The planet of the Ice Civilization has lost all its normal laws of physics.

The whole planet falls apart.

The creatures on the planet even perished under the reversal of the magnetic pole and the complete collapse of the space field!


Lin Qi's eyes calmly looked at the glacial civilization that could no longer be called a planet.

Just a quarter of an hour.

The planetary core and outer core of the ice civilization are completely upside down under the impact of phased weapons.

The mantle tightly attached to the core is completely countercurrent.

Volcanic eruptions that have not been seen for a long time by the Ice Civilization abound.

And this!

It's the effect of phased weapons!

Lin Qi looked calm.

These are already expected things.

The effect of phased weapons is to act on the magnetic field space field of the target planet.

Look at the effect from the surface.

Phase weapons seem to simply disturb and destroy the magnetic and space fields.

But this effect is simply divine punishment for a low-level civilization!

It does not have any means of detection and defense.

From the jump to the target planet.

And then to a complete explosion of power.

Even the monitoring systems of those low-level civilizations do not even have the opportunity to monitor.

The burst of power of phased weapons will completely destroy all systems of lower civilizations.

All living beings can only rely on their knowledge to determine what is really going on.

And phased weapons are seen from the perspective of those glacial civilizations.

The most striking feature is the complete chaos of the magnetic poles.

The trajectory of the planet shifts.

The sudden increase in gravity.

Stay until the planet's magnetism is completely chaotic.

All mechanical instruments will fail completely.

The existence of a similar flying machine will be directly deconstructed!

When all the creatures on the planet thought that the complete chaos of magnetism was coming to an end.

The real disaster has just begun!

On the eve of complete confusion of the magnetic field.

The planet will appear for a brief moment of tranquility.


The most terrifying effects of causal weapons will be fully revealed!

It's not just the planet's magnetic field.

All organic and inorganic substances within the range of causal weapons.

The magnetic force of everything that exists in the three-dimensional world will also disappear!

The proper movement between particles and the normal functioning of living organisms will be completely chaotic!

The constraints of the space field are lost.

The blood flow of living organisms and even the function of organs will be completely affected.

Under the chaos of the space field.

All laws of physics will fail!

All living beings simply cannot understand why this phenomenon occurs, or even what its principle is!!

At a time when the space field is just in chaos.

All the creatures on the planet are dead!

What a horrible effect!

Looking at the glacial civilization in the distance that can no longer be called a planet.

Lin Qi seemed to see the effect of the dimensional strike again.


The huge planet in the distance has completely lost the possibility of being able to give birth to life.

The structure of the planet completely disintegrated under the influence of phased weapons!

The constant escape of the atmosphere ...

The position of the kernel disappears completely.....

The hot mantle has not yet caused much disaster, and it has completely cooled in the extremely low temperatures in space.

It turned out that the ice-blue planet turned into a dead black in just a quarter of an hour!

"Detect the existence of a glacial civilization'?"

Lin Qi took out Love Madness 15 and determined his purpose.

[The glacial civilization has completely died out. 】

Hear an icy voice in your ears.

Lin Qi was also slightly relieved.


With a flash of light on his fingers.

Lin Qi returned to his Blue Star again.

In the room.

Kabuda, who was in a daze, saw Lin Qi's figure appear and asked curiously.

"Lin Qi! What did you just do? "

Kabuda's eyes blinked, very puzzled.

"Just went to clean up something." Lin Qi looked calm and said lightly.

"That's really weird! Lin Qiming didn't even want to clean the house, how could he clean up something else! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Hearing Kabuda's words, Lin Qi was also a little stunned.


What does it mean for him not to clean his room?

Since Lin Qi modified the divine gene, his demand for materials has basically stopped completely.

Whether it's food or water.

For Lin Qi, it is not a necessary thing.

Even his body can stay in outer space for a long time!

What does it mean for him not to clean his room?

It's that he doesn't need to clean at all!

The garbage that appears in the room these days, without exception! All made by Kabuda himself!

Although it is a robot.

The demand for food is also not great.

But inexplicably.

Kabuda just loves to try some of the food on the Blue Star.

From the very beginning, I loved watermelon.

At present, Lin Qi asked the store to supply the entire seasonal fruit and imported fruit.

No exaggeration!

Kabuda himself feeds a piece of fruit shops around!

However, in the face of Kabuda's words, Lin Qi did not refute it.

Although Lin Qi does not like lively days.

But it's still interesting to have a robotic creature like Kabuda occasionally making a fuss on the sidelines.


Lin Qi, who sent Kabuda to buy other items, also began his work.

[Supreme glory! ] Compare with the body of a mortal god! 】

That post Lin Qi only put part of the content.

The full post also needs his additions.

But suddenly.

A fast-trending post on the site appeared in his field of vision.

[Is it a natural disaster or a divine punishment?! ] Completely contradict the rules of physics! 】

“.. It shouldn't be such a coincidence. "

Lin Qi's expression changed slightly, and he clicked into the post.

[The video is just a distress post that the blogger stumbled upon in countless posts.] 】

[The publisher comes from a civilization, and in an extreme time, the known laws are completely chaotic. 】

[The magnetic field is chaotic, and the magnetic pole is reversed.] The space field is completely disabled...]

[The final ending is very miserable! ] All the creatures of the glacial civilization died. 】



A video was attached to the post.

In the video (Nowang's), dozens of creatures from the Ice Civilization look desperate.

They looked desperately at the sudden changes in the planet around them.

Without the constraints of the space field and magnetic field, the whole planet has undergone earth-shaking changes!

A magma flow rising into the sky!

A thunderstorm that can instantly destroy an underground city!

Disintegrating icebergs!

So sudden!

Everything changed so suddenly!

Even when the creatures of those ice civilizations want to board the spaceship and escape the planet.

They were surprised to find life.

It's not just the ship's engines that stopped functioning.

Even the body of the spacecraft is completely crumbling!

All means of escape are completely ineffective!

Face the chaotic rules of physics.

The creatures of the Ice Age simply could not understand what was going on.

In desperation.

The last images of that civilization also disappeared completely.

Countless website users who have watched the video are clear!

That civilization perished!.

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