Although the matter of Wang Xu is not over yet, it has come to an end for the time being, and after such a lesson, Wang Xu should not dare to be skinny in the future.

But having said that, you have to keep an eye on it.

Yesterday's sudden departure of Chen Chu and Wang Xu naturally caused doubts in the seventh class.

Originally, everyone thought that after Wang Xu was taken away by Chen Chu, his temperament would definitely change, but he didn't expect that when he saw Wang Xu the next day, Wang Xu was still the same, with no change.

A few good ones who played with Wang Xu went over and asked.

"Brother Xu, what did Old Chen take you to yesterday?"

"Tell us about it, we are also very curious!"

Wang Xu rolled his eyes, "Go to my house to do ideological work for me, what? Do you want to sign up too? I can go and talk to Lao Chen."

"Farewell, excuse me, bye bye!"

A group of people winked, raised their hands decisively and stepped back.

This incident didn't make much waves in the seventh class, and Chen Chu is trying to figure out how to improve Deng Sijia's other subjects, but before that, we still have to see how Zhou Feng's progress is. If you can't handle Deng Sijia, you may have to think of other ways.

I hope my eldest brother can be a little stronger!

Just when Chen Chu was thinking, Li Qingfeng suddenly sent a WeChat message.

"Teacher, the students have encountered a problem recently. They don't know how to deal with it for a while. I wonder if the teacher has time?"

Chen Chu was stunned for a moment. Since Li Qingfeng was added last time, this is the first time Li Qing has sent WeChat over.

For this person, Chen Chu still has a lot of goodwill, and really never bothered himself.

"What is the specific problem?" Chen Chu asked quickly.

"About the surgical trauma operation." Li Qingfeng replied, "I have a patient with a very special situation. If the operation is to be performed, the risk is extremely high, and I don't have much confidence, so I have the cheek to ask the teacher for advice."

Chen Chu thought for a while before replying, "Well, I'll go to the hospital during the noon break to see what's going on!"

"Yes, teacher, I will come to pick you up when the time comes!" Li Qingfeng added a smile.

Chen Chu originally wanted to say that it was unnecessary, but he probably understood Li Qingfeng's temperament. Even if he refused, this guy would definitely come over, so he simply didn't refuse and replied, "Okay, thank you for your hard work. "

When the students finished school at noon, Chen Chu also came to the gate of the school. As expected, Li Qingfeng was already waiting at the gate in his car, and he was still wearing a white coat. He seemed to have rushed over before he had time to change his clothes.

In order to avoid extracurricular problems, Chen Chu trotted all the way to get into the car before Li Qingfeng took the initiative to come over, and followed Li Qingfeng all the way to the Third People's Hospital.

On the way, Li Qingfeng explained the situation, because he had not started imitating, Chen Chu was naturally confused, and he had to put on a cautious look on his face, occasionally nodding slightly.

"Teacher, this situation shouldn't be too complicated for you, right?"

Chen Chu coughed, "It's too early to say this, and we have to see the patient's condition before we can draw a conclusion."

When Li Qingfeng heard this, he immediately became more respectful in his heart.

The attitude of the teacher is really strict!

Even if it is so detailed, the teacher is extremely cautious and does not mean to draw any conclusions. He must wait until he sees the patient. This kind of truth-seeking attitude and spirit is really admirable.

Li Qingfeng didn't say any more. After arriving at the hospital, he immediately brought Chen Chu to a certain ward and saw the patient.

The patient is a middle-aged man in his forties. Li Qingfeng said before that he would go to his teacher to come and have a look. The middle-aged man thought it was an old doctor with gray hair. As a result, when Chen Chu entered the room, he suddenly I was stunned.

"Doctor Li, this..."

Li Qingfeng naturally introduced respectfully, "Let me introduce you, this is my teacher, surnamed Chen!"

The patient was immediately dumbfounded!

Who doesn't know that Li Qingfeng is a rookie at the Third People's Hospital, especially in terms of surgical experience that is not inferior to those of the veterans, and even means that he is better than blue.

But who would have thought that the teacher Li Qingfeng said was younger than him! ?

"No, no, Dr. Li is joking, I'm just one of his friends!" Chen Chu hurriedly waved his hand, and after starting the imitation, he hurriedly came to the patient's side to check the other's injury, which was really incredible. The situation was so complicated that Chen Chu couldn't help frowning.

The wound has a large area of ​​ulcers. Although it has been treated, it is still decaying and has lost some consciousness.

Li Qingfeng also hurriedly took the film and showed Chen Chu a look. Seeing that Chen Chu was also frowning, the patient's mood was naturally extremely disappointed. "Is it hopeless?"

"It's not that serious. It's just that it's very complicated to deal with. I need to discuss with Dr. Li before giving you an answer. You don't need to be too nervous, okay?"


The patient nodded, and Chen Chu and Li Qingfeng walked out of the ward.


Chen Chu waved his hand and interrupted Li Qingfeng's words, "Doctor Li, the patient's situation is indeed very complicated. You also know that I do not have a medical license and cannot operate on him."

"I understand, so I won't embarrass the teacher. I just hope that the teacher can teach me how to do this operation. This patient's family situation is also quite special. Class disabled, the children are still young..."

"The difficulty of this operation is actually the grasp of the hand feel, especially the depth of the fit needs to be accurate to the millimeter level. It is not enough to be more or less, otherwise it may cause heavy bleeding!" Chen Chu frowned, if he could He naturally wants to perform the operation in person, but the problem is that he can't, so all he can do now is trust Li Qingfeng, "So, can I discuss with the hospital and let me enter the operating room and give on-site guidance beside you. ?"

Li Qingfeng was overjoyed, "Yes, I will apply with the hospital now, and the director should agree if I want to come!"

Dean Liu Yikun not only agreed, but when he heard that Chen Chu was going to guide Li Qingfeng in the operation, he immediately asked someone to put the hospital's highest-definition camera over there.

Take a picture and use it as a teaching material in the future!

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