Hearing Deng Sijia's words, Chen Chu couldn't help rolling his eyes.

You look up to me too much!

My eldest brother is the top mathematician in the future.

Glancing at the test paper again, it is true that 180 points is not a big problem.

"Performed well, keep working hard, if you don't get this score in the next monthly test, you won't need to dance in the future!"


After Deng Sijia left, Chen Chu had to consider other subjects.

Deng Sijia's math grades have come up, but other subjects still stretch their hips, and they are still far from more than 400 points.

How to deal with this problem?

Chen Chu couldn't help scratching his ears.

In fact, it is completely possible to put Deng Sijia on the student template first, and then use the random talent module to follow a dance, but there is still a problem of native talent.

Innate talent refers to the natural talent that comes with it.

The talent that comes with the random talent module cannot continue to grow, but the original talent has room for growth, which means that with the passage of time and self-effort, the level of the talent will continue to improve.

Don't look at Deng Sijia's current level of dance talent, if she continues to deepen in this field, this talent may reach B-level, A-level or even S-level!

Everyone has infinite potential, and everyone's future is uncertain.

And this is precisely why Chen Chu is reluctant to give Deng Sijia a student template, and may accidentally cover an S-level dance talent.

As a teacher, it is natural to hope that students can have the greatest room for development.

There is not much time until the next monthly exam.

"Well, if it really doesn't work, it can only be crazy to smash the teaching point."

Chen Chu sighed helplessly, he finally had a hole card.


At that time, I will frantically consume teaching points to provide all-weather course tutoring for Deng Sijia. It should be able to improve Deng Sijia's academic performance in a short time!

However, this also means that it may cost quite a terrifying teaching point.

It is conservatively estimated that about four or five million teaching points will be spent in a week, which was something that I could not imagine before.

Now it all depends on the reward of the big brother on the list to live.

No way, although this guy Wang Xu has S-rank talent, he doesn't produce many teaching points at all.

Because this guy doesn't read or study at all, and he spends all day tossing the code, which is not within the scope of the output of the teaching site at all.

Xu Chao and others who put on the E-level student template did not produce much teaching points.

Of course, the most incomprehensible person in Class 7 was Director Xu Da, because even the learning efficiency was a question mark, and the teaching points produced were a bit too random.

Sometimes it may suddenly be ten thousand or twenty thousand, and sometimes there is no output at all.

Learning efficiency is a mystery.

Maybe it's because of the fate of the Tai Buddhism...

Looking at the current state, the task of the system is estimated to be that the guaranteed reward cannot be obtained.

What's more, the teaching points that Chen Chu has consumed during this time are probably beyond the scope of many rewards.

Forget it, lie down.

It doesn't matter what the reward is, everything just happens.

Now the most important thing is to find a way to help Deng Sijia win the opportunity to walk.


Xu family.

As soon as Xu Tianhao returned to the door of the house, he heard yelling from inside the room.

"Rice buckets, all rice buckets!"

"What the hell do you eat? I have raised you for so long, you can't do anything like this..."

"Believe it or not, I chopped you all up and fed it to the dog!?"

Xu Tianhao opened the door calmly, only to see a bald middle-aged man with a fierce look in the living room, and across from him stood several people, all of them bowing their heads and not daring to speak.

After hearing the door open, everyone glanced at the door subconsciously.

"Small, young master!"

The few standing people hurriedly shouted cautiously.

The bald-headed middle-aged man was Xu Qiang, the father of Xu Tianhao. He touched his head and said coldly, "Go upstairs first!"

"Dad, you don't need to be so angry..." Xu Tianhao suddenly raised his head and showed a peaceful smile, "If you have anything to do, just sit down and discuss it."

At this moment, the living room was suddenly covered by a sudden spring breeze, which was full of gunpowder.

The bald head, who was still angry at first, suddenly calmed down.

The blazing flame in my heart just now went out in an instant.

It made Xu Qiang feel as if this matter really wasn't worth getting so angry about.

"I think the conflict between you all may be due to some communication problems, or there may be some misunderstandings in the details. Everyone sit down and talk, don't quarrel..." Xu Tianhao smiled slightly, "Dad, what do you think I said? Is it right?"

Xu Qiang's angry face twitched a little, and then he showed a slightly fierce smile, "My son is right..."

"It's my fault, I shouldn't be angry with you, come and come, everyone sit down, let's discuss it!"

Xu Qiang hurriedly waved his hand to signal everyone to sit down.

There were smiles on everyone's faces, and they sat down peacefully.

As soon as they looked up, everyone looked calm and laughed at each other, and the atmosphere became quite harmonious for a time.

No one felt there was anything wrong with it.

Xu Tianhao smiled slightly, and then went upstairs.

After a while, there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Tianhao, Tianhao, something big, something big!"

Xu Qianhui's anxious voice sounded outside the door.

Xu Tianhao hurriedly opened the door with doubts on his face, "Sister, what's wrong?"

Seeing Xu Qianhui covering her mouth, tears were about to flow out.

"Dad... Dad may not be able to..."

Xu Tianhao "?"

"He's already showing that kind of smile that shines back, and he talks to his subordinates with a calm face and a smile. I've never seen him like this. He... Does he have cancer? What are you explaining? What's going to happen?" Xu Qianhui couldn't stop her tears, she forced herself to hold back her choked voice and said, "Although he is not a good person, he is our father after all, Tianhao... um..."

While talking, Xu Qianhui was already crying, she covered her mouth and tried to keep her voice quieter.

Xu Tianhao "..."

half an hour.

"So that's what happened!"


"It really scared me!"

"You really scared me too!"

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

Xu Qianhui and Xu Tianhao looked at each other and smiled peacefully.



Deng Sijia and others who were practicing in the dance studio saw a new guest.

"Come on, let me introduce you to my classmates! This is my junior sister and teacher Xie Ping's disciple, Lin Yun."

Lin Yunyan smiled and waved to everyone quickly, "Hello everyone, classmates!"

The students were talking about it.

"Wow, I thought Mr. Yuan Wen was already very beautiful, but I didn't expect that this sister Lin Yun would be so good!"

"Tsk tsk, this figure... is absolutely..."

Even Deng Sijia's people winked at Lin Yun.

"This... this..."

"No, no, my nosebleed is about to come out... I can't stand it as a girl..."

"This figure is too tempting... If this is to dance, how many men can resist it!"

However, Deng Sijia had an ominous feeling.

"Oops, big trouble!"

"Jiajia, what's wrong?"

"Don't let this woman appear in front of Lao Chen!"


Deng Sijia held her hands and said with a serious face, "I have an intuition that this woman is not a good stubble. If you are not careful, Lao Chen will become her licking dog!"

"This, this is not good, we have settled on Chu Wen c!"

"That's right! What should we do then?"

"You must not allow Lao Chen to have any communication with this woman!" Deng Sijia whispered, "Block all news!"

An objection was raised.

"I think it's Old Chen's wooden head..."

At this moment, Lin Yunzheng was joking with Yuan Wen, laughing so much that the branches were trembling and shaking.

"Sorry, when I didn't say it, the threat was too big..."

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