Xu Yanqin followed Yuan Zheng back into the house with some displeasure.


"It's almost done." Yuan Zheng also had a serious look on his face, "Let the child handle the child's affairs by himself, and don't interfere! When the time comes, the relationship between your mother and daughter will be stiffened, and you will be in a hurry. Just find one for you, and it's not good for anyone who loses both."

Seeing Yuan Zheng's expression on his face, Xu Yanqin didn't continue to fight, and said with a compromised expression, "Okay, I know, I won't say it anymore."

Yuan Wen returned to her room and couldn't help but wonder what Xu Yanqin wanted to say just now.

This is Chu He Hanjie again, and it belongs to a prime minister again. Is the reel of the car gone?

Huang Quan racing?

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, but anyway, it's right to urge marriage.


Yuan Wen sighed helplessly. In fact, she does want to find a place to live when she is old. It's not the way to be alone, but she really doesn't have a good candidate right now.

It was Chen Chu's shadow that popped out of his indifferent mind.

how to say?

Don't hate it, but don't like it either.

The most important thing is that the age gap is too big, and Chen Chu feels like a younger brother to Yuan Wen.

Chen Chu is certainly very good, but also quite versatile.

Just then, the phone suddenly rang.

Yuan Wen quickly answered the phone, and heard a woman's laughter from the other end of the phone, "Senior sister, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing, why did you remember to call me?" Yuan Wen smiled.

"Hey, didn't I miss you? And I have good news for you!" The other party laughed quickly, "I'll be coming to Jiangnan soon!"

"Hey? Really or not?" Yuan Wen looked happy, "You don't want to come to Jiangnan to work, right?"

"No, just come and play for ten days and a half months."

Yuan Wen asked curiously, "You won't break up again, will you?"

"Hmm~ what~"

"You're still so happy after breaking up?" Yuan Wen said speechlessly, "What's the reason for this time?"

"Is there any reason why I don't like it! Break up peacefully!"

"I said that you are too old, so it's almost time to find a suitable person to marry, right?"

"Hey..." There was a disgusting voice on the other end of the phone, "Why are you so embarrassed to talk about me? You get married first and then teach me a lesson!"

"..." Yuan Wen said dumbfoundedly, "Okay, I won't say that, I'll pick you up when you come to Jiangnan!"

"Come on, my plane tomorrow!"

"Ah!? I'm going to class tomorrow!"

"It's okay, I have my own arrangements, you can just take your class! Let's get together when you are free!"



Wang's yard.

After they were full, everyone came to the yard to enjoy the shade, and Grandma Wang also talked about the past.

But there are many things that Grandma Wang is unwilling to recall. After all, wars are often accompanied by sacrifice and bloodshed, which are too cruel.

"At that time, our country was very poor, but everyone was full of hope for life..."


"...We know that life will get better and better, even if we eat a steamed bun, we are smiling."


"No matter how hard or tired we are, we have to persevere, just to prevent our descendants from living a life of fear. Now, everything is fine..."

"Enough is enough, this is enough..."

While Grandma Wang was talking, the children listened carefully.

After all, the stories told from Grandma Wang's mouth often have a special appeal.

Talking and talking, it was past nine o'clock in the evening before I knew it.

Chen Chu took the students to leave. On the way back, the other three did not respond at all, only Li Qian said with a serious face, "If there is a chance, I also want to defend the motherland like Grandma Wang. , to be a female soldier who does not allow men."


Chen Chu couldn't help but be stunned.

good guy!

Not one of the three farts stared at, but Li Qian, who called by the way, has already realized it!

"Look, are you two embarrassed? Li Qian is more enlightened than you two!"

Chen Chu couldn't help pointing at Cao Yunjing and Wang Xu with a look of disgust.

Li Qian was so complimented by Chen Chu that she smiled a little embarrassedly.

"That's right, that's right..." Tian Xiao said, "Shame on you."

Chen Chu couldn't help but glared at Tian Xiao, "You are even more embarrassing. You have nine years of compulsory education, and you have played with Li Qian since childhood. Why is there such a big difference?"

"It's, it's..."


Wang Xu and Cao Yunjing immediately counterattacked.

"Shut up!" Chen Chu glared at the three of them angrily, "I will learn from Li Qian in the future, do you hear me?"


Wang Xu and Cao Yunjing immediately straightened their waists with serious expressions on their faces.

Tian Xiao pouted, looking at Wang Xu and Cao Yunjing with disdain in their eyes.

Two idiots...

When he was about to say goodbye, Chen Chu also glanced at Tian Xiao's attributes, and the result...it was hard to say.

Nothing has changed.

"It seems that consciousness is not something that can be done easily!"

Chen Chu was quite helpless in his heart, if Tian Xiao had the consciousness of Li Qian, it would be easier.

But then again, if Li Qian had such a consciousness, Tian Xiao would have been subtly influenced by it over time, right?

Fortunately, there is no need to worry too much about this matter, after all, there is still time.

However, when Chen Chu was returning to school, He Cao suddenly called.

"what's wrong?"

"Old Chen... That... Are you free now? Tian Zhen wants to see you!"

"..." Chen Chu was silent for a while, "Are you revealing the stuffing?"

Although there were some mistakes in the performance at that time, other details were well controlled, so it should not be revealed.

"After thinking about it, I took the initiative to confess, I really can't bear to deceive Tian Zhen..."

Chen Chu couldn't help rolling his eyes, but you are showing your true feelings, so where should I put the face of my head teacher?

Cooperate with students to deceive other girls! ?

Chen Chu scolded angrily, "Dare I cooperate with you to toss for a long time, but you just blew yourself up? Then you told people directly at the time that you won't be able to play and it's over? I'm a shame!?"

"I'm sorry! Lao Chen, I'm very sorry, I feel ashamed, I won't say anything about how you want to deal with me later, you can do whatever you want me to do!" He Cao said quickly, "And Tian Zhen didn't blame me, she said she She had long known that the person on stage was not me at all. After all, she also knew that I couldn't play the third piano concerto at all. She just wanted to see what the head teacher looked like who could play the third piano concerto with her own hands! How pitiful, you will grant her wish!"

"Don't go, I'm ashamed!"

Chen Chu hung up the phone in annoyance, and put He Cao on the blacklist.

Damn you little bastard, you still want to form a group?

Then after a while, the phone rang again, but it was an unfamiliar number, but when Chen Chu thought about it, he knew that it must be He Cao. "Hello? Who is it?"

"Hello, is this Teacher Chen?" A gentle girl's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, who are you?"

"Hello, teacher, my name is Tian Zhen, and I'm He Cao's friend."


Chen Chu couldn't help but help his forehead, and said with a dry laugh, "Tian Zhen! This... Teacher, I am also forced to be helpless..."

A gentle laughter came from the other end of the phone, "Teacher, He Cao has told me what happened. I know they forced you. Thank you, teacher, your performance is so perfect and wonderful."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Teacher, I have some small questions that I would like to ask you in person. Can you give me this opportunity?"

Having said all that, Chen Chu would have the nerve to refuse!

"Okay, okay, of course there's no problem, where are you? I'll come over now!"

"I have asked the driver to pick you up, and a driver will contact you later."

"Hey, good, good."

Chen Chu hung up the phone with a face full of helplessness.

Sure enough, a driver called and asked where Chen Chu was. Chen Chu reported the location and got in the car not long after.

About ten minutes later, the car stopped at a manor.

There was also a middle-aged man dressed as a housekeeper waiting at the entrance of the manor. He hurriedly opened the door for Chen Chu and said with a slight smile, "Mr. Chen, the lady has been waiting inside for a long time! Please come with me."


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