In the desperate eyes of Scarlet Witch Wanda.

For the first time, the Time Gem on Thanos' gloves revealed its power in front of everyone.

When the Mind Gem is shattered by the Scarlet Witch.

There was a clear ripple of energy in the woods outside Wakanda.

And at the moment.

Blooming in Thanos' right hand is the time gem terrifying time regression power!

The intense green energy did not have a furious purple glow like the Power Gem.


The power of the Time Gem is extremely gentle.

But completely irresistible!

The Scarlet Witch looked at the erupting power of time in amazement, and even if she wanted to stop it, she couldn't do it.

The rich power of time instantly rewinded time before the Mind Gem was destroyed!

The Crimson Queen Wanda was completely stunned.

Thanos looked flat, as if he had just done the most ordinary thing.

With his bare hands, he deducted the Mind Gem set on Vision's forehead.

Crushing Vision's forehead looks as if it were just crushing a fragile plastic acrylic board.

This moment.

The last Mind Gem also fell into Thanos' hands.

When Thanos places the yellow Mind Gem on the final hole of the Infinity Gauntlet.

Six Infinity Stones come together!

Ripples of energy are constantly intertwined and filled the bronzed Infinity Gauntlet.

The intense energy instantly turned Thanos' right hand into a translucent shape.

Then, there is Thanos's body.

His purple skin became transparent under the action of unimaginable energy.

The power of the Infinity Stones is incomparably strong!

The coercion alone when they gathered together forced the Avengers to get up.


In the desperate eyes of the avengers.


Thanos reluctantly stood up.

He tried to control the power of those Infinity Stones and snapped his fingers.

An invisible energy fluctuation is centered on the blue star.

Instantly spread to the entire universe!

Countless Wakanda warriors and even those avengers looked at Thanos who disappeared in the light in amazement.

They don't understand what's going on.

Can gradually.

A Wakanda warrior is anxiously preparing to report a message.

But his figure stumbled sharply.

The surrounding Wakanda warriors looked at him with extreme horror.

When the fallen Wakanda warrior looked at his body.

He desperately found that his legs had quickly turned into a pile of dust!

Immediately after, his waist, upper body...

He weakly stretched out a hand to ask for help.

But not long after that hand stretched out, it was like sand piled up in the wind, blown away by the wind!


The range of that strange change spreads rapidly.

Quick as a wink.

Throughout the Wakanda battlefield, half of the fighters turned to dust


616 Marvel Universe.

Tony Stark struggled to control his emotions.

He had seen that desperate scene once.

But when he saw half of the life in the universe die for the second time, he still couldn't contain his anger.

His cheeks were flushed, his heavy snort and soaring blood pressure all revealed violent fluctuations in his heart.

Although a long time has passed since that war.

But Tony still feels like it happened yesterday. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The video in the post removed many details.

Other users of the multiverse network are not clear.

Tony, who has experienced all this, remembers what changes at that time!

It's not just that half of the life on Blue Star has disappeared!

Even Tony's group, who was far away on Titan, could clearly feel what bad was happening around them.

A child as young as Spider-Man, disappeared in Tony's arms!

And all this.

It's all because of Thanos' philosophy!

For his so-called cosmic balance!

The hatred for Thanos in Tony's chest almost hates him to crush his teeth!!

But when Tony saw the Multiverse Network's comments.

Tony was stunned.

"What an amazing power! Unexpectedly, after collecting six gems, Thanos really wiped out half of the life in the universe! Under the action of those six infinity stones, the cosmic balance he wanted was reached in an instant! What an amazing power.! "

"That Thanos' gaze is really far away and amazes me! As a third-level civilization, he was able to deal with the balance of the universe. Even he really achieved the balance of the universe! It's a pity that such a character just survives in a third-level civilization! "

"How come our universe doesn't have the terrifying power of the Infinity Stones?! Civilizations that get those Infinity Stones can even have the terrifying power to change the rules of the universe when they are low-level civilizations! "

"But the power that Scarlet Witch possesses is really amazing! Just the power of an individual, who can destroy an infinity stone? I was dumbfounded! "

"What's so amazing about that! The chaos magic unleashed by the Scarlet Witch is clearly marked in the creator's post. That's Chaos Magic! With the power to rival the Infinity Stones! It's just that Scarlet Witch can't be fully utilized! It is said that the power of Chaos Magic at its peak is even greater than that of the living gems that ignore the rules of the universe! "

"'The Wakanda civilization of that planet is not too low-level civilization. The technology they possessed even touched the level of a second-level civilization! "


Looking at the users of the multiverse network on the forum, you talk about the power of the Infinity Stones sentence by sentence, and no one cares about the half of the lives that die out of that universe.

Tony was dumbfounded.

That's half the life of the universe!

It's not a casual resource or something that doesn't have life and is not worth mentioning.

That's literally half of the lives that died in the universe!

Are the users of those multiverse networks hard-hearted?

But soon.

Tony also calmed down.

For the outrageous multiverse network with strong privacy.

Those low-level civilized users can refute the words of high-level civilized users (No's), and there is no need to worry about the retaliation of those high-level civilized users.

Look at it alone.

Tony didn't have any hopes for those multiverse users.

Expect empathy from users who are speechless?

What a joke!

Those users of the multiverse network see disasters happening in other universes.

The first time is not to lament the lives that have perished.

Instead, he lamented the weakness of those civilizations!

How indifferent and clear!

But Tony knew it in his heart.

This is the real situation of cosmic civilization!

Like the Ultra civilization, which symbolizes universal peace, there is no other multiverse.

Even the civilizations of angelic civilizations that use power to formulate their righteous order in the universe are almost none!

The vast majority of civilized users are like those in the comment section.



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