Half a month later.

In a nuclear laboratory.

Luo Shengli looked at the quality data in the separator in front of him, and sighed: "Very good! The progress is very successful, not bad! Yurong, the technology has been improving recently!"

Chu Yurong smiled slightly: "It's the latest learning achievement."

Luo Shengli nodded: "As expected of a little genius, let's take out the nuclear material inside and start making nuclear warheads!"

Chu Yurong nodded, and the two started working immediately.

In the past half a month, they finally completed the first step in the production of nuclear bombs, which is to make nuclear materials for explosions.

The principle of fission bombs is actually very simple. It is to continuously increase the mass of uranium 235 to a certain height. After reaching a sufficient mass, a fission reaction will occur. According to Einstein's mass-energy equation, a huge amount of energy will be released during this reaction. , the so-called nuclear explosion.

Now, Chu Yurong and the two have already produced super-enriched uranium 235, a nuclear material that has reached the mass critical point.

This time, due to the limited equipment and hand rubbing nuclear bombs, they could only make the earliest implosion atomic bombs.

That is, the main charge of uranium 235 is placed in the ring of the neutron source, and the surrounding high explosive is used as a propellant to extrude uranium 235 to form supercritical nuclear fission material to detonate.

However, the next work is not something that the two of them can complete. They need the help of the nuclear factory to complete the follow-up work such as loading ammunition and ammunition.

"In the name of Lin Yuan, contact 902, they are in Sichuan Province!"

Luo Shengli said.

Chu Yurong nodded. As Chu Dingyuan's granddaughter, and a successor to her family, she has a wide network of contacts. Nuclear bases across the country are open to her. Of course, she has to apply.

Base 902 is a nuclear base in Sichuan Province.

The phone was being dialed, and soon the news reached Chu Dingyuan's office.

Chu Dingyuan was beside the fax machine, and the A4 paper suddenly came out, with a confused expression on his face: "It's strange!"

Lin Yuan wondered, "What's wrong?"

Chu Dingyuan looked at Lin Yuan suspiciously and said, "Didn't you say that your hydrogen bomb was made with the help of Yu Rong and the others?"


Lin Yuan nodded with some guilty conscience. In fact, during this period of time, in order to prevent being affected, he worked in ghost clothes all the time, and Chu Yurong and the others didn't even see anyone.

Chu Dingyuan said: "However, I haven't found 902 for the loading wire. They told me that you are applying for fission charge? Could it be that you made two bombs in fifteen days?"

Lin Yuan was confused, he didn't do it! Could it be that it was Chu Yurong and the others?

Looking at Lin Yuan's expression, Chu Dingyuan knew what was going on in an instant. He shook his head and said, "Forget it, you boy. I'll take care of it."

half an hour later.

Chu Yurong and Luo Shengli came to the office and looked at Lin Yuan in astonishment.

They never expected that during these fifteen days, Lin Yuan not only rubbed the raw materials for the small nuclear bomb that detonated the hydrogen bomb, but also rubbed the raw materials for the hydrogen bomb.

The speed is more than twice as fast as them.

The key is...

Chu Yurong asked with a look of incomprehension: "Only the two of us use the centrifuge. How do you make nuclear materials?"

Luo Shengli also realized the seriousness of the problem, and muttered to himself: "That's right!"

On the other hand, Chu Dingyuan was dumbfounded.

Lin Yuan did not use a centrifuge, purely rubbed the nuclear material of the small nuclear bomb, and the raw material of the hydrogen bomb?

What the hell is this?

He said seriously: "Yu Rong, are you sure you are the only ones using the centrifuge?"

Chu Yurong nodded: "Yes, the operation records on the central control are only mine and Uncle Luo's, not Lin Yuan's."

Luo Shengli was curious: "So, how did you separate and extract?"

As soon as this remark came out, the three of them looked at Lin Yuan curiously.

Lin Yuan spread his hands: "Barehands, it's like doing a chemical experiment."

Three people: ...

It's outrageous!

Uranium 235 can also be extracted with bare hands!

In natural uranium ore, there is only about 0.7% uranium 235. With the current industrial technology, only large centrifuges can complete the extraction of enriched uranium 235.

However, the electricity consumed by the extraction is longer than the electricity generated by the fission of the extracted nuclear material.

This is why it is easy to discover the privately developed nuclear bomb, and the abnormal power consumption is too obvious.

However, Lin Yuan in front of him said that he extracted the raw materials with his bare hands, just like doing a chemical experiment.

Although this is indeed an experiment of chemical principles, it is completely different from the chemical experiments in junior high and high school classrooms.

"how did you do that?"

Chu Yurong asked excitedly, if this technology can be popularized, Longguo's nuclear technology will definitely rise to a higher level.

Lin Yuan shook his head: "This is confidential, your authority may not be enough."

Chu Yurong's expression froze.

Chu Dingyuan also reacted at this time, and said seriously: "You two, just pretend that nothing happened today."

Chu Yurong and Luo Shengli nodded slightly. They have a high level of secrecy and are very familiar with these matters.

Lin Yuan said: "Professor, hurry up and get in touch, and strive for an early test explosion!"

Immediately, the three of them were all looking forward to it. What would be the effect of a single-handed hydrogen bomb?

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