Chen Chu followed the middle-aged man dressed as the housekeeper all the way forward, and soon saw a very classical Western-style building, brightly lit, even a little medieval.

"Mr. Chen, please come in."


After the housekeeper opened the door, Chen Chu walked in and found that it was more classical. The walls were covered with oil paintings, and the whole hall was very bright, as if he was in a Western-style villa in that kind of movie.

"Old Chen, this, here..."

When Chen Chu heard the voice, he turned his head quickly and saw He Cao beckoning on the second floor, dressed like a flower girl at a wedding.

"Are you acting as a flower girl?"

He Cao almost stumbled to the ground, rolled his eyes and said, "This is a standard western-style evening dress, okay?"

"Why do you look so awkward?"

"That's why you can't appreciate it!" He Cao hurriedly said, "When you see Tian Zhen later, save me some face! By the way, praise me a few more times!"

"Praise you!? I want to beat you now, believe it or not?"

"Don't, don't...Old Chen, I know you feel bad for me! You calm down, you calm down, all I do now is to heal a wounded soul, and you have boundless merit!" He Cao hurried to accompany him With a smile, he said, "Isn't this all to make Tian Zhen happy!"

"Forget it, I'll find a way to deal with you tomorrow!" Chen Chu was too lazy to pay attention to He Cao, so he hurried upstairs. He Cao followed closely behind, and ran to the front to guide Chen Chu, and he pushed away after a while. After entering the door, I saw Tian Zhen had already stood up, with a sweet smile on his face.

"Hello, Teacher Chen."

Seeing Chen Chu, Tian Zhen bowed directly.


Chen Chu is also a little embarrassed, and thinks that Tian Zhen is really polite and has the demeanor of a lady.

"Come, come, Lao Chen, sit here!"

After Chen Chu sat down, Tian Zhen's small eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and said, "Mr. Chen, you are really amazing, I didn't expect you to have such a piano skill at such a young age, are you very young? Did you start practicing the piano?"

"Occasionally play, occasionally play..." Chen Chu said with a dry smile, "The level is average, and the ability is limited."

"Mr. Chen, you are really humble. I have seen a lot of pianist performances abroad, and there are very few who can reach your level!" Tian Zhen said softly, "I think being your student should be a good one. A very happy thing!"

"That's right, Old Chen is interesting!" He Cao on the side hurriedly said, "Old Chen knows too much, playing the piano, dancing, playing basketball, playing games, breaking boulders in his chest, stepping on electric light bulbs, getting on board. Jumping off the roof, you can go down to the sea to catch submarines..."

Chen Chu raised his hand and gave He Cao a slap on the back of his head. He glared at He Cao fiercely, almost gritted his teeth and said, "Can't you say a few words less?"

He Cao laughed dryly, scratched his head and quickly closed his mouth.

Tian Zhen on the side laughed, "Mr. Chen, he has been a chatter since he was a child, and he can't stop once he opens his mouth! Sometimes there are too many words, and you just teach him a good lesson!"

"Don't worry, I will never be soft-hearted!"

"Oh, yes, teacher, your performance today is indeed very exciting, but I have a few questions."

"Well, you said."

"I've heard many versions of the Third Concerto before. Yours should be Mr. Lang's version, right?"


Chen Chu was calm on the surface, but he was slightly surprised in his heart, this girl is incredible!

After all, Chen Chu did his homework before imitating. After listening to several versions of the Third Concerto, he can only say that his personal style is relatively strong, but the differences in the playing of the piece are still very subtle.

This is where you can directly hear your personal playing style! ?

A bit outrageous!

"About the first part, in the 8th section, I don't know how you dealt with Mr. Chen?" Tian Zhen asked quickly, "It's very natural to overdo it, but when I listened to Mr. Lang's version, I found that it was a little bit different. It's abrupt, so I'm curious about how this is done? Of course, I'm just curious, and if it involves some secrets from the teacher, I won't force it."

He Cao, who was on the side, smiled bitterly and whispered in Chen Chu's ear, "Now you know why I took the initiative to explain it? You can't deceive her at all."

Chen Chu ignored He Cao and said sternly, "Actually, I use other methods, not just someone's style..."

After all, Chen Chu imitated not only one person at the time, but many people at the same time. After a lot of memories poured into his mind, a subtle fusion would form, but the main body was Mr. Lang, because the expressiveness was better. Richer, every other part will actually change roles according to the skills.

This is also the skill Chen Chu learned after using imitation for a long time, which can make the effect of imitation stronger.

But when Chen Chu chatted with Tian Zhen, they found that it was getting more and more outrageous.

Because this Tian really knows too much, if this is not the imitation skills, there is no way to talk about it.

And it's all very professional and technical stuff.

It makes Chen Chu feel that he is not chatting with a little girl at all, but an already well-known pianist with a strong appreciation ability.

Chen Chu couldn't help feeling sorry for this moment.

Thinking of Tian Zhen in front of him, he must have a very high level of piano talent, and he may even be grade B or above. If he hadn't lost his hands, Tian Zhen might have been able to hold a solo performance now.

No wonder he is depressed, Tian Zhen really likes playing the piano, and is obsessed with it.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Chu's anger towards He Cao was a little less in his heart.

Not to mention other things, this kid is indeed affectionate and righteous, and he is sincere.

Name He Cao

Sex: Male

age 15

Virtue 55

Intelligence 50

Stamina 52

Aesthetic 67

state aversion learning

Ignore bad habits

no talent

Learning Effectiveness 108

Overall evaluation: f

This is He Cao's attributes. He doesn't have any talent at all. The only bright spot is that his aesthetics are higher.

But this guy learned the seventh grade of the piano by his own efforts with just one belief.

To know that this level is already considered a leader in high school students.

Although the level is average, it is generally not bad. If you persevere, you should still be able to practice the level, but it will take more effort than those who are talented.

"Thank you, teacher, for answering my doubts for me, and I was relieved at once!" Tian Zhen showed a sweet smile, "It's a pity that I can't continue to play the piano, otherwise, I really hope that the teacher can guide me personally. a bit!"

"Isn't there still me!" He Cao said quickly, "I will let Lao Chen teach me, teach me, I will play it for you every day, and you can play whatever you want!"

"Okay! Then when I come back next time, I hope you can learn everything!"

"No problem, it's done!"

It was only after more than two hours of chat that Tian Zhen got in the car and went home.

He Cao kept waving at Tian Zhen and gradually watched the car leave.

Can't wait to see the car, and suddenly the whole person fell silent.

"He Cao, what's wrong with you?"

There was something wrong with entering He Cao's state. Chen Chu walked over to take a look, but found that He Cao's eyes were red and tears were already rolling in his eyes.

Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and patted He Cao's shoulder lightly.

Obviously He Cao is distressed for Tian Zhen.

After all, Tian Zhen is so talented, but he loves the piano so much but lost his hands. He suddenly lost his dream and even lost his normal life.

Chen Chu couldn't understand the pain, but it was true that he really felt sorry for this little girl.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Chu said to He Cao, "If you really want to inherit her dream, you have to work harder than ordinary people!"

"Well..." He Cao silently replied.

never mind.

Chen Chu patted He Cao on the shoulder and calmly used the talent module.

Today, I will give He Cao a random piano talent no matter what!

If the two of you can really be together in the future, this gift from me now, teacher, will be regarded as a share of money.

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