Chen Chu stood beside He Cao for about ten minutes.

"Old Chen, I've slowed down, I can almost leave!?"

"Wait a minute, keep standing!"

"oh oh……"

He Cao was a little puzzled, and then vaguely heard Chen Chu muttering in his mouth.

"I sacrifice Zhao Yizhou to be single for fifty years..."

"Give me a piano! Give me a piano!"

He Cao scratched his head, who is Zhao Yizhou?

Why sacrifice Zhao Yizhou for a piano! ?

"Old Chen..."

"Don't talk! Just be honest!"

"oh oh……"

Unconsciously, another ten minutes passed, and He Caodu became impatient.

At this moment, the cold back of the head was hit again.

"Old, old Chen, why are you hitting me!?"

Chen Chu said with a cold face, "Look at the cute back of your head, can't you?"

"Come here, let me smoke again!"

He Cao's face was suddenly full of grievances: "Why!?"

"Don't ask so many questions, as you said, I will clean up you how I want to clean up!"

"oh oh……"

He Cao reluctantly shrank his head and walked over.

"Old Chen, lighten up..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was hit again, and he almost didn't cry because he was aggrieved by the child.

"Okay, I feel much more at ease in my heart now!" Chen Chu took a deep breath and kept as calm as possible "From now on, if you don't read to me well, believe it or not, my teacher. If you don't do it, you will have to break your dog's leg first!"

"Yes, I must work hard."

He Cao was actually full of doubts in his heart. He didn't know why Lao Chen was so angry all of a sudden.

Chen Chu is naturally very angry, because it took him more than fifty random talent modules to come out with a piano, and it was only a C grade!

Name He Cao

Sex: Male

age 15

Virtue 55

Intelligence 50

Stamina 52

Aesthetic 67

state aversion learning

Ignore bad habits

Talents C-level piano, F-level mathematics, E-level language, F-level politics, E-level vocal music (the remaining 50 talents have been omitted, the average is F-level talent)

Learning Effectiveness 108

Overall evaluation: e

How could Chen Chu not be popular?

If this is spent on others, maybe even an S-rank can come out seven or eight!

As a result, it was spent on He Cao, not to mention an S-level talent, the highest is a C-level talent.


So why should I pity this guy?

Wouldn't it be nice for me to spend these talent random modules on other people?

Having said that, this guy He Cao really has no talent!

It's just a little bit better than Deng Sijia!

All the F-rank talents made Chen Chu happy.

The only good thing is that there is a special evolution option.

Why Cao has too many talents, and they are all F-level talents. He has activated a variety of f-level talents and has reached special evolutionary conditions. Is he an evolutionary talent?

"Will the piano talent be overwritten after evolution?"

This is also the reason why Chen Chu did not choose to evolve for the time being. The piano he finally came out of random, if this is covered after evolution, it will be a waste of so many random modules of his talent.

After evolution, the original talents will be overwritten, including the C-level piano, but a special F-level talent will be activated at the same time.

Chen Chu had to weigh it up, and exchanged more than 50 ordinary talents for a special talent, and it was still an F-rank. How could this be a bit of a loss?

But special talents are hard to come by, even if it is an F-rank special talent, the effect is extraordinary.

"Old Chen, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Chen Chu didn't speak for a while, He Cao was naturally puzzled.

"It's nothing, remember to have a look tomorrow."


Chen Chu just returned to school, and after thinking about it, he still doesn't plan to evolve for the time being.

There are more than 50 talents. No matter how low the talent is, he is at least an all-around player. Just observe and observe.

on Monday.

Today, because of the school meeting, there is no morning exercise. After the school meeting, Chen Chu began to receive the whole class's feedback.

Except for the ones that were specially treated, the others were honestly handed over.

Sure enough, it forced out a large wave of Baidu's classic jokes.

However, Chen Chu didn't expect that the seventh class would write anything good. All he needed was the attitude of these guys. Even if it was just dealing with it, it was better than before, because before these guys didn't hand in any so-called homework at all.

When he returned to the office, Chen Chu glanced at this so-called afterthought.

It's okay not to look, but the blood pressure has come up again.

There is no one who can copy a lot of typos just by copying it on Baidu.

Chen Chu couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

Forget it, save it for later when you're in a good mood.

Decisively put these after-views into the drawer.

After school was over at noon, Chen Chu called Deng Sijia to the office.

"Old Chen, what's wrong?"

"Zhou Feng gave you a homework tutorial recently, how are you doing?"

Deng Sijia said with some guilty conscience, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Temporary quiz." Chen Chu took out a math test paper directly from the drawer. "I'll give you an hour. Do as much as you can!"

"Ah, I'm hungry!"

"It's okay, I asked Zhou Feng to bring food for the two of us, and I'll be watching you write!"

"Okay, okay!"

Chen Chu sat with his arms in his arms and read a book, while Deng Sijia started to do the test papers.

It took 20 minutes before I knew it, and after a while, Zhou Feng brought the meal.

Chen Chu went out to meet Zhou Feng.

"How is Deng Sijia studying?"

"It can only be said that it has an effect, but the effect is not very good." Zhou Feng couldn't help sighing, "Her learning efficiency is really bad, you just don't have too much expectations!"

Chen Chu's heart sank. Sure enough, even my eldest brother on the list can't take Deng Sijia?

Zhou Feng shook his head, and said with a look of disappointment, "I can barely get 180 points in the test... I was thinking of seeing if I could let her get a full score in the test, but forget it, I can't take it, I can't take it... …”

"Hmm..." Chen Chu was taken aback, "Huh!!??"

Zhou Feng grinned at Chen Chu, waved his hand and said, "I'm going home to brush the questions!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Feng turned around and left gracefully.

Chen Chu hurried back to the office with the meal, put the meal aside and came to Deng Sijia.

Quickly glance at the previous topic.

Holy shit!

The multiple-choice question turned out to be only one wrong question! ?

Continue to scan, there are not many wrong questions.

Chen Chu is also estimating the grades in his heart. Now Deng Sijia has three major questions left to do, but the previous score is already 87 points!


Chen Chu's scalp felt numb for a while!

In just a few days, Deng Sijia's score has been raised by 60 to 70 points! ?

List of big brother cattle batch!

Chen Chu suppressed his excitement, and his face was indifferent.

The last three big questions are really difficult. Deng Sijia thought for a long time and had no idea, so she said to Chen with a bitter smile, "Old Chen, I really can't do it!"

"If you can't do it, don't do it first, let's eat!"

"Hey, good!"

Deng Sijia burst into laughter and hurried to Chen Chu for dinner.

While eating, Chen Chu asked side by side, "How did Zhou Feng help you with your homework these days!? It's not for you to brush the questions, right?"

"No!" Deng Sijia said suddenly with an unhappy face, "He said that my brain is not suitable for writing questions, and I get angry when I think about it... How can he see people so accurately!?"


"So how did he help you with your homework?"

"Just teach me the topic! And give me a bunch of notes for me to read!"

"Bring it to me and have a look!"

"Oh..." Deng Sijia hurriedly took out the notes from her schoolbag and stuffed them into Chen Chu. Chen Chu opened it and saw the words scratched by the chicken, and knew that it was Zhou Feng's words without a doubt.

But a closer look doesn't seem to be anything special, just some typical question types and commonly used formulas.

"Is it gone?"

"No, just let me read these, he said that I can remember these is almost enough." Deng Sijia scratched her head and said, "But the strange thing is, when you talk about the topic, I don't understand what it is at all. Meaning, as soon as Zhou Feng talks about the topic, I can hear it very clearly, and the thinking is quite clear, I still remember it now!"

"Old Chen, you can't do it! We haven't given a speech at the Zhou Summit yet!"

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