There were at least 40 or 50 male students in this corridor. Chen Chu didn't know what was going on, so he quickly pushed through the crowd and went to the teaching office.

When I finally got in, I saw Xu Tianhao, Xu Chao and the others, and the director of the teaching office with a confused look.

There was another student in front of the dean, crying and wiping away tears.

"Teacher, I was wrong, I shouldn't smoke in the toilet, I will never dare again... woo woo..."

The dean of the school coughed and said, "Well, it's good to admit your mistakes actively. Ruzi can be taught. It's best not to smoke in the future. Go back to class!"

"Yes Yes……"

The student wiped his tears, turned his head and walked past Chen Chu.

Before Chen Chu got up to speak, another student walked in and took out a pack of cigarettes from his bag with his hands, "Teacher, I was wrong, I will never smoke in the school toilet again... "

Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came back to his senses.

How dare these students come in line to admit their mistakes! ?

Glancing at Xu Tianhao, Xu Chao and others.

Five faces peaceful smile jg

Whenever a student comes up to admit his mistake, these five people will smile with joy.

Chen Chu was speechless for a while.

I said that Xu Tianhao took Xu Chao and others to run around the school in the past two days.

It turned out to be going to the toilet to smoke.

The dean was busy confiscating and comforting the students, so he didn't have time to talk to Chen Chu. Chen Chu didn't bother. He sat on the sofa beside him and beckoned, calling Xu Tianhao and others over.

"Tianhao, Xu Chao..."

"Huh? Teacher?"

The five faces looked over with a peaceful smile, and for a moment Chen Chu felt that his heart suddenly calmed down, and he subconsciously showed a peaceful smile, "Sit down and rest..."


The six sat down together and watched it all with silent smiles.

After a long while, Chen Chu suddenly woke up.

Good guy, one was assimilated without noticing!


Chen Chu opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

"Well, then what... Let's go back to the classroom first, the teacher will handle it here."


Xu Tianhao and the others nodded and walked out of the teaching room.

After a long time, the dean ended his work. Looking at the various brands of cigarettes in a cardboard box beside him, he fell silent for a while.


At this moment, Chen Chu hurriedly got up and whispered, "Director?"

"Oh, oh... Teacher Chen, how many students in your class?"

"I've let them go back to the classroom!" Chen Chu hurriedly said.

"Mmmm." The dean seemed to have no idea what to say for a while, but after taking his place, he was silent for a while and then asked a little sullenly, "Mr. Chen, those students in your class are Xu Tianhao, Xu Chao, Sun Ziyang, Wu Ming, Deng Wei... I should remember correctly?"

"No, it's these five people."

Chen Chu is not surprised. After all, the five-member gang that is the most troublesome in the whole school has a monthly VIP card in the teaching office. There are many fights and troubles. The dean of the school must remember the name.

The dean asked again dubiously, "Really these five students?"

"Yes, yes." Chen Chu said with tears in his eyes.

"Ah...this..." The dean couldn't help scratching his ears, "This temper has become a bit sudden..."

"Yes, yes, the changes are quite big." Chen Chu quickly smiled and said, "After all, he has done a lot of ideological work for them before, and he has deeply recognized his mistakes and corrected them."

"Oh, it's good, it's good." The dean nodded slightly, "It's worthy of praise..."

"Yes, Director, then if I have nothing to do, I will go back to class first."

The head teacher nodded quickly.

As soon as Chen Chu went out, he vaguely heard the dean muttering.

"Why do these boys feel like old monks in their 70s or 80s..."

"Laughing and laughing almost saved me..."

Chen Chu stuck out his tongue.

slip away.

Back in the office in a blink of an eye, Chen Chu was thinking hard.

Because Deng Sijia's talent insulation physique prevented the intervention of the talent module, Chen Chu had to think of other ways.

Of course, the fastest way is to directly use the power of the teacher Tiantian to let Deng Sijia eat all the textbooks.

But... Deng Sijia throws away the blessing of ornaments, and the learning efficiency is only 187...

Um...maybe forget it faster after eating it?

Chen Chu patted his head and rested his forehead.

With his current means, he can't even take Deng Sijia!

Unexpectedly, a small class seven hides a crouching dragon and phoenix like Deng Sijia...

Normal performance can send a classroom teacher into the hospital, and supernormal performance can send all classroom teachers in...including the class teacher.

No, no, blood pressure is up.

He quickly walked to the back door and took a look at Xu Tianhao's peaceful smile.

The mood quickly calmed down.

Chen Chu had to lie on the railing on the corridor and think about the problem.

Others are not in a hurry, but Deng Sijia really has to fight for it.

The next monthly exam will be in the middle of next month, so there is not much time.

After hesitating for a long time, Chen Chu finally thought of a solution.

It seems that I have to sacrifice my big brother!

After class, he decisively called Zhou Feng out.

"What's wrong? Old Chen?"

"Well... Zhou Feng, can you spare some time to teach Deng Sijia some math homework?"

"Well, no problem." Zhou Feng raised his head and smiled, "But don't have high expectations. I can only say try your best. How many points do you give her in math?"

"Eighty points!" Chen Chu said quickly.

Zhou Feng frowned, "This is quite difficult, and I don't have much confidence..."

Chen Chu smiled bitterly, "Then how sure are you?"

"Ninety-eight percent..."

"Hey...hey!? Ninety-eight percent!?" Chen Chu's eyes widened, "Really!?"

"The premise is that she can hear it. If she can't hear it..." Zhou Feng spread his hands, "Then I can't do it!"

Chen Chu hurriedly said, "Okay, I will make Deng Sijia correct!"

Without saying a word, she quickly called out Deng Sijia.

Seeing Zhou Feng and Chen Chu staying together, Deng Sijia probably guessed what was going on, and smiled bitterly, "Old Chen, you're not going to ask Zhou Feng to make up the math for me, right?"

Chen Chu said angrily, "Why, are you still not happy!?"

"Happy and happy..." Deng Sijia dared to object.

"You gave me the right attitude!" Chen Chu said with a serious face, "Don't quarrel with Zhou Feng!"


"Okay, you go back first!"

Deng Sijia turned her head and went back to the classroom. Chen Chu was about to say something, but Zhou Feng said, "The problem is mathematics, what about other subjects? I'm not very good at other subjects."

"I'll think of a way later..." Chen Chu patted Zhou Feng's shoulder with a serious face. "Bang... Zhou Feng, I'll leave it to you!"


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