Wang Xu's mother didn't know what was going on. Seeing that Wang Xu hadn't gone home, she called to ask, and Chen Chu helped to put it off.

At noon, I brought the meal, and I found that I was very caring. I added several more dishes to Wang Xu, and it was full.

Wang Xu, however, had no appetite at all, holding chopsticks for a long time.

"Eat it!" Chen Chu took a chicken leg and placed it on Wang Xu's plate. "Maybe it's your last normal meal."

Wang Xu didn't hold back, and suddenly burst into tears.


"Old Chen, I don't want to go to jail!"

"If I go to jail, what will my mother do?"

"How can she live alone in the future!"


I really burst into tears, and the tears flowed.

"You deserve it!" Chen Chu pouted, "If you really go in, don't worry, I will bring my classmates to see you every year!"

Wang Xu cried even more sadly.

"Cry ass, eat." Chen Chu stared, "I'm crying when I'm full, and you haven't even gone in yet! It's not too late to cry when you're in."

Chen Chu ignores Wang Xu, and eats as much as he should.

Let your kid do it!

But Chen Chu didn't have much appetite, so he didn't eat a few bites.

Wang Xu was already full of anger.

Wang Xu didn't stop crying, Chen Chu was irritable, and calmed down in his heart.

"Okay, okay, we haven't come to a conclusion yet! Don't cry." Chen Chu changed the subject and said, "If it's all right, would you dare to hide it, kid?"

"How dare I!" Wang Xu said with snot and tears.

"Then give me an honest study and class when I go back!" Chen Chu said solemnly, "Do you hear me?"

"Well, um, I'll go to class when I go back."

"Listen while you eat, and I'll help you analyze it." Chen Chu held his hands and thought for a while before saying, "Actually, what Sun Ju said just now has a certain element of scaring you in it."

"" Wang Xu wiped his nose, picked up the plate and ate it. After all, he didn't eat anything in the morning, and he was still frightened. He must be hungry.

"And I think that with the degree to which our country attaches great importance to talents, and that you have realized the variant disguise, plus you are young and have great potential for development, I think it will protect you. Besides, your behavior is subjectively for the sake of To teach a lesson to the fraud gang, objectively it is also the objective gang that spread the virus, not your direct behavior... On the whole, it is unlikely that you will be imprisoned."

"Yes, but what about those economic losses!?"

"That's what Cambodia said, who knows if it's true?" Chen Chu shrugged and said, "Besides, even if it's true, I can't take care of that place, it's messy, and I might not care about you. What's more, our country is one of the five benevolent people of the United Nations, so Cambodia wants to reason with us?"

"Hehe... You look down on Xiao Jian too much..."

In fact, Chen Chu is just talking nonsense, nothing more than to comfort Wang Xu.

How can Wang Xu understand this, anyway, he believes what Chen Chu says now.

The two of them stayed in the office for an afternoon. At about 4:30 in the afternoon, Sun Guoming walked into the office, looking a little tired.

Chen Chu and Wang Xu hurriedly stood up.

Sun Guoming took a breath and was about to say something, but he suddenly stopped and asked Wang Xu to go out first, as someone was watching.

Chen Chu asked cautiously, "Ju Sun, should it be all right?"

"I don't know if it's okay or not..." Sun Guoming frowned and said incomprehensibly, "The virus made by this kid seems to be very abnormal?"

"Let's just put it that way..." Chen Chu said with tears in his eyes, "If the virus he made doesn't have the source code and variant code, no one can crack it for the time being, and this time may be in the next five to ten years. Inside, or even longer, because he has put some theoretical things into practice, so far, it is still the only one for Scorpion Baba."

"No wonder." Sun Guoming frowned, "I said there was a lot of quarrel up there."

"Noisy?" Chen Chu was taken aback.

"I reported this matter to the top, and they told me to suppress the news, not to reveal half a word, and then held an emergency meeting..." Sun Guoming hesitated for a while and said, "It seems to be the Internet Security Department, the Internet Technology Department, and the Internet Research Department. , the Strategy Department, the Electronic Weapons Department, and representatives of the major Internet giants are all trying to protect people and rob people at the same time..."



After all, these departments are closely related to the program, and they are aware of the strong technical foundation of the 'anti-fraud' virus, and naturally they are the first to find a way to incorporate it into their own command.

"It's been so noisy all afternoon, and no one is willing to let go." Sun Guoming frowned and said, "There is no conclusion for now, but people should be safe. The above has already ordered them. The matter about this kid needs to be kept completely confidential. All personnel are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.”

Hearing this, the big stone hanging in Chen Chu's heart finally fell to the ground.

"And after that!?" Chen Chu hurriedly asked.

"You ask me who I'm going to ask?" Sun Guoming rolled his eyes angrily, "This kid has directly alerted the major departments, and the discussions are all about all kinds of bigwigs. This kind of meeting is confidential, how can I find out any news! "

"I have given a death order here, and there must be no accident, to ensure the absolute safety of the other party." Sun Guoming said solemnly, "When I go out, I will send someone to secretly protect this kid 24 hours a day."

"What's the situation on your side, let me know as soon as possible and adapt accordingly."


Wang Xu also received special treatment.

Sun Guoming personally stared at him and wrote down the confidentiality regulations, scaring the child into signing the death penalty confirmation letter, his face was pale, and his body was trembling.

It wasn't until I felt better that I realized that it was all right, so I got in the car and took it straight to my house.

Fortunately, no one asked where Wang Xu learned from, only that Wang Xu was a genius.

On the way, Chen Chu urged thousands of times that he must not reveal to anyone what happened today.

After clarifying the seriousness of the matter, Wang Xu nodded again and again.

After sending Wang Xu to his home, Chen Chu was truly relieved. He was worried almost the whole day, but fortunately, the final result was a near miss.

And to a certain extent, this is actually an opportunity. After all, Wang Xu has attracted such great attention at such a young age, and he is also an important relevant department... It depends on whether this kid can grasp it in the future. .

After Wang Xu returned home, Wang Xu's mother felt very wrong when she saw Wang Xu's appearance, and hurriedly walked up to Wang Xu and asked, "Wang Xu, what's wrong with you?"

Almost all day's tense emotions were suddenly released at this moment, Wang Xu burst into tears again, and while crying, wiping his tears, he said, "It's okay, it's okay..."

You look like you're fine! ?

It was the first time that Wang Xu's mother saw Wang Xu collapse into this state, and she was a little helpless. "Have you been bullied by others? Let my mother take a look. It's not hurt, right?"

"No, no..." Wang Xu had already signed the confidentiality regulations, how dare he say it, but he couldn't find his emotions to vent for a while, so he paused and said, "Mom, our head teacher praised me all day long, saying that I was too punished. It's tortured, I don't even know if I should dare to move or not..."

Wang Xu's mother was taken aback.


Your class teacher is so moved after complimenting you a few words! ?

This kid can't be complimented...

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