At about 5:30, Chen Chu changed into a clean and tidy outfit and went out. He was about to call Zhao Yizhou to go together, but when Zhao Yizhou's door opened, he saw Zhao Yizhou wearing a suit and tie, and he was full of energy. came out.

Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, "You...what are you going to do when you dress like a dog?"

On the contrary, Zhao Yizhou looked at Chen Chu up and down and saw that Chen Chu was still wearing casual clothes, and said speechlessly, "Do you know where we are going?"

"Lakeside hotel! What's wrong?"

"That's a high-end hotel, and the people who go in and out are high-class people, so you just wear this!?" Zhao Yizhou rolled his eyes, "You're not ashamed, but I'm also ashamed!"

"It's just a party, there's no need to dress so formally, right?"

"Whatever you want, anyway, don't take me as a shame when you get laughed at."

Chen Chu scratched his head, thinking that this was just a party.

Shouldn't be necessary.

"Forget it, just wear this one!"

Mainly, Chen Chu is not even dressed at all.

The set I bought during the college graduation interview was a bargain for around 100 yuan. After all, I used the money in my family to eat, so I could save it if I could.

It turned out to be really impatient, and it started to pill after a few days. If it couldn't be worn, I had to put it in the closet to eat ashes.

The formal dress applied for by the school has to wait until it is turned into a regular.

Anyway, Chen Chu didn't care anymore, and set off with Zhao Yizhou.

It didn't take long for me to arrive at the lakeside hotel. At first glance, I felt that the thief was high-end. The lobby was magnificent, and the people who came in and out were all suits and leather shoes, which made Chen Chu feel really embarrassed.

When he arrived at the door, the welcome guest at the door heard that he was here for a party, and quickly led the way in front of him. He arrived at the door of the banquet hall after a while. Chen Chu looked at it, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

All the teachers were dressed in suits and leather shoes and dressed in high spirits, and the female teachers also wore evening gowns.

Even the students are dressed beautifully.

"I've already said it! Let you wear it, but you won't!" Zhao Yizhou grinned beside him.

Chen Chu couldn't do anything, but fortunately, he was thick-skinned, and he basically knew each other, so it didn't matter, he went in with Zhao Yizhou.

A group of students saw Chen Chu and hurriedly greeted him with a smile, but they were all stunned when they saw that Chen Chu was not wearing formal clothes.

"Mr. Chen, why aren't you wearing formal clothes!?"

Sorry to say no, Chen Chu smiled, "I'm too busy to change in time."

"It must be that Teacher Chen is afraid of changing clothes to steal the limelight! After all, Teacher Chen is so handsome!"

Um! ?

This student...has a future!

Are you interested in coming to Class 7 to be my student, I guarantee you have a bright future!

But it's not a big deal, and it's not like being laughed at for not wearing formal clothes.

It just looks a bit like the kind that sneaks in and eats.

Zhao Yizhou decisively showed what is called a social ceiling, pulled his tie, and immediately walked towards the female dance teachers with a glass of red wine.

Chen Chu was sitting in the seat eating fruit and pouted.

Toad jumps off a cliff.

The ugly one wants to pretend to be Batman...

After a while, the masters arrived.

The well-dressed Deng Sijia and her gang accompanied Yuan Wen to the venue, attracting countless people's attention for a while, whether it was a student or a teacher, when they saw the dignified and elegant Yuan Wen in a black evening dress, more or less All have to sigh.

That temperament... is really not comparable to ordinary people.

Chen Chu couldn't help but take a few more glances, it's really not blown out of a good looks.

I don't know that the lucky one will be favored by Yuan Wen in the future.

Bless you all in advance for a hundred years.

Chen Chu shrugged and smiled. Following the melodious music in the banquet hall, Liu Yuchen went to the front stage, picked up the microphone, and smiled at the crowd, "Welcome teachers and classmates to today's dinner..."

Chen Chu took a look, yo, Xiao Nizi still has the potential to be a host! ?

In the future, the activities in the class can be hosted by Liu Yuchen.

At this moment, Deng Sijia, who was in an evening dress, came behind Chen Chu. Seeing that Chen Chu was not only undressed, but also nibbling fruit, her face suddenly fell.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Chu was startled when he heard Deng Sijia's questioning voice coldly coming from behind him. When he turned his head and saw Deng Sijia's face collapsed, he was stunned with the half-eaten apple. "What, what's wrong?"

"Why didn't you dress up? At least change into formal clothes!"

"Isn't it too busy to change in time?" Chen Chu laughed dryly, not knowing where Deng Sijia suddenly got so angry.

Deng Sijia couldn't help patting her head and supporting her forehead.

Pig teammates can't take them!

This time, she tried her best to organize this banquet to match Chen Chu and Yuan Wen.

good guy!

You're here to put this crap out, haven't you! ?

At this moment, the other dancers from the seventh class also came.

See this look by Chen Chu.

Head and forehead.

At once……

You deserve to be single!

For such an important occasion, I didn't even think about dressing up!

"Quick, quick, I'll let Liu Yuchen delay the time, you guys quickly drag him to the locker room!"

"No, what are you doing!?"

"Don't ask, old Chen, just listen to the arrangements!"

As soon as Deng Sijia waved, several girls hurriedly took Chen Chu and left, leaving Chen Chu at a loss, "Hey, hey...what are you doing!"

Pushing and pulling Chen Chu in, Deng Sijia hurriedly called the lobby manager of the hotel.

"Miss, what are your orders?"

"Immediately, immediately, help our teacher get a suit and send it to the locker room within three minutes!" Deng Sijia pointed at Chen Chu and said.

The lobby manager glanced at Chen Chu and nodded quickly, "Yes, immediately!"

The lobby manager immediately took out the walkie-talkie and started the task, while Deng Sijia and others quickly dragged Chen Chu to the locker room.

"No, there's no need to wear formal clothes, right!?" Chen Chu said, dumbfounded, "What are you doing?"

"Don't ask so much, just listen to us!"

Everyone was too lazy to explain. After a while, the lobby manager came in with several sets of clothes.

After quickly picking a set, let Chen Chu go in and change it.

"Hurry up!"

"Don't rush!"

After a while, Chen Chu walked out with his clothes on.

Deng Sijia and others looked up and down and nodded slightly.

"He's quite handsome, but he's just a bit average."

Chen Chu "…"

"Okay, that's it!"

Only then did Deng Sijia and others take Chen Chu back to the banquet hall. Liu Yuchen was still delaying time on the stage, but he also fought hard, and specially performed a short dance. After seeing Deng Sijia and others coming back, Liu Yuchen hurriedly bowed to the curtain call, accompanied by the crowd. The applause, Liu Yuchen picked up the microphone again and said with a smile, "I'm going to show you a shame. Next, let's enjoy the dance performed by Teacher Yuan Wen and Teacher Chen Chu. Everyone applauds and encourages!"

Yuan Wen, who was applauding from the audience, suddenly became stupid.

Why! ?

Chen Chu just came in and didn't catch his breath, and he was also stupid.

Why! ?

For a time, the students naturally booed wildly.

"one comes!"

"one comes!"

If nothing else, nine times out of ten, he has received the benefit, or received a heavy warning from some unknown force.

Yuan Wen was pushed onto the stage, and Chen Chu was also pushed onto the stage.

The two of them faced each other for a moment, and Yuan Wen suddenly burst out laughing like a spring breeze, and stretched out her hand, "Mr. Chen, please!"

It seems that there is no escape. After all, they have to take care of each other's face. If they go down now, everyone will be embarrassed in the future.

Chen Chu rolled his eyes secretly. Fortunately, he didn't use imitation today, otherwise he would definitely not be able to come down on stage.


Yuan Wen nodded slightly, "A feast of pleasure."


After talking to Liu Yuchen, Chen Chu bent down and took Yuan Wen's hand, accompanied by the beautiful music, the two of them danced slowly on the stage.

Under the stage, Zhao Yizhou held a glass of wine and watched Chen Chu and Yuan Wen embrace and dance.

Toad with feathers.

Ugly looks like a foreign bird!

The next mouth just took a bite, but it was too astringent.

Zhao Yizhou was furious when he saw the fruit in his hand.

"Gan! Why is it an orange again!"

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