Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 78: The Awarding Ceremony! Military-Level Treatment! Arrived At The Candle Dragon Research C

Ten days have passed since the electromagnetic rifle test.

The enthusiasm about the military exhibition in the new era is also getting smaller and smaller. With the gossip news of a few Internet celebrities and fresh meat, it gradually fades out of people's sight.

Of course, this does not mean that the matter is over.

In fact, all countries are working hard and frantically carrying out research and development work, and everyone wants to become the country that sets the standard at the New Era Military Exhibition in June.

In addition, Dr. Jones has also started research work. These days, he has found some clues and started some experiments, and the results are very gratifying.

According to him, within a year, he will be able to find out the core technology of the Longguolie Substation.

And here at Laboratory Zero.

Lin Yuan finally finished his work in the nuclear laboratory, and Chu Dingyuan, Chu Yurong and others were able to independently produce [Tianxia Taiping] and some [Technical Black Impermanence].

Some necessary components for the remaining orders, Lin Yuan also worked overtime during the ten days, and made them early.

He can leave here and start a new research and development job.

In the past ten days, Lin Yuan has completed the selection of talents. Together with the team formed by the country, all 1,500 scientific researchers of the [Ghost Candle Dragon] project team are in place.

However, the only wasteland left in No. 0 Research Institute is not enough to meet Lin Yuan's experimental requirements.

This time, Lin Yuan needs to go to the deep mountains of the Three Gorges, where there is a new underground experimental base built by the state.

But before that, Lin Yuan is going to Kyoto.

After the final discussion above, Lin Yuan's remuneration, military rank and position have undergone brand-new changes, and he will go to Kyoto to confer the rank.

Lin Yuan felt the change in treatment when he set off.

Kunpeng personally picked him up, got off the plane, and saw Lei Qiangjun waiting on the tarmac of the military airport.

Taking the armed transport vehicle, Lei Qiangjun drove the driveway: "I will not be your chief in the future! Lin Yuan Tongzhi, please give me your advice!"

Lin Yuan was a little surprised when he heard this: "My rank of "473" is higher than yours?"

Lei Qiangjun shook his head: "Isn't that right, you are equal, and you are also a major general with real power, and you even have more power than me in some respects."

Lin Yuan was slightly taken aback.

He himself did not expect that his military rank had reached the level of a regular army, and his power was even greater than that of Lei Qiangjun.

These things are not very important to him, so he was only slightly surprised, and it was flat.

Lei Qiangjun on the side, watching Lin Yuan's expression change, sighed: "So calm? Your mentality is rare in the whole country."

Lin Yuan wondered: "Then what am I going to do? Like an upstart?"

Lei Qiang's military music: "At least be more excited."

Lin Yuan shook his head: "These things are not as interesting as scientific research."

Lei Qiangjun was taken aback, and joked: "That's true, your underworld inventions are more interesting than each other.

Lin Yuan laughed.

Chatting idlely, the two quickly left the military area, passed through the fast track, and came to the great hall.

Stepping out of the transport vehicle, Lin Yuan couldn't help but become solemn when he saw the majestic and majestic Great Hall and the national emblem shining brightly under the sun in the center.

Lei Qiangjun said: "Let's go, everyone is waiting for you, everyone has time this time!"

Lin Yuan nodded. Originally, the conferment ceremony had been notified a few days ago, but the nuclear laboratory still had work to do, which has been delayed until now.

On the contrary, it is also a good thing, because today happens to be easier for everyone.

Walking into the Great Hall, Lin Yuan felt a strong air pressure.

At this moment, the eyes of everyone in the room were all on him.

Facing the stares of these people, Lin Yuan showed no stage fright at all. Instead, he straightened his back involuntarily, and walked towards his position confidently.

Immediately, everyone gave approving glances. As an ordinary person, in such a situation, let alone walking, they might not even be able to stand firmly.

Lei Qiangjun followed Lin Yuan, and sighed for a while. Lin Yuan's psychological quality is really good. When he first encountered this scene, he was a little at a loss, but Lin Yuan was not at all.

At this time, it wasn't just someone who said, "Welcome our heroes!"

The voice fell, and the applause was thunderous.

After a while, everyone was seated.

The host also stepped onto the stage and began to read the opening remarks. There was nothing else in this meeting. The main content was to award Lin Yuan a title, so all the content revolved around Lin Yuan's great achievements.

Soon, the host said: "Now, Major Lin Yuan, please come on stage and accept the award!"

The applause sounded again, and Lin Yuan took the stage.

The host said: "Please award the title to the leader Lin Yuan!"

Under the stage, beside the main seat, Lei Qiangjun in green military uniform stood up, took the military green ties of the staff, and walked slowly in front of Lin Yuan.

At the same time, the military song sounded, Lei Qiangjun and Lin Yuan solemnly swore an oath, and then Lei Qiangjun began the awarding ceremony.


Lei Qiangjun patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder, pressed the new epaulettes, and said with a smile: "Good boy! From now on, we will be on equal footing! I don't know how long, I will call you chief!

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Thank you, Chief!"

Lei Qiangjun laughed, it was very useful.

After the conferment was over, after Lin Yuan took a group photo, he was dragged into a long talk for a long time.

One person said: "Lin Yuan, regarding the Candle Dragon project, what other requirements do you have, tell us, and we will definitely satisfy you as much as possible!"

When Lin Yuan was asked what help he needed, Lin Yuan faced everyone's eager eyes and said embarrassedly: "Speaking of which, I do have a request."

Someone said: "You just say it! As long as the country can satisfy it, it will be satisfied every day!"

Lin Yuan said: "I have finished reading all the supernatural novels and folktales of the No. 0 Research Institute. I hope the country can help me collect some materials. It is best to be an ancient book, a rare copy, or an authentic work!"

Everyone was stunned. They all knew that the inspiration for Lin Yuan's R&D came from the underworld, but on this occasion, isn't it a bit wasteful for Lin Yuan to make such a request?

Someone wondered: "Are you sure?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "Yes, these materials can provide me with more inspiration!"


They never thought that the help Lin Yuan needed was for them to collect stories from the underworld.

Several people exchanged glances, unified their opinions, and agreed. Lin Yuan asked: "Okay! The country will definitely support you with all its strength!"

Lin Yuan quickly thanked him.

The state affairs were busy, and everyone said some hope to Lin Yuan, and then ended the conversation.

Lin Yuan left the compound and boarded the transport vehicle of the Fuqiang army.

"How, what did you talk about? I haven't gone in and chatted for a long time."

Lei Qiangjun joked.

Anyway, it wasn't a confidential conversation, Lin Yuan simply said the content of the chat, and Lei Qiangjun was astonished when he heard it.

He was surprised: "You asked them to help you collect stories from the underworld?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

Lei Qiangjun shouted: "What a waste of money! Do you know how many high-level executives want your chance, and you waste it so much?"

Lin Yuan took it for granted: "This is such a waste! If I find more authentic ancient books, the more inspirations I will have, and the more powerful inventions I will make! What do you know?"

Lei Qiangjun was speechless.

This is really the truth. Just thinking about it carefully, I still feel that it is outrageous. There is no need to ask them for such a thing.

"It's still a bit of a waste."

Lei Qiangjun sighed.

Lin Yuan joked: "Then if it was given to you, what would you ask for?"

Lei Qiangjun said: "I mentioned it, I said that I don't want to retreat to the rear, I just want to die in the front line.

Lin Yuan was touched when he heard the words, and sighed: "You are a man! But with me here, you will definitely not die."

Lei Qiangjun didn't believe it: "Pull it down, you are not the reincarnation of Hua Tuo, let alone die on the battlefield, when you come to rescue, your body will be cold, this is the fate of our soldiers "You don't need to comfort me."

Lin Yuan was not answering, but in his heart he put the research and development of [Human Flesh and Bones] on the agenda.

After many times of research and development, he now has a new understanding of the system's research and development template.

For example, the research and development of [Tianxia Taiping] is not only the technology of controllable nuclear fusion, but also many technologies in the nuclear field, and these technologies can be used.

Then [Living Dead Human Flesh and White Bones], a technology that exists in the frying pan hell, must also have a technology similar to medical functions.

Although the effect of "living dead flesh and bones" cannot be achieved, it must be possible to achieve rapid healing and rebirth of severed limbs, right?

However, the research and development time of [Living Dead Human Flesh and Bones] is the same as [Ghost Candle Dragon], which is also 10,000 days.

The top priority is to get the [Ghost Candle Dragon] out first.

After arriving at the airport, Lin Yuan took a military transport plane to the Three Gorges, escorted by Flying Wolf of the Shadow Wolf Brigade and his team members.

It was already afternoon when we arrived at the Three Gorges.

Under the escort of the local military, Lin Yuan arrived at the "Zhulong Research Center" non-stop. At the entrance of the underground base, Lin Xuan met the temporary person in charge.

Lin Xiao, the deputy chief engineer of Longguo Aviation Center, greeted him with a smile on his face: "Boss Lin, welcome to your arrival! Everyone is waiting for you!"

Lin Yuan looked at the person in front of him, feeling a little familiar, and asked curiously, "Are you the chief engineer of Nan Lin...?"

Lin Xiaodao: "Oh, that's my brother, and my brother told me to take care of you."

Lin Yuan suddenly realized that it was so.

Lin Xiao said again: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Lin Xiao, the deputy chief engineer of Longguo Aviation Center, and now I am your right-hand man [Deputy Director of Candle Dragon Research Center]

Lin Yuan asked: "You are the left arm, who is the right arm?"

Lin Xiaodao: "It's your steward of life."

Lin Yuan was slightly taken aback: "Ah? I still have a housekeeper?"

Lin Xiao said seriously: "According to the research report submitted by No. 0 Research Institute, it was found that you have very bad research habits!"

"For your health and safety considerations, the organization dispatched a nutrition team from the nursing home to escort your safety throughout the process."

Lin Yuan:…………

Then someone is staring at me, how can I work in the underworld!

He said sternly: "Deputy Director Lin, you are a scientific researcher, you know it very well! When someone is inspired, how can I care about taking a break! Their behavior will greatly affect my scientific research speed!"

However, Lin Xiao shrugged and said: "I'm sorry, chief, I can't control this matter, you may consider negotiating with your life steward......

Lin Yuan heard the words, so he had no choice but to give up, and had to have a good chat with the housekeeper when he went back.

He opened his mouth loudly: "Go down first, don't keep everyone waiting for too long!"

Lin Xiao nodded, opened the elevator, and led Lin Yuan into the elevator.

After the elevator entered the underground, Lin Yuan saw a very familiar and friendly scene through the transparent glass of the elevator, which surprised him a little.

Lin Xiao explained in a timely manner: "In order to ensure the status of your scientific research, Chief, the National Construction Institute specially built the Zhulong Research Center according to the layout of No. 0."

“Dormitory buildings, medical centers,

The cafeteria, the central square, and even the director's office are all exactly the same!"

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

He looked along the buildings one by one, and the central square was already full of people, who should be all the members of the Candle Dragon Research Center who were waiting for him.

Soon, the elevator arrived underground.

Lin Xiao led Lin Yuan towards the central square.

Immediately, a sharp-eyed person noticed the arrival of the two, and immediately shouted: "The director is here!"

It immediately caused a commotion, and countless people looked sideways at it.

"Damn it! Is the director so young?"

"Really, this is Lin Yuan who created controllable nuclear fusion? Isn't this too young?"

"The boss is a little handsome."

"If I hadn't signed the non-disclosure agreement, I would have thought it was a dream."

"You're so young, it's better to have us!"

"How to say?"

"He is young, he can endure, and he will give you the whole high-intensity overtime, who can stand it?"

"That's right, hey, it doesn't matter! It's a big deal! As long as this project can be done! It's worth it!"

Every researcher present has signed a confidentiality agreement and is fully aware of the project that the Candle Dragon Research Center is responsible for this time.

An aerospace strategic weapon project comparable to the Nantianmen Project, they want to build the dragon of the Dragon Kingdom!

When they knew about this project, they were very excited and felt very lucky to be selected to participate.

After entering the underground center, they also learned about their director's resume through Lin Xiao's deputy office.

The developer of Longguo's controllable nuclear fusion!

This news is beyond everyone's expectation. No one knows that Longguo has developed controllable nuclear fusion!

However, thinking of the clean fission power station that has been making a lot of noise recently, they also realized that Longguo has really produced controllable nuclear fusion!

This is something they didn't even dare to think about, but under the leadership of one person, Longguo researched it.

For a while, all the researchers were very curious about their mysterious directors, whether they were male or female, what they looked like, their temper, and their personality.

They are very curious about everything about Lin Yuan.

Today, they were notified that the director had completed the finishing work on the controllable nuclear fusion and would arrive at the research center today.

Everyone was very excited, waiting nervously and excitedly in the central square.

However, when Lin Xiao showed up with Lin Yuan, no one expected that this handsome young guy was actually their director.

No 3.5 No one doubts, because Lin Xiao can go up to greet him in person, and let Lin Xiao fall into a position.

It can only be their strengths.

And, when Lin Xiao brought Lin Yuan to stand on the stage, he said: "Everyone! Applause welcomes the chief engineer, chief designer, and chief conductor of our Candle Dragon Research Center! Chief Lin Yuan

At this moment, no one has any doubts!


There was thunderous applause and cheers.

"Welcome to Lin Suo!"

"Chief, I love you!"

"Lin Suo is awesome!"


Seeing that Lin Yuan was so young, some young researchers became bold and cheered unscrupulously.

Lin Xiao was a little displeased, the atmosphere was not very good.

However, Lin Yuan on the side said: "Not bad, very energetic! I hope everyone can maintain this enthusiasm and positive attitude in the days to come!"

The crowd shouted again.

"Absolute enthusiasm! Absolute positivity!"

"As long as you have a breath! Then never give up!"

"We will treat the next work with the highest ideal of life!"

"Follow the instructions of the head of discipline!"

"Must complete the task!"

Lin Xiao on the side also said: "Lin Suo, don't worry, you don't have to question everyone's enthusiasm for research and development, they are all good!"

Lin Yuan nodded. After all, most of them were selected by him, and they were all people with a positive attitude and a good attitude.

But he reminded again: "I believe in everyone's enthusiasm, but I still have to say something! The research and development work in the future may be a bit of a hell, everyone must persevere!"

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

Some underworld? What kind of underworld method?

However, Lin Xiao's heart skipped a beat. He suddenly thought of a sentence his elder brother said: "Lin Yuan is a person who is not capable, but there is some hell, you have to be mentally prepared!"

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