Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 79: Beautiful Housekeeper? Space Carrier? The First Batch Of Underworld Ancient Books!

After the brief meeting.

Lin Yuan followed Lin Xiao to his office and began to arrange related experimental projects.

During this period of time, he collected a lot of research and development progress in the No. 0 Research Institute, a total of 705 days.

All of them are used to speed up [Ghost Candle Dragon], and preliminary progress has been made, which can be distributed to various technical groups according to different contents.

Lin Xiao took the USB flash drive that Lin Yuan had sorted out, and after checking it on the computer, he was a little shaken.

The contents in the USB flash drive, whether it is aerodynamics or composite materials, are all very detailed. Lin Yuan has even prepared the scientific research direction, ideas, related technologies and plans.

Lin Xiao sighed: "I can't believe it, you were still on the zero side, responsible for the production of controllable nuclear fusion, and the workload involved, you spent a lot of time."

Out of surprise, Lin Xiao even used honorifics.

Lin Yuan said lightly: "Not much, just stayed up for three days without sleep."


I haven't slept for three days. Is this what people say?

Doing a project plan, also so hell?

Lin Yuan looked at the research and development progress minus five days, and the corner of his mouth hooked slightly.

He said: "I have given you all the plans. Tomorrow morning, I hope to see every technical team and come up with their plans! Within three days, I hope to see the preliminary research and development results! Do you have any questions?"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth, originally he wanted to say that it was a bit difficult.

The plan is easy, but the research and development results will be produced within three days, which is really embarrassing.

After all, even if Lin Yuan's prepared plan is exhaustive, the researchers still need a buffer time.

However, thinking of the plan that Lin Yuan had prepared in three days all night, he could only grit his teeth and say, "No problem! If there is a problem, we have to solve it!"

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Very good! Then I'll go back to the dormitory first! If you have any technical problems, just call me."

Lin Xiao nodded. Before he came, the organization told himself that Lin Yuan likes to do research and development by himself in the dormitory, so that he should not ask too much.

However, he still reminded: "The director, your housekeeper, is waiting for you in your dormitory.

Lin Yuan was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile, "Okay!"

After speaking, Lin Yuan walked towards his dormitory. Indeed, as Lin Xiao said, this place was completely built according to the style of No. 0.

Even the location of his own dormitory is exactly the same, but it has changed from the original three-bedroom small room to a single-family villa.

This is the first time Lin Yuan has seen the underground villa.

After scanning his fingerprints and entering the bright hall, Lin Yuan took a deep breath.

"You can rest assured that the deep cleaning work has been carried out here, and there will be no trace of formaldehyde residue.

An intellectual female voice sounded.

Lin Yuan turned around slightly, and saw a beautiful woman in a professional OL suit standing gracefully in the living room, watering the green plants with a shower.

He tentatively asked, "Are you my housekeeper?"

The beautiful woman nodded: "Yes! Director Lin! Hello, my name is Zhuang Mengyao, your housekeeper, life assistant in any sense!"

Lin Yuan was stunned: "In any sense? True or false?"

Zhuang Mengyao nodded again: "Yes! If you have any needs, you can tell me."

Lin Yuan was in a daze. At first, he was really an assistant who managed his schedule and health, but now it seems that something is not quite right.

This Zhuang Mengyao, no matter in terms of appearance or figure, is too attractive.

Why did the higher authorities arrange this kind of personnel for themselves?

He said righteously: "You tell the higher-ups that I am not close to women, and women will only affect the speed of my scientific research. You should go home."

Zhuang Mengyao was slightly taken aback, covered her mouth with a smile, and explained: "Director Lin, you made a mistake! I don't deserve your genes, and I'm really your steward of life.

Lin Yuan was dumbfounded.

After another explanation, Lin Yuan finally figured out that Zhuang Mengyao is indeed his life steward.

Before that, Zhuang Mengyao was the deputy director and nutritionist of Nanhai Nursing Home, and she was recommended to take care of Lin Yuan because of her good care of the elderly.

But there are also people who worry that Zhuang Mengyao is like a deadly explosive to a young guy like Lin Yuan, ready to detonate at any time.

For this reason, the higher authorities issued repeated orders not to allow Zhuang Mengyao to have too much close contact with Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan asked: "So, you still live next door? In addition to cooking for me on weekdays, you only supervise me for inspections?"

Zhuang Mengyao nodded: "Of course, I also want to remind you to rest."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan heaved a sigh of relief. Lin Xiao said it in a serious manner, making him think that a supervisor came, but now it seems that at most it is a nanny.

He said: "In this case, then you go out, I have my own things to do."

Zhuang Mengyao nodded and left the dormitory.

Lin Yuan started his own R&D work.

Until late at night, apart from delivering meals twice, Zhuang Mengyao only sent Lin Yuan a message to remind her to sleep.

And when Lin Yuan returned to the dormitory.

On Lin Xiao's side, the team leaders of each team were also called to the office, and the plans made by Lin Yuan were distributed to them.

When the team leaders saw such a detailed project plan, they all sighed.

"Is this what it feels like to be led by a boss?"

"It's amazing, even the technology has been written, we just need to study it and make it into a finished product!"

"My God! Deputy Lin, when I was working in the space center, why didn't you give us this kind of project plan?"

A team leader who used to work with Lin Xiao joked.

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "It's very simple, there is only one Director Lin! You should seize the opportunity now! Do you understand?"

Everyone said in unison: "Understood!"

Lin Xiao said again: "Don't be too happy too early. Director Lin said that you need to make the plans of each group before breakfast tomorrow, and he needs to see the preliminary research and development results in three days! There is a problem ?"

When everyone heard the words, their faces turned bitter, as expected, there is nothing to worry about, there is no price.

However, this is also a challenge, which they readily accept.

The next day, Lin Yuan came to Lin Xiao's office after eating the breakfast prepared by Zhuang Mengyao, and saw several team leaders with dark circles under their eyes.

Lin Yuan sighed: "Hey! I don't even have time to rest, and you all rush to play?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Cen Wenrui, the leader of the aerodynamics team, said, "Boss, aren't we staying up all night to catch up on the proposal?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "Very good!"

With a word of encouragement, Lin Yuan looked at the proposals that everyone had made.

It has to be said that the technicians in the Candle Dragon R&D Center are all the top scientific researchers in the Dragon Country.

As the team leaders of these people, all of them are talents who have experienced at least A-level confidential research and development projects.

The plan they made, even if it was rushed out overnight, can be said to be perfect.

Under everyone's expectant eyes, Lin Yuan nodded and said, "That's right! Let's do it like this."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Xiao asked at this time: "Lin Suo, I read all your project plans last night, and found that your work was not mentioned in it! Can you tell us about it?"

The rest of the people were also very curious about what Lin Yuan would be responsible for here.

Lin Yuan said: "Shenlong can fly, of course it's not that simple, I'm in charge of the research and development of the anti-gravity device 557!"

When Lin Xiao and the others heard the words, their hearts were so shaken that they were speechless for a while.

Anti-gravity device, this is a super-black technology that exists in science fiction works. So far, this kind of device does not even exist in applied theory.

Can this thing be developed?

At this time, Cen Wenrui asked curiously: "Boss, why don't we build an aerospace carrier? Isn't this also possible to achieve sky dominance?"

Lin Yuan shook his head: "Then I won't do it, there is nothing new, the guardian of the ghost world, isn't Torch Dragon handsome? Doing this will give me inspiration!"

Everyone: ………

Do you have to be in the underworld for your inspiration?

Gradually, everyone began to understand the meaning of what Lin Yuan said yesterday.

From this moment on, the research and development work of Zhulong R&D Center has officially entered the right track.

three days later.

Lin Yuan came to the experimental building of the research center and checked the results of the project, and the results are gratifying!

Every technical group has performed exceptionally and exceeded their research and development progress.

This made Lin Yuan very happy, since Chu Dingyuan handed over his knowledge about the nuclear field to himself last time.

Lin Yuan is here in the system, and has obtained a new way to increase research and development progress.

That is to absorb the existing knowledge. Right now, the research and development results of these technical groups have provided him with varying research and development progress.

Immediately, Lin Yuan sorted out the new tasks and issued them again.

However, he found that these three days of high-intensity research and development had made the big guy a little depressed.

"I can't go on like this, I have to find a way to cheer them up!"

Lin Yuan thought about it.

At this time, he received a message from Zhuang Mengyao.

The first batch of underworld ancient books have arrived!.

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