Soon after, Hu Yao and his mother Zhao Jianfen returned home.

Instead, he saw a pile of medicine and some fruit at the door, but Hu Hui was the only one in the living room.

"Dad, where is Teacher Chen?"

"Said he had left beforehand."

Hu Yao was a little unhappy and said, "Dad, why don't you let others sit for a while? At least we have to wait for the two of us to come back!"

"You're blaming me now. The embarrassing thing is that I'm not you! I know there are guests coming, but I don't know how to wait at home, so I have to go out and buy some milk tea? My two men sit together for a long time. I couldn't hold back a word, I didn't know what to say, and he didn't make a sound..."

Hu Yao snorted, imagining that scene and couldn't help but be amused.

"Are you still happy?" Zhao Jianfen poked Hu Yao's back of the head, "I can tell you that you need to be careful about some things. Look at how many men have come these days! A man brought fruit the day we came. !"

"That's a white-collar worker in the office next door to me. I haven't talked a few times. He insists on bringing things over. What can I do? It's impossible to drive them away, right?"

"Who was that who came to eat at the house the day before yesterday?"

"I don't know him well. I'm a friend of a female colleague. I don't even know how he found my house! That person is really shameless. He insisted on pestering me after meeting a few times. I said I don't like him anymore!"

"What about yesterday? Didn't that young man also bring something yesterday?"

Hu Yao said with a face full of tears and laughter, "I didn't even know anyone yesterday! I don't know where it came from!"

"So, the girl who gave birth to a girl can't be too good-looking!" Hu Hui on the side couldn't help sighing, "Even people you don't know can run into the house, it's too unsafe!"

Zhao Jianfen frowned, "Then what happened to Teacher Chen today?"

"Ah...this is different..." Hu Yao raised her head and smiled stupidly, "I can't tell if this will be your future son-in-law..."

Hu Hui and Zhao Jianfen were slightly taken aback.

When she came back to her senses, Zhao Jianfen frowned, "No, I don't agree with this matter!"

"Huh? Why don't you agree?" Hu Yao was startled and glanced at Zhao Jianfen, "You have never met anyone! Objection is invalid!"

"Dad, look at her!" Hu Yao pouted and said unhappily, "Tell me about your wife!"

"This... Hu Yao, I'll stand by your mother's side in this matter!" Hu Hui said sternly, "You, a girl, are working hard outside the house, and your mother and I are really worried. You can see that you are injured. No one takes care of me, your mother and I are only a daughter like you, if something happens to you, what will we do?"

"Why are you worrying about this? The law and order are so good now!" Hu Yao rolled her eyes, "I can be safe by myself!"

"It's mainly because you have such a carefree temperament that you don't even know if you're being followed. If something happens, it's too late for you to regret it!" Zhao Jianfen snorted coldly, "And you're not a long-term actor in a haunted house, so say no. You will be fired someday, and how long can you work? Hurry up and go back to Jiangchuan with us, haven’t you always wanted to open a dance studio? I’ll help you with your dad after we go back!”

"Staying by our side, at least we can rest assured! As for Mr. Chen's, he has just worked for a long time, and he has nothing. He can't even get 40,000 yuan, so he has to find someone else to collect it, if he wants a car, no car, and a house If you don't have a room, how will you live with him?"

Hu Yao said indifferently, "Is it okay if I like it?"

"I like it but I can't eat it. When you're really with him, you live in a rental house and save money every day. I can see if you cry!" Zhao Jianfen said displeasedly, "Even if you are with him. Now, how much does it cost to buy food and a car? The loan can kill the two of you. This is not even the cost of having a child in the future. After the child is born, the money will not be enough at all. If you lose your job, eat What?"

"By then you two won't quarrel every day!?"

Hu Yao rolled his eyes, "How can you be so exaggerated!?"

"I've seen things like this a lot more, and the two of them are fighting for milk powder money! This is the reality! Girl!" Zhao Jianfen said bitterly, "The real love is firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea! Everything is It's built on a material basis!"

"What's more, you've only known him for a few days! Do you know what his temperament is? Don't get carried away for a while and just stay with others, you haven't even figured out what kind of person he is. It's clear, just throw it into my arms stupidly, and with your IQ, I doubt it's my own!"

"Dad, look at your wife, she scolds me!"

Hu Hui said helplessly, "Alright, alright, stop arguing!"

"Hu Yao, what your mother said is very reasonable. Love is not as simple as you think. Of course, if you just want to talk about love, my father is not against it, but if you want to get married, you really need to think carefully about this. !"

"What are you talking about, don't delay others!" Zhao Jianfen said quickly, "Follow us back to Jiangchuan!"

"I'm not going back, how do you like to say it, anyway, I just won't go!" Hu Yao raised her face, "Anyway, one of my legs is broken now, Mom, you have the ability to discount my other leg. !"

"Hey! You've grown up, dare to talk to your mother like that!"

As soon as the words fell, Hu Yao had already slipped back to the bedroom in an electric wheelchair.

Zhao Jianfen's chest heaved up and down with anger.

But seeing Hu Yao peeking out his head secretly, he carefully hooked his fingers.

"Come here!"

Um! ?

Zhao Jianfen stared, and Hu Yao closed the door with a bang.

"Old Hu, you are used to seeing it!"

"This is your lover in your last life, come to be angry with me in this life!"

Zhao Jianfen was right on her head when she suddenly heard Hu Yao screaming from inside the room, so frightened, the two hurried to the door of the room.

"Hu Yao, what's wrong with you!?"

"I hit the corner of the bed... it hurts... woo woo woo..."

Zhao Jianfen and Hu Hui looked at each other.

"Why do I always feel that this child is really not very smart..."


After Chen Chu returned to school, Hu Yao sent a message.

Hu Yao, I just went to buy a cup of milk tea, why don't you leave?

Chen Chu laughed dryly, and replied that there was something wrong, there was really no way, so he had to leave, remember to take those medicines on time.

Hello Hu Yao~ If you are free on the weekend, let's go to the movies together!

Um! ?

Chen Chu was instantly overjoyed, and contacted at that time.

Hu Yao ah, then I'll wash up first, and you should rest early.

Chen Chu couldn't help but clenched his fist and shouted yes!

Although it is said that I went to visit today and overturned the car, at least the result is gratifying.

There is still room for further development with Hu Yao!

Chen Chu suddenly felt a lot better, hummed a song all the way to the staff dormitory, and quickly greeted other teachers when he saw the other teachers. After a while, he came to the door of the dormitory, but saw Zhao Yizhou doing push-ups on the corridor with his shirtless. It's just that the posture is not standard, and the lower body has been sticking to the ground.

At once……

"Lao, you've been single for so long that you don't even plan to let go of the floor?"

Zhao Yizhou raised his head.


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