apply for a test site."

Li Guangrong nodded.

at the same time.

Inside the nuclear laboratory.

Chu Yurong was the first to speak: "Lin Yuan's research... Team Leader Lin Yuan, where do we start?"

Lin Yuan waved his hand and said, "Don't you guys still have studies, just study hard, I'm enough for myself!"

Chu Yurong and Luo Shengli:? ? ?

We study hard?

Did you play house at that time, can you make a nuclear bomb by yourself?

Luo Shengli couldn't bear it anymore. He said with a serious face: "Leader Lin, building a nuclear bomb is no joke."

Lin Yuan nodded: "I know, so I said you should study hard, the nuclear bomb I made is a little different, I can do it alone."

After speaking, Lin Yuan got into the isolation room.

For a while, Luo Shengli and the two were speechless.


How is it different?

Is it true that Lin Yuan is going to make a black impermanence nuclear bomb as rumored in the research institute?

They didn't know what to say, they looked at each other, and they were ready to start Plan B, which was the backup plan.

To prevent the failure of Lin Yuan's experiment, Chu Dingyuan personally went to the field to give counseling, and they were going to make a spare tire nuclear bomb.

Fortunately, the laboratory is large enough, well-equipped, and has sufficient resources and materials. Both sides work with their heads buried in each other without interfering with each other.

Outside the nuclear laboratory, the researchers of the Zero Research Institute also got the news that Lin Yuan entered the nuclear laboratory for retreat.

Everyone is looking forward to whether Lin Yuan can create a nuclear bomb, and when can he hear that sound and see that mushroom.

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