Those creatures of the glacial civilization.

For the exploration of the universe, it can be said to be quite conservative.

Not only never send signals to the outer universe.

Even too advanced observation methods dare not eat it.

At this point, Lin Qi couldn't help but want to praise.

But after all.

This is an alien civilization.

If it is not my race, its heart will be different.

Lin Qi's blue star in his previous life often circulated such words.


Lin Qi no longer hesitated.

The mechanical séance beside him unfolded rapidly.

On one side, a mechanical workbench emitting gray light appeared more than ten meters.

But to say that it is a workbench is not actually appropriate.

Because the workbench of traditional civilization technology often has a heavy mechanical structure,

But those that are completely absent on mechanical séances!

The gray mechanical table is not only extremely thin, but even the deconstruction of the energy supply is not clear.

A mechanical séance in its original form.

It's just a shimmering metal box.

I don't see anything out of the ordinary at all.

Kabuda, far away on the blue star, is extremely curious about mechanical séances.

Its big brain, even if Lin Qi instilled a lot of knowledge, could not understand the working structure of the mechanical séance.

And Lin Qi has long been used to it.

After all, the love crazy 15 he has at hand, the dimensional shuttle on his finger, there is not a normal 11 thing!

And Lin Qi's purpose of using mechanical séance at the moment.

There is only one!

That is to destroy the ice civilization!

This is also the reason why he used the dimensional shuttle to come to the Ice Civilization.

And the weapon that Lin Qi reproduced with mechanical séance at this moment came from an existence standing at the top of a fourth-level civilization.

Phase weapons!

Its principle is to annihilate the positive and negative protons and rectify them again.

The actual attack effect is generally acting on magnetic field units and space field units.

Of course.

This is just the basic principle of it.

Actual phased weapons.

When used, it jumps to the object that needs to be destroyed.

The annihilation of positive and negative protons rectified together can not only affect the magnetic field in ordinary units or the space field.

It can destroy the magnetic field of an entire planet!

The output of that phase weapon was created by that fourth-level peak civilization when it first became a fourth-level civilization.

In the subsequent continuous improvement and strengthening.

Those fourth-level civilizations realized that phased weapons were not as effective as their newly discovered dimensional strike weapons.

Even dimensional strike weapons cost of manufacture, and energy consumption,

All are far lower than the phased weapons they used before!

Moreover, the effect of a phased weapon is only to destroy the target's magnetic field and space field units.

For civilizations that have the ability to escape from magnetic field destruction, phased weapons are far less lethal than dimensional strike weapons!

Dimensional strike weapons only need to separate a part of the low-dimensional world and bind it with a high-power field.

A weapon that can be stored for a long time and does not even require much cost to use has appeared.

Even dimensional strike weapons like that can be stored for a long time!

The position that restricts the low-dimensional world does not consume much energy.

And unusually stable.

Taken together, that fourth-level peak civilization directly gave up research on phased weapons.

But Lin Qi still chose phased weapons after consulting the technology of that civilization.

This is because the use scenario of phase weapons is more suitable for Lin Qi at this moment than dimensional weapons.

From the point of view of physical destruction.

The effect of phased weapons is actually not as terrifying as two-way foil.

Moreover, the energy consumption of phased weapons is several times more than that of two-way foil.

But phased weapons have an advantage over two-way foils that two-way foils cannot compare.


The principle of dimensional strike weapons is to forcibly reduce the dimensional space in which the target civilization is currently located.

Whether it is to collapse the three-dimensional world into the two-dimensional world, or to collapse the two-dimensional world to the one-dimensional world.

As long as the target civilization does not have the ability to transform its own universe into a low-dimensional existence.

Dimensional strike weapons are deadly!

But its shortcomings are also very obvious.

That leads to the collapse of the high-dimensional universe into the low-dimensional universe.


The glacier civilization is far away from the civilization where Lin Qi is, but it is not unattainable.

When he dropped the dimensional strike weapon.

The effect of dimensional fall will also affect the universe where Lin Qi is.

Although Lin Qi can avoid dimensional strikes.

But the blue star where he is cannot.

.... Not for at least for some time to come.

As for phased weapons, there is no such worries at all.

What Lin Qi needs to do.

It is simply to specify the target and range of the phased weapon that has been reproduced by mechanical séance next to you.

And Lin Qi also determined the goal and scope of action without hesitation.

All designated as the frozen planet where the Ice Civilization is located! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


After determining the target, the phased weapon suddenly disappeared beside Lin Qi.

The energy reserves of the mechanical séance have only decreased by 2%.

【Current energy reserve: 19.3】

As for the effect of phased weapons .....

Lin Qi was unusually confident.

He slowly looked at the huge glacial civilization in the distance.

Eight seconds have passed since the jump from the phase weapon.

The time for the existence of the ice civilization is only the last two seconds!

Oh no!

That's when phased weapons fully erupt.

The creatures of the glacial civilization may have come and left their last words.

It's just that no creature cares about such a completely invisible last word.

And at this moment, the remaining reaction time of the ice civilization.

is 0!

Follow Lin Qi's calm gaze.

The giant planet is in the middle.

A gray energy ripple burst out instantly!

It did not physically directly destroy the glacial civilization.

It's just that.

It affects the planet where the ice civilization is located and the surrounding magnetic and space fields.

This effect is also irreversible.

As for the effect....

Not far away.

The entire planet of the ice civilization inexplicably began to shift in the turnover of the stars.

The speed of rotation of that huge whole planet became more and more strange.

It goes against its supposed trajectory and keeps approaching the star quickly!

Followed by.

It was the complete cessation of the rotation of the giant planet!

If Lin Qi's gaze could penetrate the planet's atmosphere.

They can see it.

The ultra-strong composite glass that those ice civilizations worked so hard to produce shattered instantly!

Countless intelligent creatures in the glass cover looked around in fear.

They can detect the cause of such drastic changes!

The magnetic field of a frozen planet is more than just a disorder.

It's even disappearing!

And 400 and disappear faster and faster!

The shift in the orbit of the entire planet is also due to the complete disappearance of the magnetic field.

However, something more terrifying emerged.

The planet where the frozen civilization is located.

The entire space field is collapsing!

All the moving particles of the planet have lost their original trajectory.

All the motion between elementary particles is disordered!

Electrons no longer exchange photons, and quarks stop exchanging gluons!

The completely disordered space field frantically continues to break the cognition of all creatures of the ice civilization.

Pole reversal!

Particles no longer work with each other!

Same-sex particles either stop transmitting or pass chaotically.

All known laws of the world and physical phenomena are completely chaotic!

Inexplicable natural disasters!

Violent earthquake!

The quantum stance is contradictory that has not even been observed in the history of glacial civilizations!


All creatures on the entire planet are completely destroyed!

Those intelligent beings can't get on the ship and escape!

Disappearance of friction.

Complete chaos of magnetic pole repulsion!

No matter how strong a ship is, it is impossible to maintain its original deconstruction in the complete chaos of the space field.

Ice civilization at the moment.

There are only countless particles running wildly.

Those chaotic particles have the most direct impact.

That is, all known laws and physical rules disappear!

Everything that exists on the entire planet is in uncontrolled and crazy movement!

Even within the reach of phased weapons.

The satellites of the glacier civilization are running uncontrollably!

Less than a quarter of an hour.

The entire glacial civilization is completely destroyed!.

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