Just when several people were deadlocked.

At the staircase of the corridor, a man hurried over again.

Shouted loudly to this side: “Handsome man, I am the one who called you to make an appointment before.” ”

This Xiayang really has a big head.

Inside the narrow corridor stood six people.

Four people were going to buy his age.

Fang Yang looked at everyone a little embarrassed.

“I already promised to sell a million to this buddy just now, I’m sorry.”

As soon as these words came out, the other three people were immediately anxious.

“As long as it hasn’t been sold, it doesn’t count, and the one with the highest price will get it, and I will pay 1.2 million.”

“I’ll give out 1.3 million.”

“It’s not interesting for you to do this, I’ll go directly one and a half million!”

“Just how much money you have, I have 2 million, I have the ability to continue to add ah!”

The photographer stood by and looked at several people blankly.

He didn’t expect that this thing in Fang Yang’s hand could be worth so much money.

Seeing that several people were arguing more and more fiercely, they even had to fight.

The photographer hurriedly advised: “Everyone be sensible, and anger generates wealth!” ”

“Shut up!”

The four people said in unison.

The photographer was startled and had to shrink his head back.

Fang Yang stood there unable to say anything at all, so he simply opened the door and walked into the room to rest.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the four immediately stopped arguing.

“Since everyone wants to buy, let me say don’t make it difficult for Fang Yang, let’s pay for it together, average the score, how?”

“That’s a good offer!”

“I think it works!”

“Then book like this, 500,000 per person!”

The photographer is already numb, is this okay?

Before the seller could even say a word, the price was set, and it was twice as high as the original.

These people are too wild.

Fang Yang was also a little confused by several people, and took out his mobile phone in a daze and opened the QR code.

“Drip! 500,000 arrived! ”

“Drip! 500,000 arrived! ”


After four consecutive sounds.

Netizens in the live broadcast room couldn’t sit still at all.




——[Lying groove, this thing actually sold for 2 million? Is it worth so much! 】

——[The anchor has made numbness, 3 million a day, and no one wants to live.] 】

——[I also drive an excavator, why can’t I dig these things from him?] Could it be that I’m in the wrong position? 】

——[It’s too depressing to people’s enthusiasm, I step on the horse and live 4,000 a month, he 3 million a day, go to his work Laozi is rotten. 】

– [I can’t drive an excavator, but I’ll use an iron pickaxe, brothers I’m going to get rich.] 】

——[Anchor, you will have no friends if you do this, but don’t worry, if you are willing to share me a million, I am your friend forever. 】

——[Don’t be faceless upstairs, how can you be embarrassed to say it, I only need 100,000! ] 】


After everyone paid the money, they took the Tai Sui and left, as for how they divided, Fang Yang didn’t bother to care.

Looking at the balance on his phone, Fang Yang was in a good mood.

“Go, eat barbecue at night!”

The photographer smiled joyfully: “Howler! ”

Now he will never be reluctant to eat anymore.

3 million, how to eat is not distressed.

And this is only the third day of the show.

Other players don’t say 3 million, some don’t have 300 pieces.

The two left the hotel and found a barbecue restaurant nearby, ordered a bunch of things and sat on chairs and waited.

It’s past six o’clock in the evening, and the barbecue shop has just opened, and the shop is relatively deserted.

Only the small box next to it came from time to time the sound of a few people bragging.

“Eh: Have you noticed, recently there is a guy named Fang Yang who is very popular, how to see that many hot searches are related to him, casually glanced at the popularity is more than 10 million. ”

“Lying groove, aren’t you? You don’t even know him? Our celebrities in Xihai City have been hot these days! ”

“I usually only look at beautiful women, what the hell is he doing?”

“He’s an excavator!”

“What’s so strange about driving an excavator?”

“I’m not done yet, don’t bother! Although he drives an excavator, this guy does not do business every day to dig up strange things. ”

“How strange is it? Could it be that the corpse was dug up? ”

“Hey… You are also right, he dug for a total of three days, the first day to dig the high-voltage cable, and then the defense optical cable! ”

“Groove? Digging defense fiber optic cables? He didn’t go in? Ruined property that cannot be compensated? ”

“Get in? There was no, not only did he not lose money, the people’s troops also rewarded him with 3000, he also dug up a pangolin by the way, and finally even the colonel invited him to become a soldier, the cow is not awesome! ”

“Groove! Is it really ruthless? How did he do it? ”

This is a long story, at that time netizens gave him a network name called Fang Cable! The first person to dig a national defense optical cable and retreat from the whole body in ancient times, the first person to dig a cable. I suggest you go back and watch the video for yourself. ”

“Square cable… The name… I’ll go back at night and take a look, didn’t you say that it took three days to dig? And the next day? ”

“The next day it was even more outrageous, in the morning I dug up half of my body, I thought it was a dead person, but the police came to see it, it was a dummy!”

“Haha, is it so funny? That’s fine, it’s not too outrageous. ”

“You think that’s the end of it? As soon as the policeman left, he really dug up a corpse, and when I watched the video, those people were stinking and vomiting, and it was said to be very disgusting, but they were mosaic and couldn’t see clearly. ”

“Really dug up the body? Is this buddy stepping on cow, so unlucky! ”

“Huh… Naive, you think this is the end? Not long after the corpse was transported away, he directly dug up more than a dozen white bones, dare you think? At that time, the scene was as terrifying as it was! ”

“I’m Nima, it’s outrageous, it’s just my limited imagination, and I want to see his videos more and more.”

Fang Yang and the photographer in the living room heard the chat inside, and they looked confused.

The photographer smiled: “Brother, did you hear it, you are on fire!” ”

Fang Yang covered his head: “How do I feel like I’m praising me!” Square cable… What the heck! ”

“It’s a pity that we can’t get on the net, otherwise I really want to see how hot you are now.”

“It is estimated that it is like that, how popular an ordinary person like me can have.”

Just as he was chatting, the man inside took a sip of wine and raised his voice.

“Brother, it’s not over, then the police came, and the medical examiner concluded that these were all killed, and all of them were prostitutes!”

“So bizarre? And then what? Is there any new clue about this case only one day now? ”

“Clues? There is no clue at all, the wilderness is wild, it took so long to be found, where to find clues, but that’s how people solved the case that night! ”

“What you said I feel like I’m listening to a story, aren’t you fooling me?”

Just next to this, another person answered.

What he said was true, and the case was still solved by Fang Yang, and netizens gave him another nickname, Fang Qiling, because everyone suspected that he had robbed tombs before. The live video on Douyin and Station B has now exceeded 100 million views! Clicking on a related video casually is millions of views, and these are all posted from the media! ”

Fang Yang and the photographer in the living room looked at each other, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

“Brother! 100 million views, I’ll go, you’re the top stream, right? ”

Fang Yang felt funny when he thought about it: “What the hell is Fang Qiling!” What a messy nickname these netizens have! ”

“That’s also better than the square cable just now, at least it sounds quite smooth.”

The man in the box who didn’t know Fang Yang asked curiously again.

“It’s crazy too! And then, on the third day, what did he do? ”

The man who answered first quickly answered: “The third day is even more outrageous!” ”

“No, there is something more outrageous than digging up white bones!”

“He dug a mine just after starting work on the third day, the point is, he dug it up on the spot!”

“Groove! Was it directly blown up and hospitalized? ”

“That’s not it, it’s not the point of blowing up, the point is that in the pit after the explosion, he picked up a fast small stone, and insisted that it was a gemstone called Tian Huang frozen stone, netizens didn’t believe it, and guess what… He sold more than 1 million at noon! The kind that transfers money directly! ”

“Hiss~~~1 million? Are you sure it’s not Zimbabwe dollars? ”

“What do you think! This is not the end, when he came back to work in the afternoon, he dug up another bomb! ”

“How do I feel you’re talking about a suspense drama! The bomb didn’t explode, did it? ”

“Like a bomb, but not a bomb, Fang Yang said that it was an incense burner, or from the Song Dynasty, everyone didn’t believe it, and as a result, the archaeology expert came and opened it on the spot, and there was a bunch of Song Dynasty porcelain inside!”

“Crazy, is he really a tomb robber?”

“Yes, secretly tell you that he and I were from the same village when I was a child, and then when I grew up, I went to rob tombs, and he had to pull me to do it together, but unfortunately I didn’t go to school when I wanted to, and I am still a buddy with me until now!”


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