
"Now that I understand, let's repeat the characteristics of China's early political system."

"The first is the combination of theocracy and the king's power, the second, um, right, the political structure of the country formed by the ties of blood, the third..."

"Very good, continue to strengthen the memory, and then I will conduct random inspections and continue the study of the second part..."

"it is good!"

Deng Sijia opened the textbook and continued with the next part of the history course.

And Chen Chu was a little relieved in his heart. Deng Sijia's attitude has finally turned positive, and he has also recorded a lot of knowledge learned today. According to this state, there is really hope for 500%.

But the premise is that high-intensity study is required.

Before recommending Yun Wu Da, the score only required 400 points, so Chen Chu would not push too hard, and he also gave some time to relax, but now it is no longer possible. In this way, the time has to be compressed.

Chen Chu originally wanted to discuss with Deng Sijia's mother He Xueqin.

As a result, the other party seemed to be hiding from him and refused to meet and chat at all. He said on the phone that everything would be handed over to Chen Chu, and she would cooperate with everything that was needed.

Chen Chu didn't know whether to laugh or cry in his heart, presumably because he cried bitterly after being educated last time, so he was embarrassed to meet him again.

In this way, Chen Chu had to do a really high-intensity make-up class, and Deng Sijia also agreed to make up from 8:00 in the morning to 23:00 in the evening, including weekends.

So I have to sacrifice my weekends.

Of course, all this is worth it as long as you are admitted to the North Dance.

In this way, the matter of promising Hu Yao to go to the movie can only be pushed aside. Although Chen Chu still has some reluctance in his heart, the matter must be relieved, and his emotional affairs can be put aside for the time being. After all, now But to decide a student's future, there can be no sloppy and relaxed.

So while apologizing to Hu Yao, it also explained Deng Sijia's situation.

Hu Yao is very supportive of this. After all, it is the dream of many people to be able to guarantee the opportunity to Beiwu. She also dreamed of taking the Beiwu test back then, and even joked with Chen Chu that she would not be in the next month. If you need to get in touch, just let Chen Chu retreat and give others a good make-up class, and then chat after the recommendation.

Chen Chu was naturally relieved by Hu Yao's understanding, but it didn't mean that he didn't need to contact him for a month, right? If you suddenly get along with others, then I will not lose blood! ?

Chen Chu knew in his heart that Hu Yao had other suitors, and one of them was Hu Yao's colleague, so he had to chat.

This afternoon, Deng Sijia was making up lessons in the office when the phone suddenly rang. It was an unfamiliar number.

Chen Chu didn't hesitate, and hurriedly answered the phone, "Hello, who is it?"

Deng Sijia leaned in Chen Chu's direction subconsciously.

"Hello, is this Teacher Chen?" A female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, who are you?"

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Lin Yun. I'm a student of Teacher Xie Ping. By the way, Teacher Yuan Wen is my senior sister."

Chen Chu was slightly taken aback, "Oh, oh, hello, Ms. Lin, what's the matter?"


Deng Sijia's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's mainly because I heard about you from the teacher and admired Mr. Chen very much, so I came to visit Mr. Chen specially. I wanted to meet Mr. Chen. I wonder if Mr. Chen could give it to me. How about a thin noodle?"

In fact, Chen Chu originally wanted to refuse directly, but after thinking about it, he was also a student of Teacher Xie Ping, and also a junior sister of Teacher Yuan Wen.


Chen Chu was about to open his mouth to agree, but saw Deng Sijia suddenly clutching her stomach and screaming.

"Sorry, I have something urgent to deal with. Hang up first and call you later."

Chen Chu's face changed, and he hung up the phone quickly and came to Deng Sijia's side and asked, "What's the matter? What's wrong?"

"Old Chen, my stomach hurts and my stomach hurts. It seems that the one is coming..."

Deng Sijia looked a little in pain.

This Chen Chu was not easy to deal with, so he quickly asked other female teachers to come and take a look. Seeing that Deng Sijia's expression was too painful, it didn't feel good, so after tossing for a while, Deng Sijia was sent to the infirmary.

There was no way to do a specific examination in the infirmary. They thought that Deng Sijia's menstrual period was very painful, so she quickly soaked motherwort granules for Deng Sijia to drink. After drinking, Deng Sijia lay on the bed and rested.

Chen Chu hurried to the bedside and asked, "Deng Sijia, are you alright? Would you like the teacher to send you home for a rest?"

"No, no need, I'll just lie down for a while, Lao Chen, you can continue to teach me! I can listen even while lying down!"

Um? Are you so fond of learning?

Chen Chu was taken aback for a moment, "You are so hurt, you don't have the heart to listen, do you?"

"It's a little bit better, I'm getting better, but I'm not sure when it will hurt again, so just take it as a distraction!"

Well, as expected of you Deng Sijia! It turned out to be a diversion.

Anyway, Chen Chu believed it.

"Okay, okay, then you rest for a while, and I'll go back and call!"

Deng Sijia said weakly, "Okay, hurry up and come back..."

"Yes, yes."

Chen Chu hurried out of the infirmary, and as soon as the person left, Deng Sijia immediately showed a sneer.

The big-breasted witch is really tricky!

He even took the initiative to come to the door!


I will never let you attack Lao Chen!

After Chen Chu left the infirmary, he hurriedly called Lin Yun back, "Ms. Lin, I'm sorry, something happened to my students, and I can't go away. Do you want to change it?"

Lin Yun didn't feel anything, he smiled and said, "Okay, it's alright, then see you another day."

"Okay, okay, I'm really sorry."

As a result, Chen Chu stayed by Deng Sijia's side all day and didn't dare to go. He waited until the evening self-study was over before asking Liu Yuchen and others to send Deng Sijia back together.

"Has Lao Chen gone?"

Deng Sijia asked feebly.

"Well, I'm back already!"

Sun Jiaojiao hurriedly said, "Jiajia, did you feel so painful when you came to Auntie? I've never seen you like this before, and it doesn't seem like you came to Auntie at this time... eh?"

Before the words were finished, Deng Sijia, who still needed support, suddenly stood up.

"Pretending to be exhausting me..."

"Hey, the doctors in the infirmary didn't even see it!"

"Am I good at acting?"

"Hey? Old Chen!"

Liu Yuchen shouted coldly.

Deng Sijia was so frightened that she hurriedly bowed her body, covering her stomach with one hand and pretending to be weak.

Everyone burst out laughing.

"Jiajia, you are so cowardly!"

"Liu Yuchen, you little bitch, don't run!"


A group of girls chatted for a while.

"So that big-breasted demon girl has already stretched her claws against Lao Chen?"

"Yes, that's what happened!" Deng Sijia said with a serious face, "We must work together to protect Lao Chen now!"

"Then what should we do?"

"I have already inquired with Mr. Yuan before, the big-breasted demon girl will stay in Jiangnan for at most ten days and then leave. Within these ten days, as long as we don't let Lao Chen leave our side, it will be fine, but I have already pretended to be there today. It's over, if I re-install it tomorrow, I'm afraid I'll reveal my stuff, Lao Chen is not stupid!"

"So tomorrow, it's Yuchen, and you'll dress up!"

Liu Yuchen was stunned for a moment, and quickly shook his head, "No, no, my acting skills are old, and I will definitely be seen by Old Chen at a glance!"

The others also shook their heads quickly.

"Neither can I!"

"I just passed two days ago. At that time, I invited Lao Chen to go to the infirmary for two classes."

Deng Sijia frowned, "Then find another way!"


"It's best for you to find a way to quarrel. It's best to fight directly and let Lao Chen be the mediator for you. Anyway, don't let Lao Chen leave the school!"

"It's the two of you today, and the two of them tomorrow! But let's talk about it first! It's just for acting, you can't really do it! And you mustn't scratch your face!"

"This is possible!"

the next day.

"Ms. Lin, I'm sorry! The little girls on my side are making a fuss, just because of which guy is good in a TV series, let's do it another day!"

Day three.

"I'm so sorry, I'm fighting again..."

Lin Yun rolled his eyes, "Why did you fight again today?"

"Because one gave a five-star positive review, and the other gave a negative review, saying that there is no sisterhood..."


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