In the blink of an eye, it's Thursday.

After the evening self-study ended, Xu Tianhao was left in the classroom by Chen Chu again.

After four days of renovation, something unexpected happened.

Chen Chu held his hands and remained silent, with Xu Tianhao's data emerging in his eyes.

Name Xu Tianhao

Sex: Male

age 15



physical strength?


Status self-sublimation (Xu Tianhao's exclusive hidden state, long-term reflection will trigger when there is no bad habit, complete enlightenment, the continuous state is unknown); Peace (self-sublimation additional state, the appeal is increased by 2000, the duration is unknown)

no vice

Talent A-level education

Learning Effectiveness 233


Comprehensive evaluationb

Chen Chu frowned.

What the hell did I teach! ?

"Xu Tianhao, you, are you alright?"

"It's okay, thank you for your concern, teacher." Xu Tianhao raised his head, smiled slightly, and looked very calm.

However, his eyes were extremely deep, and just by looking at it, Chen Chu felt that his whole person's mood instantly calmed down a lot.

This this……

"System, what kind of talent is A-level indoctrination?"

Enlightenment is to educate and influence others, which can lead people to abandon evil and follow good. It is one of the rare hidden talents.

Chen Chu's eyes widened.


Xu Tianhao also has epic education skills! ?

Chen Chu couldn't help falling into silence.

Xu Tianhao had a calm and peaceful smile on his face.

"Teacher, thank you for your teaching, I understand!"

"Cough cough..." Chen Chu coughed and hurriedly replied, "Tianhao, don't have the idea of ​​becoming a monk, do you?"

Xu Tianhao shook his head calmly, with a bit of doubt on his face, "Why does the teacher ask that?"

"It's okay, just kidding...haha, haha..."

Chen Chu subconsciously wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Tianhao, then you... what are your plans in the future?"

"Study hard and get admitted to university." Xu Tianhao's voice was very calm, and it sounded very comfortable. "Then find a job, marry a wife and have children, and live a normal life... Well, if I can, I also want to be a Educators, like teachers, teach and educate people."

"Does the teacher have any suggestions? Regarding the future planning of my life, I would like to hear the teacher's opinion."


Chen Chu fell silent again.

Xu Tianhao didn't bother, and looked at Chen Chu with a peaceful smile.

Chen Chu was a little flustered, and hurriedly asked the system secretly, "System, which direction is this indoctrination talent suitable for!?"

Future planning is underway based on Xu Tianhao's own data and talent...

Sixteen options with a degree of fit lower than 90 are excluded, and the screening is in progress...

Option 1, teacher orientation, degree of adaptation 92

Option 2, the temple presides over, the degree of adaptation is 99

Option 3, grassroots work, adaptability 94

Option 4, prison management, adaptation level 100

Prison management! ?

Transform criminals! ?

Exceeding the scene! ?

The strongest warden in history?

Chen Chu's eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "Tianhao, do you plan to work in prison? For example, as a teacher?"

"I've never considered this." Xu Tianhao seemed to feel a little surprised, and smiled, "But if you think about it, it's quite interesting, and maybe it's a good choice."

"Teacher, this is just a suggestion, and it depends on your own choice." Chen Chu laughed dryly, "Of course, no matter what job it is, you must study hard first, and talk about it after you get into college."

"Okay, I will definitely take the teacher's words to heart."

"Okay, let's go here today! Let's go, the teacher will take you home."


Xu Tianhao had that calm and gentle expression throughout the whole process, which made Chen Chu extremely uncomfortable.

There is Wang Lebang in the front, and Xu Tianhao in the back.

One to arrest and one to detain?

It feels like this road is going off-road...

As he was heading to Xu Tianhao's house in the car, Chen Chu glanced at Xu Tianhao from time to time.

"Teacher? Is there anything strange?"

"no no……"

Chen Chu scratched his head, let's see what's going on first.

Hope there won't be any problem, if there is any problem, quickly put a student template on Xu Tianhao.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at Xu Tianhao's house, and the lights were on in the room.

Before Xu Tianhao could open the door, the door was pushed open.

"It's still early today!"

"Mr. Chen, you've worked hard, come in and sit! Drink some water."

I saw that Xu Qianhui was still wearing pajamas and not wearing makeup. She had a smile on her delicate face, and her attitude was quite enthusiastic.

"No need, no need, it's getting late, I'll go back first."

Chen Chu declined with a smile, and quickly left.

"Goodbye Mr. Chen then."

"goodbye teacher."

Xu Qianhui closed the door, and saw that Xu Tianhao's condition had finally become normal today, and he no longer had the slight sense of loss as before.

But what seems normal doesn't feel normal.

Xu Tianhao's expression looked peaceful.

Xu Qianhui scratched her head, "Did your teacher teach you alone again today?"

"No, the teacher is making a life plan for me." Xu Tianhao smiled peacefully.

With just such a smile, Xu Qianhui felt very comfortable in her heart for no reason, and subconsciously asked, "What life plan?"

"Secret." Xu Tianhao said, "Sister, I'll go back to the house to rest first, you should rest earlier too."

"Oh, alright."

Xu Qianhui was stunned for a while, then responded, and saw that Xu Tianhao had gone upstairs to rest.

Xu Qianhui's changes in the past few days had already surprised Xu Qianhui, but today she has suddenly changed into a person.

Scratched his head.

"It's pretty good too."


The next day, during class, Xu Chao and a few younger brothers kept peeking at Xu Tianhao.

Xu Tianhao looked... peaceful.

It seems that after sensing the eyes of Xu Chao and several younger brothers, he turned his head and smiled at them.

With this smile, Xu Chao and several younger brothers felt an indescribable feeling.

"Listen well in class."

Xu Tianhao said softly.

"oh oh……"

Xu Chao and the others hurriedly looked at the blackboard, feeling extremely awkward in their hearts, but they felt that Brother Hao like this was quite comfortable.

After waiting until the end of the get out of class, Xu Tianhao changed his usual bowed head and remained silent, and sat quietly in his seat, holding the book and flipping through it silently. meaning.

Xu Chao and a few people gathered around the back door, holding hands in unison, and looked at Xu Tianhao silently.

"Chao, Brother Hao has changed again today."

"I just talked to Brother Hao, and I feel that Brother Hao has a good temper."


Xu Chao didn't know what to say, he turned his head to go out and lay on the railing, his brows furrowed.

"Super, what's wrong!?"

"When I went to the temple with my mother to burn incense and worship Buddha last month, I saw a master in his 90s..." Xu Chao silently raised his head, "Brother Hao feels exactly like him when he laughs..."

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