Deng Sijia was eating, but when she saw Chen Chu staring at her with a very strange look, she couldn't help being a little nervous, "Old, old Chen, why are you looking at me like this?"

"I..." Chen Chu's words reached his throat but he took them back, his mentality couldn't help but collapsed "Forget it..."

At this moment, Deng Sijia looked at Chen Chu as if there was a small cloud on his head, it was thundering and raining, and Chen Chu lowered his head, his whole person became dark and lost.

"Old Chen, don't be like this, I work hard, I work hard..." Deng Sijia quickly took two bites of rice and suddenly got up and said, "I won't have a lunch break, I'll go to the classroom to review my homework now!"

"Have fun, cheer up, and I'll try to keep you from being disappointed."


Chen Chu reluctantly replied, Deng Sijia hurriedly left, killing all the way towards the classroom.


"In a way, the seventh class is really..."



After the evening self-study was over, Wang Xu rushed back home without stopping.

After I took out my phone, I found that the chat partner "Give me your tenderness" had sent a link.

Give me your gentle big brother, this website is the latest investment and financial management website, I have made a small profit before, are you interested in getting a piece of it?

After Wang Xu turned on the computer, he clicked on the link and saw that it was indeed an investment and financial management page.

I glanced at it and found that it is quite formal, and there are many options, such as a regular investment plan, the rate of return is about 3337, the market financial investment, the rate of return is 867, etc., and I have done it well, give it to Wang Asahi smiled.

Give him ten minutes to build this kind of page.

For a time, both hands kept tapping on the keyboard.

"Tsk, it's so crude..."

"But I just rented a server and built a phishing website, which made me look forward to it..."

After a long while, Wang Xu "accidentally" entered the other party's backstage and took a look, and was immediately disappointed.

"Isn't there any technical content at all!?"

"It's here!?"

The other party just built a background to control the page display effect of the phishing website, and can also actively adjust the rate of return, and even how much money can be charged to the account, etc., all of which are actually done by someone in the background.

The most outrageous thing is that Wang Xu took a look at the background record.

Good guy, there are already thousands of people who have been recruited, and some people have invested 500,000 or 600,000 to the platform, and even millions!

" wonder they engage in anti-fraud propaganda every day, they can deceive people just..."

"Check the server first... oh, overseas..."

"Then this..."

Wang Xu scratched his head, coldly, a smirk appeared on his face.

"Old Chen asked me to use it on the righteous path! This... This counts!?"

"Just to see if the g virus I just developed can sneak through the other party's firewall..."

Wang Xu grinned and continued to operate while dealing with 'give me your tenderness'.

Soon, a background computer was accidentally controlled.

Wang Xu didn't do anything, silently watching everything happening on the computer in the background.

In a certain q group, the boss, supervisor and team members are exchanging experiences with each other, calling the deceived people as guests, in addition to the financial report on the income of the day and so on.

And Wang Xu is controlling the computer of one of the team members.

"The division of labor is quite clear..."

"Hmm... Have you installed so much antivirus software?"

"It's still a bit difficult to do. This virus of mine will definitely not be able to skip the 360 ​​security monitoring, and if it is to be implanted in a mobile phone, it will be even more difficult..."

Wang Xu hesitated for a moment, without any operation, he disconnected the remote control silently, and did not do anything to the other party's backstage.

After all this was done, Wang Xu lay on his gaming sofa and folded his hands in deep thought.

"The g-series virus can't skip the test, and it will reveal my existence at once. If I want to achieve my goal, I must upgrade it..."

"But the upgrade is nothing more than a variant. Not to mention the complexity of the program, it is difficult to play with the source code, and in terms of the current level of system perfection, there are actually not many loopholes, and it is difficult to exploit..."

Wang Xu's brows were furrowed, and after a while, he suddenly had an epiphany.

"What if you could put a layer of mutability camouflage on top of it!?"

For a moment, Wang Xu seemed to be in a state of power, he immediately pulled out the keyboard and started beating non-stop.

On the other side, Tian Xiao was in the office talking about his thoughts after reading.

However, Tian Xiao said it was said, but Chen Chu didn't feel much sincerity.

"That's it for today! Continue tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Tian Xiao turned his head and left the office.

Chen Chu sighed helplessly.

If only these little guys from Class Seven were as worry-free as my big brother.

Not to mention Wang Xu and Tian Xiao, even Wang Lebang and Xu Tianhao are not very reassuring.

Wang Lebang's situation is serious again.

At first, I just asked if anyone in the class or nearby classes needed help, but now the scope of this inquiry has been extended to the whole school.

After class, Wang Lebang ran all over the school and couldn't stop him.

This teaching building jumps, and that teaching building walks around, every person is like a sentence Do you need help?

It got a little crazy.

Even the inner demon was forcibly suppressed by Wang Lebang, and the resurrection time was extended indefinitely.

Although Wang Lebang's thinking is normal, but if it goes on like this, Chen Chu always feels that this guy's thinking will go astray, and maybe he will be used by others.

The most troublesome thing is... Xu Tianhao didn't know when to play with Wang Lebang.

It was probably being led astray by Wang Lebang.

Now Xu Tianhao is also running around the school with Xu Chao and others all day long, and he doesn't know what he is doing.

These two people are like two people who are off the hook, Chen Chu feels that he can't control it gradually.

Just don't care... these two boys are doing good things, they can't be allowed to stop doing them.

Anyway... I'm afraid something will happen that day.

Afraid of what was coming, at noon the next day, the teaching office suddenly called, and the director himself called.

"Mr. Chen, uh... I don't know how to say this. Come and see for yourself..."

"oh oh……"

Chen Chu hurried to the teaching office.

As a result, when I went over to take a look, the corridor was already full of students, their expressions looked wrong, and some were even wiping tears...

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