Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 80: Invention Of Laws [Bai Wuchang]! Magical Artifact [Weeping Stick]!

Lin Yuan, who received the news, contacted Zhuang Mengyao immediately and asked him to send the ancient books.

Zhuang Mengyao looked at Lin Yuan as if he had found a treasure, leaving with the file box in his arms, with a strange expression on his face.

The director of my own family seems a little strange.

Apart from research and development, he doesn't seem to have too many hobbies, so he managed to show one.

Did you watch a story from the afterlife?

Moreover, from the mouths of some researchers in the past three days, she learned that the research and development project of this research center is to develop the legendary guardian of the ghost world [Candle Dragon].

Could it be that Lin Yuan reads these underworld stories just to find inspiration? Or even engage in research and development?

But what brain circuit is this?

Can unnatural phenomena also be used as a boost to scientific research?

Zhuang Mengyao fell into deep doubts.

And in the house.

Lin Yuan opened the file box, looking at the ancient books full of simplicity, his heart was extremely excited.

Since the last conferring ceremony, the country has introduced a policy to collect all kinds of spiritual anecdotes.

Moreover, it is still a high price.

This is countless times more than just giving a pennant in the past, and someone will respond immediately.

Even, there are some collectors.

After all, this kind of novel story is still an ancient book with supernatural themes, and its collection value is not that high.

What is in this file box right now is the first batch of ancient books that have been collected and confirmed to be genuine after screening.

Lin Yuan picked up an ancient book at random, saw that it was called "The Story of No Blame", and was about to put it down.

Technology is black and impermanent, he has already created it, and there is nothing to look at.

However, he opened it anyway, what if he found anything?

On this page, talking about Black and White Impermanence, when I went out to do errands, I met a poor family who did good deeds, but their child died young, and they didn't even have money for the coffin.

Bai Wuchang, who had made money at first sight, raised the mourning stick in his hand, waved it lightly, and brought good luck to the family, and then left with the child's soul.

Seeing this story, Lin Yuan sighed, this ghost is quite human.

Of course, what makes Lin Yuan regret the most is Bai Wuchang who wears the top hat of "make money at first sight".

On the first day of obtaining the system, he obtained Bai Wuchang's research and development template.

However, the research and development of [Bai Wuchang] is very difficult, because Bai Wuchang involves the weapon of causality!

She has the ability to generate good luck, which is directly the ability of the rule level.

If you want to make it in a scientific way, the difficulty needs to increase exponentially. Bai Wuchang's research and development time is also directly displayed as a question mark, and it is impossible to see the end.

Just when Lin Yuan was about to close the ancient book with regret, a burst of golden light suddenly lit up on the illustration of the ancient book.

Lin Yuan was slightly taken aback, he was too familiar with this golden light!

It was the golden light that obtained the research and development template, and I saw that this golden light came from the mourning stick in Bai Wuchang's hand.

Lin Yuan was overjoyed. In the template provided by the system, Bai Wuchang did not hold a magic weapon.

He immediately focused on Bai Wuchang's mourning stick.

[Weeping Stick: Consciousness interference tool, relying on powerful electromagnetic waves to change the spirit of the target, research and development time: 1 day! 】

Seeing this, Lin Yuan's heart was shocked,

Unexpectedly, this thing is really a research and development template.

The most important thing is that the research and development time of this thing only takes one day. Lin Yuan chose to research and develop without hesitation, and then used the research and development progress provided by Zhuang Mengyao just now.

After the successful research and development, Lin Yuan felt the technical knowledge he had received with a clear face.

This thing is actually very similar to the ecstasy lock.

It's just that the function of the ecstasy lock is aimed at the individual, while the mourning stick is aimed at the group.

The mourning stick is the utensil that the dutiful sons hold in their hands when they go out of the funeral. They cry and go out of the funeral again and again.

Therefore, it is called a mourning stick.

The mourning stick in Bai Wuchang's hand has the function of guiding people's spiritual and emotional changes.

After figuring out all the technology and functions, Lin Yuan's face was overjoyed. Didn't this thing perfectly solve his current problem.

At present, due to the high-intensity work, the spirit of the researchers is somewhat depressed, which is inevitable in research and development.

People cannot maintain a high-intensity working state all the time, and their spirits are always stable.

But, with a mourning stick, it's fine.

As long as a mourning stick is inserted in each laboratory, and then the electromagnetic wave is set, everyone within the range will have a positive mental state all the time!

In this way, the research and development speed of [Ghost Candle Dragon] can be accelerated by at least 10%.

Without hesitation, Lin Yuan started the research and development of [Weeping Stick]. With experience in developing [Ecstasy Lock], he produced the mourning stick in one afternoon.

Tuk tuk.

Lin Yuan was about to experiment when there was a knock on the door.

At the same time, Zhuang Mengyao's voice sounded: "Director Lin, it's time to eat!"

Lin Yuan opened the door, took the lunch box, and was about to close the door when he asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Zhuang Mengyao was taken aback, nodded and said, "I ate?"

Lin Yuan said: "Then come in and sit down, I need to find you."

"it is good!"

Zhuang Mengyao did not hesitate.

When she entered the room, she saw a mourning stick half the height of a person on the table.

Because she works in a nursing home, Zhuang Mengyao is no stranger to mourning sticks. Her first reaction when seeing a mourning stick is...

"Why is there such a thing here?"

Zhuang Mengyao asked with a puzzled expression.

Lin Yuan said: "This is a little invention of mine. I just made it today. I let you in because I want to do an experiment. Let you try the effect first."

Zhuang Mengyao was taken aback.

This is an invention?

The mourning stick, something without any technical content, needs someone like you to invent it?

Most importantly, you still want me to do the experiment?

What kind of experiment, this thing is used only after death, do I want to die?


Zhuang Mengyao looked at the mourning stick [This thing seems to be able to beat people.

Director Lin's interest in the underworld is fine, but even sex and interest are so underworld?

However, she had no way to refuse, she hesitated: "How can I cooperate with you?"

Lin Yuan said: "Oh, just sit where you are."

Hearing this, Zhuang Mengyao had no choice but to sit quietly, waiting for Lin Yuan to make a move.

However, the next moment, Lin Yuan picked up the mourning stick and fiddled with it twice, then sat down and had lunch.

Immediately, Zhuang Mengyao was stunned, what exactly was this going to do?

However, soon, she lost her mind to think. For some reason, when she looked at the mourning stick, she thought of her deceased grandfather. The memory of her grandfather, like the huge waves of the sea, directly overwhelmed her thoughts.

A wave of sadness filled her brain, and then the lacrimal gland was stimulated by the emotion, and countless tears gushed out from the corners of her eyes.

"..." woo woo woo~"

The woman's cry brought Lin Yuan back to his senses after eating delicious food. Seeing this, he immediately adjusted the effect of the mourning stick, and then went on to eat.

After a while, Zhuang Mengyao regained her senses. Thinking of what happened just now, she only felt a little horrified.

The memory about grandpa is obviously very blurry, but why was it so clear just now, and even cried out straight away?

The most important thing is that she couldn't control the outburst of emotions, as if she had been hypnotized.

However, before she could think about it, she suddenly thought of the interesting things that happened in her life recently, and her happy mood immediately took over.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhuang Mengyao immediately burst out laughing.

Lin Yuan heard the sound and looked over. Zhuang Mengyao hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Hahahaha! Director Lin! I'm not laughing at you! I just thought of something happy."

Lin Yuan nodded: "I know."

After finishing speaking, he turned off the electromagnetic wave of the mourning stick.

Zhuang Mengyao also stopped laughing, and now she seemed to understand a little bit.

She asked, "Is it all the fault of this mourning stick just now?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "That's right! According to legend, black and white are impermanent like catching ghosts in the world. If you meet some unfilial sons, you will use the mourning stick to make them feel the pain of losing their parents. If you meet a good person, you will also use the mourning stick. Soothe their pain of losing the Qin people."

"Didn't the researchers work overtime these days, and they were a little depressed (Nuo Dezhao), I made this mourning stick, hoping to lift everyone's spirits! Improve work efficiency!"

Zhuang Mengyao:???

What kind of capitalist are you?

We all know that the researchers work overtime and are depressed. You don't let the big guys rest, but you still come up with this kind of thing?

The most important thing is that the shape of this mourning stick makes people panic no matter how you look at it. Are you sure it can be used to cheer people up?

However, thinking about her performance just now, she felt that there was no problem.

It's just, why do you want to make such an invention of the underworld?

Involuntarily, Mengyao expressed sympathy for the researchers at the research center.

"what do you think?"

Seeing that Zhuang Mengyao was silent, Lin Yuan asked.

Zhuang Mengyao nodded: "The director's idea is very good, and the effect of this invention is also very powerful, I think there is no problem at all!"

Lin Yuan nodded slightly: "I think so too, does your team need it?"

Zhuang Mengyao shook her head immediately: "That's not necessary, our work is very easy, we don't need this thing."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, and after eating, he found Lin Xiao with a mourning stick.

Lin Xiao looked at Lin Yuan who was holding a mourning stick, startled, and exclaimed: "Lin Suo! What are you doing? Someone died in the research institute?".

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