Wang Lebang is cleaning the dust in the back of the classroom.

"Let let, let let..."

On this side, he was wiping with a rag, but accidentally bumped into Wang Lebang in the back seat.

The entire seventh class suddenly became quiet.

However, Xu Tianhao turned his head and smiled peacefully, "It's hard work, do you need help?"

Wang Lebang grinned, "No, no, I can do it myself."

The two looked at each other and smiled, Wang Lebang continued to wipe the dust, and Xu Tianhao continued to read.

Class seven people "..."

What the hell is this style! ! ? ?

"What happened to these two people?"

"I do not know……"

"On weekdays, the two of them should be fighting..."

Deng Sijia and the group of girls were talking about each other while eating potato chips.

In just a few days of work, the atmosphere of Class 7 has become extraordinarily strange.

Happy to help Wang Lebang.

Peace of mind Xu Tianhao.

as well as.

The eyes of a group of girls subconsciously turned to Zhou Feng, who was at the desk writing questions...

After talking about this topic, it finally fell to Chen Chu.

"Isn't Lao Chen's hometown Lvchuan? I remember that there are many Miao people there, maybe Lao Chen has also learned to swindle!!"

"So... willing to help others Gu?"

"Study Gu?"


Deng Sijia was a little absent-minded.

A few days ago, Yuan Wen chatted with her and said that she has a talent for dancing, and if there is a chance, she can win the qualification to recommend Yunwu University, but the premise is that the total score should be at least 450 points or more.

However, according to her mother's wishes, she only needs to finish high school, and then she will naturally send her to study abroad. After she comes back after gilding, she will take over the family's business, and then recruit a new son-in-law to come in, get married and have children.

Her life has actually been arranged clearly by her mother.

Moreover, she did not dare to resist.

In front of her powerful mother, she has no choice.

It's just that Yuan Wen's proposal made her very moved. Since she was a child, she wanted to be a dancer, swaying her youth and sweat in the middle of the dance floor, and didn't want to manage the business.

She felt like she didn't have that ability.

It's just that she didn't dare to say these words to her mother.

"Jiajia, what's wrong? Absent?"

"It's okay." Deng Sijia raised her eyebrows and said, "Yuchen, the orientation party is about to start, Lao Chen hasn't come to rehearsal for the past few days, so urge him! Don't think that you can dance well and let him take it seriously!"

"Oh!" Liu Yuchen nodded hurriedly.

As soon as the voice fell, the class bell rang.

The whole class hurriedly returned to their positions and sat upright.

After a while, Chen Chu walked into the classroom.

"stand up!"

Wang Lebang shouted angrily.

"Hello teacher~"

"Hello, classmates." Chen Chu smiled, and after waiting for everyone to take their seats, he subconsciously glanced at Wang Lebang, who was in the last seat.

calm and peaceful smile


Chen Chu hurriedly avoided Wang Lebang's eyes, glanced around and said, "Let me inform you of a few things before class."

"Next Wednesday's welcome party, I won't be studying at night, I'll go to the gym then."

The whole class burst into cheers.

"The second thing, next Friday's test." Chen Chu said with a serious face, "Everyone cheer up and review hard, I don't ask you to get good grades in the test, just improve than the last time, can you hear it clearly?"


The voice was sparse now.

Chen Chu glanced at everyone angrily, and then started the class.

On this side of the class, Chen Chu was staring at the movements of the three-headed dog.

Sure enough, now the three-headed dog of hell is no longer pestering Xu Tianhao at all, and it is even extremely disgusted. It turns its head and lays on the head of Xu Chao next door.

Very hardworking vicious.

Chen Chu has a spectrum in his heart, and the next object of transformation is Xu Chao.

It just so happens that he doesn't need to use epic education skills now, and he can maintain a state of reflection for a person alone by relying on the reflection array.

When the get out of class was over, Chen Chu called Xu Tianhao out, and after a while, Xu Tianhao returned to the classroom.

Xu Chao and the others quickly gathered around.

"Brother Hao, surname... Why is Teacher Chen looking for you!?"

Xu Tianhao just smiled peacefully and didn't say much.

Everyone was curious at first, but when Xu Tianhao smiled like this, they had an ominous premonition.

Waited until after school at noon.

Seeing that Xu Tianhao was still sitting in his seat, Xu Chao and others thought that Xu Tianhao was being talked to by Chen Chu again, and was about to leave, but a smile came from behind him, "Xu Chao!"

Xu Chao's body froze for no reason, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Xu Tianhao, "Hao, Hao, what's wrong?"

"Private chat."

"Oh, oh..." Xu Chao looked around and saw no trace of Chen Chu, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

so far so good.

The surnamed Chen probably didn't intend to attack me.

"Let the others go first! I have something to talk to Xu Chao alone."

"Okay, let's go first!"

The other little brothers didn't dare to have any opinions, and hurried away.

After a while, only Xu Chao and Xu Tianhao were left in the classroom.

"Brother Hao, what's the matter!?"

Xu Chao sat on the table, shaking his legs and looking at Xu Tianhao with a puzzled face.

"Sit down."

"oh oh……"

Xu Chao hurriedly jumped down and took his seat. Then he saw Xu Tianhao take out a key from his bag, walked towards the most mysterious cabinet in the seventh class, took out four books, and smiled. come over.

After placing the four books on Xu Chao's four corners, Xu Tianhao slowly sat opposite Xu Chao.

"Brother Hao, what are you doing!?"

"Xu Chao, let me tell you a story..."

"Ah? Brother Hao, if you want to tell a story, you have to have a full meal before telling it? I'm dying of starvation, so let's not talk about it, bye..."

Xu Chao felt that the situation was not right, he quickly got up and was about to run away, but Xu Tianhao grabbed his hand and smiled peacefully, "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

? ? ? ?

Don't say such horrible things with such a peaceful expression! ! !

It's scary, okay? ! !

Xu Chao was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, and quickly sat down in his seat.

"Brother Hao, say it, say it, I'm listening!"

With just one sentence, Xu Chao was squeezed to death.

Xu Tianhao smiled slightly.


Not long after, Chen Chu entered the classroom with two meals.

As soon as he walked over, he heard Xu Chao's choked voice.

"Brother Hao, I... I'm so ashamed..."

"It's okay, people are not saints, who can be flawless..."

Chen Chu took a look and glanced at Xu Chao's attributes.

Xu Chao

Sex: Male

age 15

Virtue 37

Intelligence 55

Physical 51

Aesthetic 50

Status aversion to learning; reflection; awe; influence

Bad habits are ignored.

no talent

Learning Efficiency 174

Potential 64

Comprehensive evaluationf

Nanwu Ami Xu Tianhao cattle criticized.

This is the Xu Tianhao version of Chen's Reflection Array 20!

It seems that the reform of students' bad habits in the future can be handed over to Xu Tianhao.

With Xu Tianhao's help, I feel that the class's C-level score has already dropped.

"Come, come, eat!"

Xu Chao lowered his head and looked uncomfortable, "Teacher, I'm ashamed..."

"Eat first, then you will be ashamed when you are full..."

"oh oh……"

"Tianhao, I added a chicken leg for you!"

"Thank you, teacher."

"You're welcome!" Chen Chu patted Xu Tianhao on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Then I'll leave it to you."

"Okay, I will not disappoint the teacher's expectations."

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