The next day, the first thing Chen Chu did in class was to take a look at He Cao's state.

It has been two or three days, and there are more than fifty talents in total. Why does He Cao have to activate one or two talents?

However, when Chen Chu took a look, he found that He Cao's state had not changed at all, and none of his talents were activated.

I wasted so many random modules of my talent, but you kid give me some arrogance!

Forget it, I'll clean up this kid later.

After class was over, Chen Chu hurriedly invited the big brother out of the classroom.

Ever since Zhou Feng raised Deng Sijia's math grades, Chen Chu has been thinking about letting Zhou Feng take the class instead.

In his last math class, the teaching points produced by the whole class may be at most a few hundred.

But if Zhou Feng was to come up, this data might be tens of times, or even hundreds of times!


In fact, it doesn't matter what the teaching point is, the main purpose is to improve the math scores in the class.

So after Zhou Feng came out, Chen Chu rubbed his hands together and laughed.

"Zhou Feng, the teacher wants to discuss something with you!"

Zhou Feng raised his eyebrows and shrugged, "Let me take the class?"

"As expected of the students I taught, you know what the teacher thinks!" Chen Chu patted Zhou Feng on the shoulder quickly and said with a smile, "The main reason is that you also know that the teacher's class is not easy, and one person has to replace three Class! Don't you know that the teacher's hair is about to fall out! Teacher, I love you so much on weekdays, do you want to help the teacher share a little bit?"

"Actually, if you don't tell me, I'm going to tell you about it." Zhou Feng curled his lips, "Should I tell you, Lao Chen, your math class is really too stretchy, you haven't even done it yet. Teacher Wu Ying taught well in class, but I don't blame you, after all, you are a monk halfway through, and it's almost the same to be able to reach this level."

Chen Chu was embarrassed to look at Zhou Feng.


"Yes, is it?"

"Well, the level is really too bad. Many questions are unclear. I feel that you are studying according to the textbook."

Chen Chu scratched his head, embarrassed.

As a teacher, being rejected by his students for his poor teaching skills is a bit unpleasant, even if this student is Zhou Feng.

"I'm a little curious. It stands to reason that you taught me very well when you were tutoring me alone, but you won't be able to do it once you are in class!"

Can that be the same?

When I was teaching you alone, I gave you an imitation.

Chen Chu hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Then you agreed to say that about the substitute class?"

"Well, I have long seen that you are upset in class..."

"Okay, needless to say, Zhou Feng, give the teacher a little dignity!" Chen Chu hurriedly interrupted Zhou Feng's words, "From now on, you will be your substitute for my math class! Of course, you can follow whatever conditions you have. The teacher said that as long as the teacher can satisfy you, he will never be stingy!"

"I don't need it anymore, I just want to simply go to class and experience what it's like to be a teacher." Zhou Feng waved his hand and left gracefully.

Chen Chu looked at the back of Zhou Feng leaving, and was quite moved.

Don't waste my painstaking efforts for you!

When it was time for the math class, Chen Chu walked up to the front desk and announced to the whole class, "From today, the math class in our class will be taught by Zhou Feng."


The whole class suddenly became suspicious.

"Old Chen, Zhou Feng has a math class, what are you doing?"

"Old Chen, aren't you trying to be lazy?"

You guys are really... you can see people so accurately!

Chen Chu coughed and said righteously, "What is being lazy? This is for the teacher to train you, and at the same time let you stand on the podium to experience what it's like to be a teacher!"

"It's not just Zhou Feng, any of you may be picked by me to give a lecture, and I have a grading standard here. When you give a lecture, if anyone doesn't speak well, then I will punish you. Oh!"

The whole class wailed for a while, but Chen Chu didn't care, he quickly waved at Zhou Feng, motioning for Zhou Feng to come to the podium.

Naturally, Zhou Feng didn't even take the textbook, and walked directly to the podium.

"Come on, everyone applaud Teacher Zhou!"

The whole class naturally applauded sparsely, and Cao Yunjing, Yang Tianyu and others also received enthusiastic filming.

"Okay, then I'll leave the podium to Teacher Zhou, everyone should listen carefully to the class!"

Chen Chu walked down to the podium decisively, sat in Zhou Feng's seat, and signaled that Zhou Feng could start lecturing.

Zhou Feng coughed and said, "Okay, but the way I teach may be a bit special. I don't need textbooks, you just need to listen to me carefully."

Zhou Feng took a piece of chalk and began to write the formula on the blackboard.

Blackboard writing is naturally appalling.

Ugly to look at.

But he didn't plan to stop it. In fact, he was also curious about what kind of picture Zhou Feng was in class.

About four or five minutes later, Zhou Feng wrote a lot of formulas on the blackboard.

But Chen Chu found something wrong at first glance. Many of these formulas are already beyond the outline. They are completely the courses of the second and third grades of high school.

"Listen, these are the experiences I've come up with by reviewing the questions. You can use half of these formulas. It's very simple!"

"Next, I will explain it to you formula by formula, and then deduce from this formula. I can omit the concept part, you just need to remember how to use it!"

"Now give you five minutes to write down all the formulas in a notebook!"

At this moment, Chen Chu almost subconsciously found a notebook from the desk to write it down.


Wait a minute……

Chen Chu suddenly woke up, what was that just now?

Looking around, I found that all the people in Class 7 had already taken out their notebooks and started copying the formulas. Even Yan Mao, who was listless, started to write and copy the formulas.

Chen Chu immediately moved the teacher's eye.

Tian Xiao

Gender: Female

age 15

Virtue 53

Intelligence 66

Stamina 44

Aesthetic 59

state aversion to learning;

Ecstasy (special state, learning comprehension is increased by 1000, learning efficiency is increased by 500, memory is greatly increased, and there is a certain probability to generate student soul cards, which can be used for students to upgrade stars, the duration is subject to Zhou Feng's release time)

Ignore bad habits

Talent B-level all-around special (one of the rare hidden talents, not activated yet)

Learning Efficiency 1388

Overall evaluation: f

Chen Chu's eyes widened.

Forget me state! ?

Holy shit!

Isn't this a state that can only be activated by myth-level teaching skills?

And even if it is a mythical teaching skill, there is a certain probability that it can be activated, but Chen Chu glanced at it now, except for Xu Tianhao, everyone fell into a state of ecstasy!


Chen Chu's eyes widened for a while, unable to believe it.

Is this the power of the legendary S-class?

No wonder Deng Sijia has improved from the level of 20 to 30 points to the level of 80 to 90 points in just a few days!


Chen Chu couldn't describe the shock in his heart for a while.

When he came back to his senses, Chen Chu opened the system's teaching point output prompt.

as predicted.

Get 588 teaching points from Tian Xiao

Get 1087 teaching points from Cao Yunjing


Chen Chu could not laugh or cry.

The number of teaching points produced by everyone in his math class is ten digits, and the maximum is no more than fifty points...

Forget it, what do I compare to an S-rank talent here?

Besides, this is what I taught, and I am not ashamed.

Thinking of this, Chen Chu felt at ease, and a picture appeared in his mind.

At that time, all subjects in the class will be taught by students, and he can even let it go!

It turns out... it turns out that you can still play like this!

Isn't this the legend that one part gets rich first, and then leads others to get rich together?


Chen Chu couldn't help turning his head to look at Xu Tianhao at the last table.

Seemingly aware of Chen Chu's gaze, Xu Tianhao smiled at Chen Chu, but the whole person was not affected by the self-absorbed state at all, just smiled and watched Zhou Feng on the podium in class.

So, can my eldest brother not be able to do as Warden Xu?


Chen Chu thought about it carefully, it seemed that Xu Tianhao had never influenced Zhou Feng.

Even when Xu Tianhao's previous peaceful state hadn't evolved, most of the seventh class were recruited, and only Zhou Feng was not.

The common talents of S-rank and the special talents of A-rank...

It seems that these two people should be on the same level.

Very good, as expected of the left and right guardians under my seat!

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