To be on the safe side, Chen Chu still asked Master Pen to continue to protect Tian Xiao and others secretly, at least until Tian Xiao and Li Qian returned to school.

Because of this matter, Chen Chu also had to think of a way to activate Tian Xiao's talent as a soldier in advance, but this activation method needs to be explored by himself, but Chen Chu already has an idea.

In the blink of an eye, it was the welcome party on Wednesday.

The dance rehearsed by Chen Chu and Deng Sijia and others naturally won applause.

After the orientation party, Chen Chu was not idle. After all, Friday was the monthly test, and it was also the first test since he took charge of the seventh class. It was related to his performance, bonuses and future ratings.

And these days, Class 7 finally came out with a few students who fit the applied student template.

Xu Chao, Sun Ziyang, Wu Ming, and Deng Wei are four people, that is, Xu Tianhao's Gang of Five.

After applying the E-level template uniformly, the four have their own subject talents.

Chao Xu, E-Class Biological Sciences

Sun Ziyang, E-level literature

Wu Ming, E-level Law

Deng Wei, E-level Geography

When all the evaluations of these four people rose to the E level, the teaching points also skyrocketed, reaching an efficiency of nearly 1,000 teaching points per person per day, although compared to Zhou Feng, it was really not even a drizzle. , but it is already considerable.

Moreover, these four people were greatly influenced by Xu Tianhao, and a special state was attached to the status bar.

Peace of mind and this state will maintain a state of peace of mind for a long time, greatly reducing the probability of conflict events.

So much so that when he was in class today, he glanced in the direction of Xu Tianhao.

Five face calm smile jg

Hmm... I'm used to it.

Chen Chu basically took it easy.

As the monthly exam is approaching, Chen Chu doesn't plan to do anything with the students for the time being. Let's take a look at the specific situation first, and just look at the real level of the seventh class from the exam.

Until Friday, Chen Chu started proctoring around the clock and gave strict instructions before the exam.

"Everyone tries their best to take the test, no matter how good the test is, I won't blame you!" Chen Chu said righteously, "There is only one point, cheating is absolutely not allowed!"

"Start the test!"

The first exam, language.

Seeing everyone below scratching their ears and cheeks, Chen Chu was indifferent.

Probably already used to the way Class 7 looks like.

Even Zhou Feng had a look of melancholy.

Mathematical talent is full, but language is still an idiot, especially for people who have not grown up in China, looking at the problem will kill you.

In the end, it took 20 minutes for the second math test, while the other students were still mulling over the multiple-choice questions, Zhou Feng had already handed in the papers, with a light expression on his face.

The third English, which is also the only thing that Class 7 can handle.

Because of being rich or expensive, many people start learning from an early age and have a solid foundation.

And the English teacher in Class 7 is also the only one who has not applied for a transfer, because it's really easy, and you don't even have to go to class.

Before I knew it, the exam was finally over.

When the students went home from school, the teachers of each subject left with their own exam papers and went home to change the exam papers.

Chen Chu is naturally the most tiring, and he has to change three subjects by himself.

Fortunately, the problem is not too big.

When I got back to the dormitory, I started grading the test papers.

I changed the language first, and the situation is better than I expected. The highest score is 765, the lowest score is 27, and the average score for the whole class is 437. Compared with the monthly test of the previous class teacher, the average score was only 283. There has been a significant improvement. .

Then there is geography, which is also okay. The highest score is 605, the lowest score is 335, and the average score is also more than 40. Compared with the average score of more than 20 last time, it is an improvement, and the full score of geography is only 100. There are still people who pass the test. It was what surprised Chen Chu the most.

The next thing that Chen Chu looked forward to the most was mathematics. First, he took out Zhou Feng's test paper from the bottom, glanced at it, and the final question was correct. There was nothing wrong with it.

It would be nice if the words were written better.

At first glance, the others were alright. A lot of test papers with 70 points were approved, and the existence of multiple-choice questions was not ruled out. In the end, the average score was directly pulled out by three points because of Zhou Feng's existence. Over the 50 point mark!

All in all, it's ok, it's better than before, and the decorations in the classroom are a natural contribution.

After the scores were made into a table, they were then uploaded directly to the teaching and research group.

By the way, I also made a copy of Zhou Feng's test paper.

"Monday's teaching and research team will definitely question Zhou Feng's grades, so be prepared!"

This weekend was also a worry.

Chen Chu also planned to be lazy and have a good sleep, but was still woken up by the phone.

I thought that the teaching and research team came to question it, but I didn't expect it to be Yuan Wen's call.

"Mr. Yuan, what's wrong?" Chen Chu's voice was still a little lazy.

"Are you sleeping?" Yuan Wen laughed.

Chen Chu yawned, "Be lazy."

"The students who danced in the afternoon organized a party to celebrate the successful conclusion of the welcome party. Are you planning to go?"

Deng Sijia mentioned this matter before, and Chen Chu said that he would look at it later. If Yuan Wen didn't mention it, he would have almost forgotten about it.

"Where are you meeting?"

“Lakeside hotel.”

"Tsk, so high-level?" Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, and then he calmed down and said, "It must have been organized by Deng Sijia and the others."

The Lakeside Hotel is an industry under the Chaoyang Group, which Chen Chu knew before.

"Sure enough, it's the head teacher. He knows all the students in your class like the back of your hand!" Yuan Wen said happily, "By the way, the other teachers have already notified them.

"Okay, I'll be there on time."

Since it is a student organization, Chen Chu can't help but give face.

But it was still early, and I was going to sleep for a while, but at this moment the knock on the door rang.

Hearing the hurried knock on the door, Chen Chu knew it was Zhao Yizhou without even thinking about it. He got up impatiently and opened the door, "What's wrong? Can you let me sleep in?"

"Sleep ass!" As soon as Lao Zhao came in and grabbed Chen Chu's arm, he swayed for a while. "Old Chen, cheer up! Get up! Take off the order tonight, it's time for me! Hurry up and put on your shirt, Go with the book!"

"There are still eight or nine hours! What are you in a hurry!" Chen Chu rolled his eyes, then lay down on the bed, and said leisurely, "There are oranges in the refrigerator, take them yourself!"

"Oh..." Zhao Yizhou just responded, but suddenly he felt something was wrong, and his eyes widened, "Here again? You bought the oranges in the refrigerator for me, right?"

"Can you let me sleep for a while?" Chen Chu said angrily, "It sounds like you can get off the list tonight."

"Oh, stop looking down on people!" Zhao Yizhou sneered, "Tonight, I will show you what a social ceiling is."

"Please remember to close the door when you go out."

"Tsk, it's so boring!"

Seeing that Chen Chu was so lazy, Zhao Yizhou went out the door on his own, closed the door, and quickly put his hands together.

"God, I am willing to sacrifice Chen Chu's fifty years of being single for a lovely and loving girlfriend!"

"Um...a real person! Thank God!"

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