Hu Yao has returned to Jiangchuan, and Chen Chu has to take care of himself.

At this moment, Deng Sijia doesn't have to worry too much, and can consider other things.

There are indeed a lot of teaching points produced by Class 7, and with the help of Big Brother Bang, even if he is imitating around the clock, he has saved a lot of teaching points, and Chen Chu naturally took it to the lottery.

A lot of repetitive ornaments are naturally not mentioned. A lot of talent random modules that I spent on He Cao before have finally been made up. Now Chen Chu has hundreds of talent random modules again. Dan.

Not only that, but the most important thing is to produce a large number of student soul cards. Chen Chu did the math. There are already five students in Class 7, and they have reached the conditions for star promotion.

It's just that Chen Chu doesn't want to go to star or increase talent now, because the talented people in Class 7 are enough for him to worry about.

Not to mention the rest for the time being, one Tian Xiao, one Liu Yuchen, He Cao and Wang Xu, these four Chen Chu couldn't be bothered.

Since he was given talent, he was naturally responsible to the end.

At the very least, these people must have a correct direction and values.

However, when he checked Tian Xiao's reading last night, he found that Tian Xiao's state had changed.

Tian Xiao

Gender: Female

age 15

Virtue 53

Intelligence 66

Stamina 77

Aesthetic 59

state aversion to learning;

Fighting mastery (in this state, when learning relevant skills in the field of fighting, the comprehension increases by 500, and the physical strength increases rapidly)

no vice

Talented B-rank Soldier King

Learning Productivity 144

Overall evaluation: f


what happened?

Chen Chu was naturally puzzled when he saw Tian Xiao's state, how could he start to wake up inexplicably? And the state obtained turned out to be fighting master?

However, Chen Chu couldn't ask directly. After all, the students he didn't want to do seemed to have no privacy in front of him, so he just pretended not to know anything, and after asking a few questions, he let Tian Xiao go.

Chen Chu couldn't help frowning.

Tian Xiao woke up too early.

After all, Tian Xiao's three views are not very positive at the ideological level. Once he awakens his talent in this state, there is a high probability that problems will occur.

What's more, Tian Xiao's temperament was not very good at first, although Xu Tianhao had washed away his bad habits and his morality had improved, but his temperament would not change in a while.

Don't dare to let Xu Tianhao carry out secondary education.

The current Xu Tianhao has evolved into a complete body, and the power of enlightenment is extremely strong, and he even has the power to purify the mind, but... the effect is too strong.

Once Xu Tianhao is released, it will completely change a person's personality. Even the worst person will become gentle after Xu Tianhao's education.

So this is why Chen Chu did not let Xu Tianhao continue to educate his classmates.

Think of the whole class with a peaceful smile, which may seem warm, but it would actually be terrifying.

So earlier, Chen Chu had explained to Xu Tianhao.

Only Xu Tianhao was allowed to educate people with bad behavior, and not others.

If there are no restrictions, I am afraid that the entire No. 1 Middle School will be saved by Xu Tianhao.

Leaving aside Xu Tianhao's question, now Chen Chu has to consider Tian Xiao's question.

But since the talent is already in the awakening state, I am afraid there is no way to stop it.

In addition to Tian Xiao, Liu Yuchen is the one who needs to pay more attention now.

This little girl's talent is also in the awakening state, and she also has the desire to disassemble, and there is also the danger of accidents.

But now Chen Chu has no skills, so after thinking about it, he decided to let Jiuqu Yellow River Bi focus on these students.

On the contrary, in the recent period, He Cao made Chen Chu a little impressed.

Since this kid has a state of self-restraint, all attributes have developed in a balanced way, not only that, but even the state of disgust to learn has been erased by himself.

However, it was within Chen Chu's expectations. After all, this guy was the only one in Class 7 who was gifted in all subjects. Since he could learn everything, it was natural that he would not be disgusted with learning.

I thought that the more than 50 random talents should be wasted on He Cao, but I never thought that this kid is quite good.

This dazzling kung fu has awakened more than 30 talents. It can be said that he is a real moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic work. He has developed all-round development of the five items, and his personal output is nearly 50,000 teaching points per day.

If the current state of development continues, I feel that He Cao may really be able to do the top ten in the school in the next monthly exam. If He Cao can get such good results in the exam, it will naturally benefit Chen Chu a lot. Not only will there be bonuses and the like, but it will also attract more attention from the school.

However, Chen Chu didn't care about those benefits, but was rather worried about problems.

After all, what the seventh class looks like, everyone in the school knows that Zhou Feng's perfect math score was refrigerated last time.

Under this circumstance, if He Cao got such high grades directly, the first thought of most people would be that He Cao cheated, and then what Chen Chu will do is to find out why Cao Cao is in the teaching and research group of each subject. Explanation... But even so, how does Chen Chu explain to the students in other classes?

It can't be explained at all, and there will definitely be people who suspect that He Cao is cheating. For He Cao, this is a lot of harm.

So about this matter, Chen Chu felt that it was necessary to remind He Cao.

This afternoon, Chen Chu called He Cao out of the classroom.

When He Cao saw Chen Chu, he felt a little nervous in his heart.

After being analyzed by Zhou Feng last time, He Cao is now afraid that the old Chen he has provoked will be unhappy, and he will return to his original shape, so He Cao has behaved very honestly in front of Chen Chu, "Old Chen, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with my recent performance? If you have anything, just say it, and I will definitely change it right away!"

"Uh..." Seeing He Cao's reaction, Chen Chu was a little bit dumbfounded. "No, you've been doing well recently, and you deserve praise."

He Cao breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly showed a harmless smile.

"It will be the monthly test in a while. You have been studying very hard recently, and I can see it in my eyes. Well, the teacher asks, how many points do you think you can get in the next monthly test?"

He Cao naturally wanted to perform well, and quickly said, "I think at my current level... six or seven percent?"

In fact, He Cao thinks that he should be able to score 800 or 900 percent. After all, he feels very good about himself during this period of time. He even found a set of test papers to test his own level in private. As a result, he changed his score to 828. This is his own. Give your essay 30 points.

Cough...keep a low profile.

Chen Chu is also pondering in his heart.

The total score of the nine subjects is 1050 points, so I can give He Cao more than 700 points... The top ten in the school is unlikely, but the top fifty is appropriate.

But even so, it may be questioned.

It's just that Chen Chu didn't know how to explain it to He Cao for a while. It was impossible to tell He Cao directly that your score was lower in the exam, so that you could save face for other students?

"Then your progress is still quite big!" Chen Chu laughed dryly. He didn't know what to say for a while. He patted He Cao on the shoulder and said, "Okay, then the teacher will wait and see, and work hard."


He Cao felt that Chen Chu's expression was not right, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. He scratched his head and smirked and went back to the classroom.

"How do you explain this to He Cao?"

Chen Chu looked depressed, but after thinking about it, he should wait until the real monthly test results come out. He Cao's enthusiasm cannot be discouraged now.

However, when He Cao returned to the classroom, the more he thought about it, something was not quite right. After all, Chen Chu's expression at the time was indeed a little weird, but He Cao couldn't think of the problem for a while.

After a long while, He Caocai quickly got up and came to Zhou Feng's side, hehe smiled and said, "Brother Feng."


"There is something I need your help to analyze and analyze." He Cao hurried to Zhou Feng's side, and told Zhou Feng about what happened just now. "Old Chen's expression is really weird. Anyway, I think this is definitely not right."

Zhou Feng glanced at He Cao calmly, "Have you finally remembered to bring your brain?"

He Cao suddenly had a bitter expression on his face, "Cough cough... Brother Feng, can you save me some face? I will never pretend to be coercive in the future! Please help me analyze it!"

Zhou Feng lowered his head and said while brushing the math questions, "What was your total score in the last monthly test?"

He Cao quickly said "346."

"The next monthly test, you should not exceed 500% in the test." Zhou Feng said casually, "In the future tests, you can improve by twenty or thirty each time, and control your score."

"Ah?" He Cao scratched his head, "Why is this? Is Lao Chen unhappy with my high score? Why do I still need to control the score?"

"Go back and think about it slowly. When you figure it out, it proves that you have started to use your brain." Zhou Feng was too lazy to explain, "Anyway, as long as you do as I say, there will be no problems."

"oh oh……"

He Cao scratched his head and returned to his position with a vague understanding.

It's...still a little bit confused.

Why do you want me to control the score?

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