Soon after, Chen Chu came to Deng Sijia's house.

"Old Chen, sit down quickly!"

Seeing Chen Chu coming, Deng Sijia was naturally full of smiles, and dragged Chen Chu to the living room.

He Xueqin and Secretary Tian were both there, and they greeted Chen Chu naturally.

"Mr. Chen, you're welcome, just sit down." Although He Xueqin was a little guilty because of the incident last time, he did not show any strangeness, and invited Chen Chu to take a seat with a smile.

Secretary Tian on the side was also smiling, and because he was coming to dinner today, Secretary Tian also changed his clothes, not the black silk ol suit before, but a simple and capable suit.

As soon as Chen Chu sat down, in order to avoid the atmosphere being too embarrassing, he was the first to speak, and quickly brought the topic to Deng Sijia. "Although the matter of the walk has been confirmed, there will be various tests in the future. I hope Ms. He If you can keep an eye on it, don't let Deng Sijia be too playful, once you slack off, there may still be problems with the delivery."

He Xueqin nodded slightly, "Teacher Chen, don't worry, I'll keep my eyes on Jiajia more."

"Yeah." Chen Chu replied, and for a while he didn't know what to say. Fortunately, at this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly, Deng Sijia hurried over to open the door, it wasn't Yuan Wen or who was it.

Deng Sijia quickly pulled Yuan Wen and sat down in front of Chen Chu with a smile.

Chen Chu and Yuan Wen greeted each other.

Chen Chu knew that Yuan Wen would come.

Fortunately, as soon as Yuan Wen came, the atmosphere became better. Besides, Yuan Wen himself graduated from Bei Wu, so he naturally knew the situation of Bei Wu. Chen Chu started and asked Yuan Wen and He Xueqin to introduce them. The situation of Beiwu, as well as the professional options behind Deng Sijia and so on.

When asked about professional issues, Yuan Wen also spoke more and helped analyze it.

Chen Chu decisively acted as a little transparent, occasionally echoing.

Mainly because he is really embarrassing as a man.

What's more, he has just started working and has little social experience. He really doesn't have much experience in dealing with parents normally.

But when you talk about how to educate parents with epic education tips, I'm not sleepy!

Unconsciously, we also chatted for almost half an hour. Secretary Tian specially invited the chef to cook a table of dishes at home. Everyone sat around the table and naturally raised their glasses first to celebrate Deng Sijia's delivery of the North Dance.

And Chen Chu naturally resolutely handed over the initiative of the topic to Yuan Wen.

After all, after the Bei Wu was recommended, Deng Sijia mainly had to mix with Yuan Wen in the remaining days, and polish her dance foundation.

This meal, unknowingly, was more than nine o'clock. Seeing that it was not too early, Chen Chu was ready to get up and say goodbye.

But before leaving, Chen Chu still called Deng Sijia aside, and some words still needed to be told.

The first is the result of the Beiwu test, which is kept secret by Deng Sijia.

Yuan Wen definitely knew, but she wouldn't publicize it. Instead, she was afraid that Deng Sijia would show it off.

"Although you have recommended Bei Wu now, you should keep a low profile, and don't spread the word that you have recommended Bei Wu, do you understand?"

"Of course I understand this, don't worry, Lao Chen, I will definitely not say it everywhere, at most I will tell Liu Yuchen and the others!"

"Well, if you know, I didn't teach you in vain!" Chen Chu smiled and looked at Deng Sijia with great relief, "You also live up to your expectations, you have lived up to my thoughts, guard against arrogance and impatience, don't Gone with the wind, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Deng Sijia hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, take Teacher Yuan home! It's not safe for Teacher Yuan to go back alone this evening!"

Yuan Wen was on the side, and when she heard Deng Sijia's words, she said with tears in her eyes, "No, no, it's only after nine o'clock!"

"Send, send!" Deng Sijia winked at Chen Chu, "As a man, this is basic etiquette!"

Chen Chu rolled his eyes, not knowing what Deng Sijia was thinking.

Why does this little girl have to mess around with mandarin ducks all day long!

But Chen Chu didn't say anything, and went out with Yuan Wen. The two of them were walking on the trail, but Yuan Wen said first, "Mr. Chen, you really have a good way of teaching students!"

"Actually, I also learned from many seniors! There are so many seniors in our school, and I have also taken the scriptures, and they are willing to teach me!" Chen Chu said quickly, "Even the matter of supplementary lessons, many seniors The seniors have taught me a lot of experience, otherwise Deng Sijia would not have been able to progress so fast, in the final analysis, it is still entirely up to the seniors in our school, and I just summarize their experience."

Yuan Wen didn't know that Chen Chu was being modest, and smiled sweetly, "If you can sum up their experience, then you are still very good."

"It's average." Chen Chu said quickly, "I was also surprised when I heard the scores. I didn't expect Deng Sijia to get such a high score on the test. However, this little girl's brain is flexible and smart, but she didn't like to study before. Now that she can get such a high score in the test, she still relies on her own hard work to learn."

Originally, Chen Chu couldn't explain this matter clearly, so he decisively put all the blame on Deng Sijia.

Don't ask, it's just that Deng Sijia's head is too smart, she is self-taught.

It has nothing to do with me.

At most, I have played a guiding role.

After chatting for a few words, they arrived at the gate of the community. Yuan Wen came with her pink beetle. She wanted to send Chen Chu as a gift, but Chen Chu decisively refused, saying that she would go for a walk around the neighborhood and then go back. Yuan Wen did not. Forced, beckoned and drove away.

Chen Chu happened to be walking around Xiaoxiao, and before leaving, he glanced behind him.

I had already noticed that Deng Sijia was secretly following behind, and when Chen Chu turned his head, he quickly hid.

Chen Chu said helplessly in Deng Sijia's direction, "Okay, don't hide, I'll know you're following as soon as I go out!"

Deng Sijia stuck her head out and looked at Chen Chu speechlessly.

Give you a chance, you are useless!

"What are you thinking?" Chen Chu stretched out his hand and poked Deng Sijia's head, "Didn't I tell you a long time ago that I and Mr. Yuan are just colleagues? Please don't match up!"

"Old Chen, be more confident!" Deng Sijia said, "I know that Teacher Yuan is too good, so you dare not pursue it! However, you are also a very good person, except for your average appearance, other There's nothing wrong with it, I think you should fight for it..."

"Stop!" Chen Chu rolled his eyes, "Where is this going? Stop thinking about it, I said it all, I don't mean that to Mr. Yuan, so don't worry about it! Don't do these things in the future, otherwise it will be a real mess. When everyone knew it, how embarrassing it was for me to meet Teacher Yuan!"

"I can handle the teacher's life and feelings myself, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Deng Sijia said quickly.

Chen Chu winked at Deng Sijia's expression.

"What you won't think in your heart now is that I know it, but dare you next time?"

Deng Sijia blinked, "No, no!"

Chen Chu waved his hand dubiously, "Okay, let's go home! It's time for me to go back to school too!"

"Oh, bye Chen!"

Deng Sijia then turned her head and went home.

Chen Chu shrugged.

My mother is not worried about me marrying a daughter-in-law, and I don't know what kind of heart this little girl is up to.

The little girls in the seventh class are really idle enough. If I have these thoughts, if I use them to study, I can save some time.

Shaking his head helplessly, Chen Chu just wandered on the road to digest food.

Since breaking contact with Hu Yao, Chen Chu has no intention of being a target for the time being.

After all, we should bring the seventh class first.

What's more, I have just started work now, and I don't have a house or a car. If I really want to fall in love, at least I have to wait until I have these things before thinking about it.

My life is not good, talk about a fart love, pull other girls to suffer together?

Well, let's set a small goal first!

Try to save up for the down payment on the house within two years.


The next day, Monday.

Deng Sijia also came back to class.

Liu Yuchen and others already knew about Deng Sijia's escort to Bei Wu, so it was naturally a congratulations. The little girls discussed finding a time to celebrate.

But since she hasn't been back to Class 7 for a few days, Deng Sijia feels that Class 7 has changed again.

There were a lot of flowers and plants in the classroom, and Deng Sijia naturally didn't know what was going on.

"Old Chen got it, um, Jiajia, don't touch it!"


"Xu Chao will be anxious!" Sun Jiaojiao said hurriedly, "I touched it just now, and Xu Chao said that I hurt it! What a brain disease!"


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