Jiangnan, Xu Group.

For the employees of the Xu Group, it should have been an ordinary day, but it felt a little unusual.

In the past, the employees of the Xu Group knew more or less that the chairman was not a good person, and he had been in prison before. The most important thing was that Xu Qiang didn't look like a good person.

Actually, he is not a good person.

It's not just Xu Qiang. It seems that those with Xu Qiang's genes are not good people. Especially since Xu Qianhui became the head of the personnel department, the employees did not know how much they had suffered, and they would be scolded at every turn. The problem was Xu Qiang and Xu Qianhui will always beat people.

The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, and the top management of the entire company is not a good thing. Beating, scolding and humiliating is commonplace, but just to take the Xu family's salary to support the family can only swallow it.

However, I don't know when it started, and the employees of the Xu Group felt that something was not right.

In the past, Xu Qianhui used to dress up with heavy makeup and she could smell the strong perfume from far away. Anyway, she dressed up every day, and it didn't feel like she came to work but to seduce men.

But suddenly one day, when Xu Qianhui came to work, her whole person changed.

There is no heavy makeup, and there is no strong perfume smell. The dress is also simple, and I come to work with a little makeup. There is no longer the feeling of scratching and posing, but it is full of youthful vitality.

In the past, she had to dress up like she was in her thirties or forties, and everyone scolded Xu Qianhui in private as an old witch.

In fact, everyone remembered that Xu Qianhui was only in her twenties.

If it's just the dress that has changed, it can only mean that Xu Qianhui's taste has changed, but it's not just the dress that has changed.

Xu Group, the lobby on the first floor.

A female employee who just arrived was rushing to take the elevator with a thick stack of documents. Because she was walking too fast, she slashed her foot and suddenly, all the documents were smashed towards the figure in front of her. past.

The employees who were rushing to work in the surrounding area also stopped in place at once, and couldn't help but glanced at the new female employee with pity.

This luck is too bad.

The female employee hurriedly apologized, and when she saw the figure clearly, everyone was dumbfounded.

Who is Xu Qianhui who is not the Minister of Personnel! ?

She had only just arrived at work a few days ago, and she had long heard that the old witch in the HR department was terrible from her colleagues.

While bowing and apologizing, he was already heartbroken.

After provoking the old witch, this job is completely cold.

My heart was about to cry.

"Minister Xu, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Shouting and shouting, the female staff were already choked up, but at this moment, a gentle female voice came from her ear, "Are you alright? Did your feet get sprained?"

uh... uh?

The female employee held back her tears and raised her head, only to see Xu Qianhui's light makeup with a peaceful smile, "Does it hurt?"

"No...no...no...it doesn't hurt..." The female staff was dumbfounded and couldn't help stammering, and inexplicably felt that Xu Qianhui's smile was very comfortable, and her tears suddenly burst into tears. stopped.

"I have plenty of time, so I don't need to be so anxious in the future..." Xu Qianhui smiled slightly, crouched down, and helped the female staff to start picking up materials.

The female clerk suddenly came back to her senses, and quickly squatted down, picking up the documents and saying, "Department, Minister, I, I'll do it..."

"It's okay." Xu Qianhui smiled slightly, and after helping pick up all the documents, she also held some in her hand, "It's very hard for you to carry so many documents by yourself, and it seems that the order has been disrupted. , I'll accompany you to your department, and explain it to your superior by the way, so as not to blame you."

"Oh, well... well..."

The female staff's head was buzzing, and it was already blank.

However, when Xu Qianhui turned her head, she found that many people were already looking at her, and their eyes were dull.


Xu Qianhui smiled slightly, "It seems, you are going to be late, right?"

In an instant, everyone came back to their senses, and hurriedly pretended that they didn't see anything and did what they had to do. After Xu Qianhui followed the female staff into the elevator, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

"Hey, who's going to pinch me to see if I'm hallucinating?"

"I'm going, I don't know now whether I should go to the hospital to be linked to the ophthalmology department or the brain department?"

"Mom!? Was that the old witch from the Personnel Department just now?"

"This motherfucker is completely different from before!"

"It's supposed to be fake, right?"

"Fake it. Last time, a female employee accidentally touched her in the lobby. She slapped her on the spot, scolded her so badly, and finally dismissed the person! Just her violent temper is not at all. Might be able to hold it!"

"Damn, I actually think the old witch looks pretty when she smiles! Slot! Can I still be saved?"

"Eat what you want, and spend more time with your family..."

There was a lot of discussion in the hall for a while, and everyone couldn't believe what they had just seen.

After Xu Qianhui accompanied the new female employee to deliver the materials, she also explained it to their superiors in person, and asked their superiors not to blame them with a calm expression.

The so-called superior is just a small manager. When she saw Xu Qianhui coming, her face turned pale with fright. She thought it was the old witch from the personnel department who came to raid the house, but she never expected Xu Qianhui to speak to her calmly and with that attitude. He was also polite. Manager Li shouted loudly, but that smile made people feel very comfortable, and he didn't hate him at all.

After a long while, Xu Qianhui left.

Manager Li scratched his head...

The female staff scratched her head...


Outside the chairman's office on the nineteenth floor, an enchanting black silk female secretary was making tea, but her expression was extremely strange.

After the tea was made, the black silk female secretary hurriedly came to the door of the office with the tea and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Xu Qiang's voice came from the office, but it seemed too calm.

The female secretary hurriedly opened the door and came to the table with coffee, "Brother Qiang, coffee..."

Xu Qiang turned his head with a peaceful smile on his face, "Thank you."


"No, you're welcome..."

The female secretary froze in place.

In fact, she didn't come to the Xu Group for a long time, but only three months.

Since she was spotted by Xu Qiang, she became a new love. She probably knew her destiny, but she had to accept it.

Even if she doesn't like it in her heart, even if Xu Qiang's temper is very grumpy, she still doesn't want to get along with the money, and she doesn't dare to resist.

At least Xu Qiang is still generous, and he has bought everything that should be bought for her, so he is always attentive and waits for Xu Qiang to make as much money as possible before he gets tired of playing.

But from the day before yesterday, she felt that Xu Qiang suddenly seemed to be a different person.

The irritable character suddenly disappeared, the gangster-like anger disappeared, and she always wore a very gentle smile, and this smile seemed to make her feel very comfortable, and she didn't have any dislike at all. and conflict.

Even Xu Qiang would say thank you to her!

You must know that in the three months before this, she had never heard the word "thank you" from Xu Qiang's mouth.

But these two days, whenever she helped with something, Xu Qiang would thank him with a gentle smile.

The most outrageous thing is that Xu Qiang has not done anything to her for two days!

At once……

"Xiaoyuan, what's the matter? Is there anything else?"

"No, no, Brother Qiang, you have a meeting later, do you need to prepare?"

"Really?" Xu Qiang seemed to have just remembered, and smiled at the female secretary, "Then please help me prepare the materials."

"Okay...Okay." The female secretary responded and was about to turn around to leave, but suddenly heard Xu Qiang say, "Wait..."

The female secretary hurriedly stopped and looked at Xu Qiang suspiciously, but saw that Xu Qiang had already stood up, walked to her and slowly extended her hand.

The female secretary felt that Xu Qiang's hand touched the collar, and sighed in her heart, she was just pretending, she should come.

I had no choice but to close my eyes and look like I was letting it go.

"Huh? Why did you suddenly close your eyes?" Xu Qiang's gentle and caring voice suddenly came from the female secretary's ear, "Are your eyes sore?"

When the female secretary opened her eyes, she saw that Xu Qiang was still holding a small pin in her hand, and couldn't help tilting her head.

"Brother Qiang, this..."

"Oh, I found that the small pin on your collar is loose, so I'll take it off for you, otherwise it will be troublesome if it accidentally stabs you." Xu Qiang smiled softly, "Are you too tired? Take a rest first, I'll get the information myself, shall I?"

"No... no, I, I'm fine."

"That's good."

Seeing that Xu Qiang turned his head and returned to his position, he browsed the information with a calm expression.

The female secretary's head is buzzing...

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