This is the moment.

There are countless users who watch the excitement under the post.

But Tony had no way to blame them.

Backward technology is the original sin!

If they have a little more power.

Thanos' plan may not come to fruition.

Tony's eyes were gloomy.

He really wanted to change everything about Blue Star.

But he couldn't help it.

From the beginning of the study of the possibility of time travel.

Tony knew one thing all too clearly.

Individual power is really limited!

On the blue star.

People with special powers like Tony are called superheroes by other ordinary Blue Starmen.

This does not just mean that they have far more power than ordinary people.

The level of technology that those heroes possess is also far beyond the understanding of the Blue Star people.

Even the level of scientific and technological research of Wakanda and Tony has exceeded the first-level civilization.

But whether it was Tony or the group of warriors in Wakanda.

Their two forces beyond the level of Blue Star technology are not enough to affect Blue Star's civilization level.

And right now.

Tony wants to complete the time travel with his personal strength.

It simply can't be done!

No matter how many times he analyzed, he tried to use any known theory to complete the time and space travel. 493

All the hypotheses about time travel are difficult to do in the end.

Bluestar's current level of technology.

Not enough!

Tony sighed faintly.

He couldn't figure it out.

Blue Star, as a planet as a whole, has not even reached the first-level civilization, but it has to face the invasion of those second-level and third-level civilizations.

That's too hard!

Just for Blue Star to survive, Tony already felt endless pressure.

And civilizations like Blue Star.

Abound in the multiverse!

Users who mocked the weak strength of Tony's civilization in the post.

Do they have to be the top civilization in their universe?


Who hasn't had a time to fall.

Now those users who mock the weak strength of Tony's civilization.

Someday, there will be other civilizations mocking their civilization for its weakness!

"If only it could be as powerful as the civilization of the creator."

Tony sighed faintly.

In this vast universe, if you want to survive, you must have powerful civilization technology

I want to explore the universe with confidence.

To become the most powerful being in the universe!

That constantly records the creators of other advanced civilizations.

In Tony's eyes.

It's the top existence in countless multiverses!

It's really hard to just get the attention of that mysterious creator.

Tony has already given many things to the creators.



Even the latest generation of the Mark 50.

And those tips are like stones sinking into the sea, and there is no response at all.

This also made Tony sure of something.

The creator can't even look at the things he rewarded!

"What kind of way can I get the guidance of that creation?"

"Even if it's a one-sentence point..."

Tony thought silently.

Those tips are already all he has.

Whether it's money or technology.

Tony has already given tips to the creators.

He couldn't imagine what he had, and what the god-like creator could look at.

It is a time of silence.

A sudden bell rang.

Tony glanced impatiently.

It's Natasha! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Why is she looking for me?" Tony frowned, puzzled.

Since the last time Steve and Natasha and the others had approached Tony and told him about the opportunity to travel through time and space.

They hadn't been in touch with Tony in a while.

"What's the matter with me?"

"I think you mentioned to us that the creator of that post seems to have been to our world."


Hearing Natasha's calm words, Tony suddenly jumped up.

"You go on!" Tony said in an excited tone.

What Natasha told Tony was amazing!

(ahbg) That the creator of that post has come to their planet?!

Isn't this also meant.

The god-like creator noticed Tony's message and noticed his tip!

Since such powerful beings are interested in their planet.

Maybe God has a hint of guidance for Tony!

Tony quickly got dressed.

He plans to make a trip to the Avengers' base.

Natasha is now the acting commander of the Avengers base and is responsible for everything about the base.

Since it was sensed that it seemed that the creator of the post had come to the Avengers' base.

He deserves such a trip!

No matter what kind of opportunity, even the slightest opportunity!

At the moment, Tony is not willing to let go!

At the same time, Rick of the parallel universe also finished reading the latest post.

"Amazing gem indeed!"

Rick fiddled with the invention at hand while saying sincerely.

Shuttling through countless Rick clear.

Even in a thousand parallel universes.

Nor will there necessarily be a Infinity Stone-like existence.

That level of energy gemstone, it has more than just terrifying power.

It is also a representative of the supreme civilization!


Rick was skeptical.

Those Infinity Stones are things that have existed since the beginning of that universe.

And there are even fewer existences that can match the power of the Infinity Stones!

Of course, all this is based on the premise that the universe in the post does not exist for a higher civilization.

In Rick's heart.

The other possibility is even more terrifying.

Those Infinity Stones were crafted by a super civilization!

And the civilizations that created the Infinity Stones all possessed the strength of a peak seventh-level civilization at the very least.

Maybe even higher!

Because the power displayed by those Infinity Stones had easily surpassed the sixth-level civilization.

Even those seventh-level Ultra civilizations had to weigh carefully when they encountered the power of those infinity stones.

The ordinary state of the Ultra warriors is simply not enough to deal with the power of those infinity stones!

As long as the power shown by the King of Naort can be resisted.

After all, the impact of dimensional faults is far more terrifying than the Infinity Stones show!

In projection.

The scope of influence of those Infinity Stones is only a universe.

But the concept of dimensional faults is completely different.

A dimensional fault is an irreparable rift between the big universe and the big universe.

The emergence of such faults will cause the constant mass of the large universe to flow outward.

Concrete manifested effects.

It is to take the planet in the post as the core.

The entire universe collapsed and destroyed towards that dimensional fault.

The effect shown by the Infinity Stones is only to affect the universe in which the gems are located.

For a top-level existence like the King of Ultra, the power of the Infinity Stones could not affect him at all!

This time.

After analyzing the post, he even combined it with his own experience.

Rick also has a deeper understanding of the concept of the multiverse.

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