Deng Sijia's exam time has officially entered the countdown, and today Chen Chu conducted a general test on Deng Sijia.

The internal exams issued by Beiwu will be adjusted according to the candidates' conditions. Deng Sijia is only a high school student, so the difficulty of the exam papers should only be limited to the scope of high school one, but it is a bit troublesome that the textbooks in each region are all different. Not the same, the difficulty is definitely uneven.

Chen Chu didn't think that Beiwu would issue questions based on the education situation in the Jiangnan area, and they should all be unified exam papers.

And even if it is recommended, it does not mean that you will be able to slack off in the next two years. There will definitely be relevant tests to ensure the quality of students.

Therefore, the test paper Chen Chu picked a lot of difficult questions.

Deng Sijia was taking exams almost all day, and she took all the subjects.

After finishing a subject, Chen Chu on the side directly changed the test paper.

It was like this until the evening self-study exam. Deng Sijia was also looking forward to how well the exam went. Standing in front of Chen Chu, she quickly asked, "Old Chen, how is it, has it exceeded 500%!?"

"It's still a little bit." Chen Chu didn't show Deng Sijia the test paper, but said with a serious face, "It's more than 400 points, but it hasn't reached 500 points yet, but you have made great progress. As long as you persist in these days, I don't think 500% is a problem for you at all!"

"Well, congratulations in advance! A top student at Beiwu University!"

Deng Sijia couldn't help laughing. After tossing for so long, seeing her progress, Deng Sijia was also very happy in her heart. After all, her efforts were not in vain, and she was almost at the threshold of Beiwu now, as long as she continued to persevere. When I was stable, I hurriedly said, "Yes, Lao Chen, keep going! I'm going to fight!"

"Okay, let's go here today! Let you rest for a while, and we will continue to make up lessons tomorrow!" Chen Chu smiled and said, "Go back to the classroom and rest!"

Deng Sijia cheered and hurriedly ran back to the classroom.

Seeing Deng Sijia leave, Chen Chu couldn't help showing a relieved smile.

Actually he lied.

Deng Sijia's test papers were taken out from the drawer, and the content of these papers were all difficult.

Deng Sijia has a total score of 647 in nine subjects.

In fact, it has already exceeded the goal, but Chen Chu knows Deng Sijia's temperament, and is afraid that she will slack off after knowing the score, so she has to tell a lie and let her continue to fight for the next period of time, as long as she maintains this level , Even if Bei Wu's internal exam is difficult, there shouldn't be any problems.

"Is this a disappointment in love and a career?"

Chen Chu couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

Yesterday, Hu Yao had returned to Jiangnan and invited him to attend her 'advancement' banquet tonight.

Chen Chu refused on the grounds that he wanted to make up lessons for Deng Sijia and could not escape.

After knowing that Hu Yao was admitted to Beiying, Chen Chu had decided not to meet again in the future.

It's not that he is unfeeling, it's mainly that he doesn't know what to say when we meet. What about after congratulations?

How embarrassing will the two of them be?

It is better not to see it like this, and to save any unrealistic thoughts.

Chen Chu didn't want to be a stumbling block for others.

Thinking of this, Hu Yao can also understand his own thoughts, so the two of them don't need to say goodbye.


At the entrance banquet.

Naturally, Hu Yao invited all his colleagues and friends over to celebrate Hu Yao's admission to the graduate school of Beiying. After all, being able to enter Beiying means that there is a greater chance of going to a higher place in the future.

Of course, there are also people who have a good relationship with Hu Yao. I didn't see Teacher Chen present, so I probably guessed something in my heart.

However, everyone tacitly did not mention these things. It was good to see Hu Yao chatting and talking with everyone happily.

It wasn't until after eleven o'clock that Hu Yao was taken home by her parents.

The family is naturally talking and laughing, but the parents are naturally a little worried about Beiying's tuition fees.

After all, Beiying’s tuition is still quite expensive, not to mention that the price of Beidu is not low.

"It's okay! I have saved a lot of money over the years. I will pay for the tuition and living expenses myself, and I can also do part-time jobs at school. After all, I am also a person with work experience!" Hu Yaoyi With a heartless smile on his face, he said, "Okay, let's not talk about it, I'll go back to sleep first!"


When Hu Yao entered the bedroom, Hu Hui and Zhao Jianfen looked at each other for a while.

"This... Teacher Chen didn't come..." Zhao Jianfen said helplessly, "Alas..."

Although Zhao Jianfen said that she did not support Hu Yao and Chen Chu falling in love, she actually did not have much opinion in her heart. If Hu Yao really recognized Chen Chu, then she would definitely support her unconditionally in the end.

After all, whoever is a parent doesn't want their children to be happy, no matter how bad the conditions are, two people can fight, as long as they can support and love each other.

But now...

"It's fate and no part!" Hu Hui sighed, "Ren Xiaochen doesn't want to delay her daughter, either if she doesn't come, she has to break it, otherwise two people will get along every day and in different places, no matter how deep the relationship will be, there will be problems. What's more, I can't tell where the two of them are in the future."

Zhao Jianfen sighed, but didn't say anything.

The room suddenly fell silent, but the sound of sobbing was vaguely heard from Hu Yao's room.

"Or..." Zhao Jianfen said with a wry smile, "I'll go take a look?"

"No, that's it, it's okay to cry, otherwise it will definitely be uncomfortable to hold back."

Zhao Jianfen was stunned for a moment, then glared at Hu Hui, "Why are you so experienced?"

"Cough cough..." Hu Hui quickly changed the subject and said, "School will start in two months, right? Do we have to prepare? Or you can tell Hu Yao in two days, we can go back to our hometown, anyway, she has to Resigned."

Zhao Jianfen responded, "Oh."


Hu Yao has not sent any news in the past two days.

Chen Chu's heart was still a little empty, but, well, Hu Yao already understood what he meant.

In order to prevent himself from thinking wildly, and to make himself feel better, Chen Chu naturally devoted himself to the supplementary lessons.

This afternoon, I was giving Deng Sijia a supplementary lesson, but there was a sudden call from the security room saying that someone was looking for it.

Chen Chu was wondering, and soon Hu Yao's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Chen, I'm at the school gate! The school security won't let me in!"


"Okay, I'll be right over here."

Chen Chu hung up the phone and was speechless, instructed Deng Sijia a few words, and walked towards the school gate.

It didn't take long for Chen Chu to see Hu Yao sitting at the school gate with a cane from a long distance away. He hurried away and said, "You don't have a good rest at home, what are you doing here?"

"I have something to tell you!" Hu Yao smiled and waved, "Come closer, why are you so far away from me?"


Chen Chu hurriedly came to Hu Yao, but saw that Hu Yao kicked Chen Chu's calf fiercely, and Chen Chu suddenly groaned, clutching his legs and stepping back.

"What are you doing?"

Hu Yao tilted her face, holding her hands and said, "I'm sorry, my feet are slippery!"


Chen Chu didn't know how to refute for a while.

"I'm going back to Jiangchuan tomorrow, do you have anything to tell me?"

Chen Chu held back for a while before saying, "It's a smooth journey, pay attention to safety."

Hu Yao was stunned, "Is it gone?"

Chen Chu nodded slightly, "Yeah."

"Can you come over and let me kick me?"


Chen Chu also knew that it must be because he didn't go to the entrance banquet two days ago, and Hu Yao was suffocating in his heart.

He really did a bit of a blast.

After thinking about it, I still got together.

"You kick in another place..."


Hu Yao rolled her eyes, "Did your brain get kicked by a donkey?"

"Well... not so, not so... you're smarter than a donkey..."

Hu Yao? ? ? ?


"I don't play word games with you! I can't play with you, can you?" Hu Yao angrily picked up her crutches and knocked on the ground, glared at Chen Chu, and then took out a red one from her satchel. Something similar to a spell was handed to Chen Chu, "Take it."


"I asked you for a peace charm over there." Hu Yao said quickly, "I heard that it is very effective."

Chen Chu took the peace talisman and held it in the palm of his hand, "Thank you...Thank you."

At this moment a car stopped at the school gate.

"The taxi has arrived." Hu Yao got up with a cane, Chen Chu hurriedly walked to the side to support her, and came to the side of the car.

When Hu Yao got in the car, Chen Chu just closed the door when Hu Yao said, "Okay, goodbye, Mr. Chen."


"The peace talisman is ready."


The car is moving away.

Chen Chu looked at the peace talisman in his palm and suddenly couldn't help but smile.

Wishing you the best of luck...

Afterwards, Chen Chu limped towards the school.

"No one who has practiced dance is really good!"

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