The heat of digging a national defense optical cable is like being poured cold water, and it quickly cools down.

But at the same time, another video went viral all over the Internet.

It was Fang Yang’s previous video of a separate interview with Shu Wan.

Since there are no pictures and videos related to the troops in the video, it has been preserved.

Such a story told from the mouth of the party is fuller and more real than what netizens put together and saw.

Netizens can deeply feel the tension and despair at that time, and can also experience the changes in Fang Yang’s heart.

——[I was only curious when I watched the short video before, but after listening to this interview, I actually sweated! ] 】

——[How big a heart can withstand the pressure at that time, it is all real guns, and it is still a big official, I dare not think about it. 】

——[The hero is a teenager, I don’t know if this guy has an object, who has his contact information, help me bring a word, I have two daughters, they all look good, he chooses at will, no need for a bride price, dowry I will give him a villa, a BMW, plus 1 million in cash. 】

– [Are people so curly this year?] The married daughters are out, by the way, I also want to ask, who has his contact information, ask him if he likes the man, I can take it. 】

——[How many people dig national defense optical cables and go bankrupt, like him, it can really be said that there is no one before and no one after.


Early the next morning, Fang Yang woke up and received a phone call.

It was Shu Wan who called.

Last night, the video of her interview with Fang Yang went viral, and the leader praised her by name during the morning meeting, and dispensed with the internship period and directly became a formal reporter.

For this reason, she was excited all morning and wanted to share this good news with Fang Yang and wanted to invite him to a meal.

However, Fang Yang slept like a dead pig, and he had not received a call until now.

Hearing that the beauty invited him to dinner, he naturally agreed.

It’s just that considering that his time is not fixed, he does not clearly indicate when to eat.

However, as soon as the phone hung up, Yang Fugui’s phone came.

“Hey, boss!”

“Boss? I think you’re the boss, what time is it?” ”

Fang Yang took the phone and glanced at it, his eyelids couldn’t help but jump, it was now more than nine o’clock.

Generally, the work starts at seven o’clock, which is more than two hours late.

“Boss sorry ha… I overslept! ”

“Don’t, don’t… Don’t call me boss, you are uncle, I’ll call you every morning in the future… Uncle, do you want to go to work today? ”

“Ahem~~~ Don’t say it, I’ll go right away!”

“Hurry up and bring me over, Master Zhang was frightened yesterday, and now he is lying at home talking nonsense, you just happened to work for him today.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll go right away!”

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yang took the photographer downstairs to renew today’s room fee, just in time to find a place to sleep at night.

I went out and bought something to eat and took a taxi to the construction site.

At this time, the construction site was already full of traffic, and muck trucks were constantly transporting back and forth.

Fang Yang saw from a distance that Master Zhang’s excavator was still parked at yesterday’s location.

To save time, trot all the way to the cab.

The photographer stood next to him and whispered a reminder: “Brother, today we have to be leisurely, don’t dig the optical cable again!” ”

“Don’t worry, I know in my heart, I will definitely not dig the optical cable today!”




——[Yes, yes, today do not dig optical cables, let’s dig water pipes, dig high-voltage wires are also good. 】

——[I went, waited for a few hours, you finally started working, and the donkeys of the production team did not take such a rest. 】

——[Some contestants have been working for hours, and the anchor has only started now, it’s almost ten o’clock, I’m afraid I’m going to have lunch after working for a while.]

——[Ghost believers, I bet on a pack of spicy strips, today he still has to dig out the cable.] 】

– [Do you say you will dig a bomb out today?] 】

——[Shut your crow mouth, directly blow up the anchor, we won’t have to watch.] 】


Fang Yang started the excavator, opened the safety lock, and glanced at the location of the optical cable yesterday.

It has been refilled with soil by maintenance troops.

Another glance at the location of the cable.

Before he came, no one told him exactly where to dig.

Today, just in case he decides to stay away from these two locations, he will find a random open space to dig.

With a roar sounded.

The excavator went deep into the dirt, and the clearing in front of him gradually changed from a small pit to a large one.

But it’s a lot slower than yesterday.

What happened yesterday, even if I think of it now, I call it good in my heart.

Thanks to the concentration and caution at that time, otherwise he would not be digging here today.

I’m afraid I’ve already stepped on the sewing machine.

But even if you are so careful, God is like a joke.

Less than ten minutes after he dug the hole, he suddenly felt that the shovel had encountered some foreign object.

Fang Yang chuckled inwardly.

“You won’t dig the fiber optic cable again!”

Just in case, he quickly stopped his work and poked his head out to take a look at the situation in the pit.

I faintly saw that there were some black things in the mound, and I couldn’t see clearly, but the black was a large piece of the kind.

The big stone in Fang Yang’s heart also fell.

“It’s good that it’s not a fiber optic cable, what is this thing?”

For safety’s sake, Fang Yang once again operated the excavator to gently scrape off the dirt little by little.

The photographer standing next to him had long noticed the dynamics on this side and stretched out his head curiously.

It doesn’t matter.

Frightened, he sat on the ground on the spot.

His face was full of horror, and the whole person kept crawling backwards.

At the same time, his mouth shouted: “Brother.. Elder brother.. You see… It’s two legs!!! ”

Fang Yang’s pupils were also unconsciously dilated, and whoever dug up such a thing would be scared half to death.

Curiosity prompted him to look closely.

I saw that half of my body was exposed in the dirt pit in front of me, only from the waist to the legs.

The strange thing is that he is still wearing a pair of black pants on his legs, which are covered with dirt.


Fang Yang exploded, and his scalp was numb!

Netizens in the live broadcast room also saw this scene with their own eyes, and they frantically tapped on the keyboard in front of the computer to vent their feelings at this time.




——[I, Nima, the moment the camera focused on me just now, my soul was almost lost in fright. 】

——[This horse is also too exaggerated, right?] Half-cut corpse? Can it be a little more outrageous? 】

——[Grass, heart attack almost frightened, why do I want to vomit when I look at that half of my body.] 】

——[Help, why do I open this live broadcast room today, I must have nightmares at night, it’s too scary.] 】

– [Gag! Is this guy a broom star reincarnate? Digging fiber optic cables yesterday, digging corpses today, this is also too evil. 】

——[I seem to have watched a murder scene, the murderer kills in time, throws the corpse into the wilderness! ] 】

——[You may not believe it, I am doing sports with my daughter-in-law on a horse, I wanted to click on the live broadcast to help the fun, but I ended up showing me such a thing, and now my daughter-in-law is breaking up with me, saying that I can’t get up,! ] After reading this, who can step on the horse can be hard. 】


The photographer’s face was already frightened and pale, his whole body was covered in mud, and he even forgot to get up and run.

After climbing on the ground for a distance, he couldn’t help but vomit out directly.

Gag ~~~

Fang Yang was also uncomfortable, he could still accept it when he saw the dead, but when he saw the person who was divided, his heart was somewhat unacceptable.

After relenting, he took out his mobile phone and called the police.

Soon the other end of the phone was connected.

“Hey! Uncle policeman, I’m going to call the police, I dug up the body, only half of it remains! ”

“Okay, you wait a bit, the police will be dispatched here immediately, please stay where you are and don’t destroy the scene.”


Fang Yang remembered that his boss had greeted him before, and he must notify him as soon as possible if something happened, so that he could prepare antihypertensive medicine.

So he dialed his boss’s phone.

“Crooked! How did you work and what kind of moths did you make? ”

Fang Yang was a little embarrassed, and said weakly: “Boss… Do you have antihypertensive drugs around? ”


“Groove! You wait, I’ll look for medicine first, don’t say, don’t talk, wait until I find the medicine you will say! ”

Then came the sound of rummaging through the cabinets on the other end of the phone.

A few seconds later, the boss’s voice came again.

“Whew~~ Say, did you dig the optical cable again?”

“Hey, hey… How can that, it’s not that serious! ”

“That’s good, then it’s good, it almost scared me half to death just now, what happened?”

“Eh…. I seem to have dug up half a corpse! ”


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