After Zhou Feng's math class ended, Chen Chu had already run back to the office to check the harvest.

A total of about 200,000 teaching points are produced in one class!

If there are no accidents, at least 15 math classes a week, if all are given to Zhou Feng, it will be able to produce more than 3 million teaching points!

Chen Chu almost didn't smile crookedly.

What kind of math class will you take in the future, follow my eldest brother!

Of course, in addition to the teaching points, soul cards were also produced, but the probability of getting soul cards was too low. After this class, Chen Chu only got two soul cards, and both of them belonged to Liu Yuchen.

The sign-in has already given two rising stars.

Never thought it would come in handy today!

Chen Chu didn't know what special effect this rising star would have, and immediately tried to use the power of the teacher's stars.

Star promotion conditions have been met

Does it cost 458,641 teaching points to upgrade Liu Yuchen?


Does it take so many teaching points to upgrade a star?

This week, Feng had just taken a teaching point for a math class, and he had to hand it over before he was too hot!


Congratulations to Liu Yuchen, who has been successfully promoted to ☆Liu Yuchen. The attributes have been greatly enhanced. I have activated my native talent and acquired passive skills.

Um! ?

There's also a skill! ?

Chen Chu hurriedly pretended to pass by the classroom and glanced at Liu Yuchen.

Name☆Liu Yuchen

Gender: Female

age 15

Virtue 82

Intelligence 84

Stamina 77

Aesthetic 84

state aversion learning

Ignore bad habits

Talented C-Class Electromechanical

Skill passive and flexible hands (20 efficiency increase when making electronic mechanical items)

Learning Effectiveness 234

Overall evaluation: c

Chen Chu suddenly froze at the door of the classroom.

Dare to be a little more outrageous?

Why would a dancer awaken his electro-mechanical talent! ?

And this is a natural talent...

Is there a serious special student in this seventh class?

Back in the office, Chen Chu's hair became messy from scratching.

So what is my problem? Or what about the students?

So far, not a single student has taken the normal route.

It's not a bad thing to say, but it makes it hard for me!

After all, the teacher is to find a way to think about the future for the students, and pave as many roads as they can.

The rest are okay to say, just this electronic machine can't be fixed for Chen Chu.

If one day the professors of electrical and mechanical engineering in those universities come to recruit students.

Chen Chu walked up and said to others, "Come on, professors, this dance student in our class is very old in electronic machinery, how can you find a way to give her a whole walk?"

"Come on, Liu Yuchen, build a Gundam for the professors to see?"

When Chen Chu thought about this picture, he couldn't help laughing and crying.

Talent is a good talent, but this object is a bit crooked, but it is still a dance student.

Forget it, it's all like this anyway, and it doesn't make any sense to struggle with this. It's better to think about how to help Liu Yuchen guide this talent, and think about how to explain it to other parents in the future.

Although the original purpose of the seventh class was to mess around, but after all, they were sent to school to dance, and in the end, they became an electronic machine in their own hands.

Shaking his head slightly, he thought that as long as he led the way, he should not be scolded. I'm afraid the parents would have to thank him.

Having said that, this star-raising effect is quite abnormal, and the comprehensive evaluation has also risen to c!

In theory, if every class can produce Soul Cards, it seems that the guaranteed reward of the task is not impossible to win!

Chen Chu suddenly felt that he could do it again!

Is life really that ups and downs?

It's just that Liu Yuchen has to go back a little bit first. After all, there is no chance to send him, so he is not in a hurry for the time being.

The focus is still on Deng Sijia. Chen Chu has also made up his mind to use imitation to make up for Deng Sijia. After class, he called Deng Sijia to the office and told her about making up the class.

But Deng Sijia was still a little reluctant, and said to Chen Chu, "If you want to recommend Yunwu University, your grades are necessary, and I will make up for you for free. I have taken out my rest time, what else do you have? Not happy?"

"I didn't say I wasn't happy!"

"Looking at your little expression, I know that you are not happy in your heart, you only need to suffer for this month. If you get the recommended quota, you can play whatever you want in the future, I will not care about you, you Even if there is no class, there will be no opinions in the school, but there is a premise, you are not allowed to talk to others about this matter!" Chen Chu said angrily, "This is all for your own good, and you are still here to pick and choose from me. Four!"

"Okay, old Chen, don't be angry!" Deng Sijia also knew that Chen Chu's heart was for her own good, and hurriedly said, "I understand, I must work hard, but isn't it enough for you to supplement my language and geography?"

"Who said I only supplement your language and geography?" Chen Chu said sternly, "I can help you with all the subjects. Your task this month is to study hard for me!"

"Okay, when did that start?"

"Starting from this evening, I will make it clear to the other teachers that you will come to the office for all classes except mine, and I will tutor you one-on-one! Including weekends!"

After explaining clearly, Chen Chu asked Deng Sijia to go back to the classroom first, and also negotiated with other teachers in the office. Naturally, the other teachers had no opinion. After all, no one wanted Deng Sijia to have a good result.

But of course Chen Chu did not say that he would provide general tutoring, and other teachers only thought that Deng Sijia had hired a tutor or something.

After this matter was decided, Chen Chu also made an attempt.

That is to imitate Zhou Feng. He also wanted to experience what it would be like to experience an S-level talent. After a large amount of mathematical knowledge poured into his brain, Chen Chu tutored Deng Sijia in mathematics.

However, in fact, Chen Chu thought too much.

He only got Zhou Feng's mathematical knowledge and basketball skills, but he could not get Zhou Feng's special state. Deng Sijia was not attached to the self-absorbed state. The only effect was to make Chen Chu's lectures clearer and more thorough. Just easier to understand.

This made Chen Chu completely give up the idea of ​​using imitation to teach the whole class. He could not affect the learning efficiency of students, and only had the function of transferring knowledge.

Then only one-to-one tutoring can be provided to continuously answer questions for students.

But that's enough.


This afternoon, when Chen Chu was busy making up lessons for Deng Sijia in the office, Yuan Wen suddenly called.

"Mr. Yuan, what's wrong?"

Deng Sijia, who was writing notes on the side, raised her eyebrows and immediately eavesdropped.

"Mr. Chen, it's about Deng Sijia. How is her study status recently?"

Chen Chu glanced at Deng Sijia, saw that Deng Sijia was eavesdropping, glared at him and said with a smile, "She is studying very hard!"

"That's good, can you take her to the dance studio later? By the way, I'm in the office, I have something to tell her, um, it's better for you to come too, or about the escort, the situation a little complicated,."

"Okay, no problem."

Chen Chu hung up the phone. Seeing that Deng Sijia was still pretending to take notes, he said helplessly, "Stop pretending, since you heard it, hurry up and go to the dance studio!"

Chen Chu was about to get up, but Deng Sijia pressed his shoulders, "Old Chen, don't go!"

"Er? Why!?"

"I have an ominous premonition!"

Chen Chu sneered, "Don't come! You just want to go to Teacher Yuan Wen's place to be lazy, don't you? You can hide from me with that little thought?"

"That's not the case!"

Deng Sijia almost said that there was a demon girl waiting for you, but after thinking about it, wouldn't this reveal the news directly?

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go back quickly!"

Chen Chu didn't want to waste time. After he stopped imitating for a while, he immediately took Deng Sijia to the dance office.

Not long after, he led Deng Sijia to the door, knocked on the door, and greeted the other dance teachers, and then led Deng Sijia to Yuan Wen.

Deng Sijia looked around and was relieved when she didn't see Lin Yun's figure.

"Mr. Chen, sit down first!" Yuan Wen smiled bitterly, and when Chen Chu sat down, she didn't know how to speak, and after a while, she said, "Mr. Chen, Jiajia's chance to pass the Yunwu University may be there is none left."

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