clap clap clap...

The mechanical keyboard has a crisp percussion sound under constant percussion.

After a while, the knocking stopped abruptly.

"You're done!"

Wang Xu was so excited that he almost shouted, but he suppressed the shouting for fear of disturbing his mother.

"Let's test the test effect first..."

Wang Xu quickly created a brand new virtual machine and secured the family bucket on the virtual machine.

360, Kingsoft Internet Security, Tencent Butler, 2345, Master Lu... and so on, almost all the antivirus software available on the market have come with a set and tested one by one.

Soon, the test results came out.

Any virus security software on the market has been fooled.

"Comfortable, I haven't been busy these days!"

Wang Xu continued to carry out various tests, staring directly at various data information on the computer screen, and at the same time, in order to avoid the detection of the new virus, he simply wrote a program to cover it.

After the computer test, he used his mobile phone to test. Wang Xu opened the drawer and took out his unused mobile phone. There were six mobile phones of various brands, and all of them were updated to the latest version for testing.

After about half an hour of tossing, not only the application market can skip the detection step, but even the mobile phone security module does not have any recognition.

Then the next thing to do is too simple.

Wang Xu smiled sensually, moved the mouse, and decisively clicked the send button.


Anti-Fraud Bureau.


The police who were stalking suddenly realized that something was not right.

At this time, he was also monitoring a certain team member's computer by means of background penetration, and suddenly the signal was cut off and returned to his computer desktop.

"what happened!?"

The police quickly re-established the link, but found that there was no way to establish a connection.

"Could it be discovered by the other party's technicians?"

"It shouldn't be! I've been monitoring this for several days, and how could it suddenly disconnect without any warning?"

But the reality is that not only the connection of this policeman has been cut off, but the connections of many policemen have also been cut off.

This is so weird!

Because each police officer is in charge of different objects, and it is not the same fraud gang at all!

Almost at the same time period, the backstage of as many as eighteen fraud gangs distributed in this area of ​​Cambodia could not infiltrate again.

The Anti-Fraud Bureau conducted a situation analysis for the first time.

"This situation is too abnormal..."

"It stands to reason that so many gangs should not have any connection, how can this happen at the same time!?"

"They use different backgrounds!"

"It's impossible that these eighteen gangs are all looking for the same technician, right?"

Everyone, you said what I said, this sudden situation made them completely confused, and they had no idea what the situation was.

After several discussions, there was no reason to discuss it. There was no way, but I could only try to forcibly break it and see if I could regain control.

At this moment, the Eight Immortals are naturally crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

But the weird thing is that all the eighteen martial arts were thrown out, and he couldn't even get in a hole, all of them were blocked by the other party, and the road was blocked at the first time.

"Damn it!?"

"Everyone who commits fraud now hires such a powerful technician!?"

"It's almost an iron wall! You can't even drill in!"

A kind of police gathered together and complained one after another.

Just a little bit puzzled.

If you have this ability, do you still do telecommunications fraud, just come to an Internet company, and some are hired with high salaries.

At this moment, one of the policemen suddenly said with a strange expression, "I think... it seems that the other party has the virus..."


The crowd was stunned.

"This doesn't make sense! How could all the computers be infected overnight!? And these are 18 fraud gangs, all of which are not in the same place, and there is no connection between them..."

On the contrary, the policeman who asked the hypothetical question pondered for a moment, "What if it is an infectious virus?"

"Isn't this even more outrageous!? If it is a contagious virus, it should be that the entire area may be infected, and it is not only the fraud gangs that are involved, including ordinary people."

"What's more, these people have special anti-virus software on their computers, and infectious viruses are usually intercepted..."


At this moment, the policeman in another place suddenly made a sound of consternation.

"What's wrong!?"

"Come here and have a look!"

"I was on the Internet just now and found that some netizens in Cambodia have posted videos. It's outrageous!"

All the policemen rushed to the computer and came to the computer. There was a video of YouTube. One person was taking pictures of the computer with a mobile phone, but the computer was a black screen.

A piece of text is composed of code on a black screen.

For a time, all the people in the entire Anti-Fraud Bureau's office were shocked!

Not only that, in less than ten minutes on the YouTube, there are as many as hundreds of videos, all of which are black on the computer screen with a Chinese paragraph printed on it.

"Have you downloaded National Anti-Fraud A?"

In just one day, the relevant video on the YouTube directly exploded.

Almost overnight, a virus named "Anti-fraud" swept across a large number of areas in Cambodia and spread wildly. Any computer under attack would fall into a black screen within a short period of time. After displaying a paragraph of Chinese, ten minutes later. will return to normal within.

There was no data theft, but it resulted in a period of network stagnation in several regions.

Not only YouTube, but also the we-media of major domestic platforms smelled an unusual breath in an instant.

"The Strongest Domestic Virus in History - "Anti-fraud""

Who is the author of "Anti-Fraud"? Are you a national? 》

"Shock! Computers of millions of Cambodians went black overnight

Just when the major media were mad, this incident also instantly alerted the attention of anti-fraud, public security organs and other units, and also alerted the attention of major network giants.

The layman watches the fun, the layman watches the doorway.

What ordinary people see is only the bullshit of the Chinese people, and they feel that the Chinese people have become hard-hearted again in this area of ​​the Internet, and they will have more after-dinner talk in the future.

What the major Internet giants see is capital. After all, an infectious virus can skip their security detection and directly infect. The author of the “anti-fraud” virus can see how terrifying the related technology is. The money path is bright again.

What the police see is safety.

After all, although this virus is not aggressive and does not cause economic losses, the indirect economic losses are still very terrifying. After all, ten minutes of network stagnation, once it enters the country, it will be an extremely terrifying number, and even cause panic.

The movement was too loud, and a case had to be filed for investigation.

On the other hand, relevant technicians are working on cracking the virus to prevent accidents.

Not only at home, this incident has also set off a storm abroad.

After all, the contagiousness of "anti-fraud" is too terrifying. It has been decades since the last virus spread. Now the network security has been developed to a fairly complete level, but even so, the "anti-fraud" virus is also Being able to get infected is really scary!

What if the "anti-fraud" virus is aggressive! ?

During this period, everyone is trying their best to break the "anti-fraud" virus.

The Anti-fraud Bureau has already extracted samples of the 'anti-fraud' virus for the first time, and tried to obtain the source code for analysis.

"This...this is a bit outrageous!"

"More than outrageous, the guy who created this virus is a genius!"

"I actually figured out a set of variable disguise by myself!"

Several technical specialists were horrified while trying to crack it.

"As soon as I try to attack it, it changes itself!"

"This is even more outrageous. I just attacked and it was all garbled!"

"How on earth did it do it? Isn't mutability camouflage a theoretical thing? How on earth did this person achieve it!?"


During the morning exercise the next day.

As soon as Chen Chu arrived, Wang Xu hurried up, his face full of panic, "Old, old Chen, I seem to be in trouble!"

"Huh!?" Chen Chu was taken aback, seeing that Wang Xu didn't look like a joke, so he asked Wang Lebang to take the others to the morning exercise, and he took Wang Xu aside and frowned, "Tell me! What's the trouble? already?"

"Didn't I set up a liar two days ago?"

"Well, then?"

"Then I secretly threw a virus into his computer, thinking of playing tricks on him..."

Chen Chu said angrily, "Then you hacked his computer?"

"Yes, the virus spread accidentally..."

"Well, an overseas fraud gang, right?" Chen Chu waved his hand, "It's okay, if it gets hacked, it gets hacked. It doesn't have much impact, and they don't have the guts to come back and trouble you."

"I originally thought this was the result, but I didn't expect those guys to be so sb, I knew it was a virus and spread the virus..." Wang Xu almost burst into tears, "My virus last night all of a sudden. It infected 800,000 computers, and the number is still rising. The data that came back this morning showed that there were more than 3 million computers..."

Chen Chu staggered and almost fell to the ground.


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