Of course, it wasn't just Deng Sijia and others who noticed Xu Chao's abnormality.

Sun Ziyang and others also felt strange, sitting around Xu Tianhao, looking suspiciously at Xu Chao, who was loosening soil for potted plants with a small shovel.

And when the soil was loosened on this side, Xu Chao also had a fatherly smile on his face, as if the potted plant was his own biological child.

"Last week, I was reluctant. Why did you treat these potted plants as treasures today!? Saying that they are the lifeblood of life seems to be the lifeblood of life." Wu Ming held his hands with a wanton expression How quirky how quirky "How terrifying to write a review!"

"It doesn't seem like it's about writing a review, doesn't it!" Deng Wei frowned and said, "There's really something wrong in the past two days, didn't we go to the park to go to the toilet when we went out with us last night?

He just sat there on the side of the road and stared at the grass for half an hour, but he couldn't pull it. He said that he would have to look for a while, good guy. When I asked him what he was looking at, he said that the grass on the grass was not in a good mood. , he coaxed. "

"Isn't this because of illness and brain damage? It really doesn't feel right!" Sun Ziyang groped his chin and pointed at Xu Tianhao, who looked calm on the side, "Brother Hao, what do you think?"

"Let it be, it's not necessarily a bad thing." Xu Tianhao said with a slight smile, "He may have encountered something he likes."

The three looked at each other.

No matter how Xu Chao sees it, it's not right! I feel like I'm a little freaked out!

"Brother Hao, do we still need to take a super when we patrol?"

"No, don't disturb him."


Everyone didn't think too much, after all, there were a lot of things wrong with the seventh class.

Well, the head teacher is not normal, and the students below are not normal.

Then again, it's like someone is normal.

If Class 7 picks one out, is there any normal person now?

Especially Liu Yuchen, how could there be a dance student whose school bag is full of disassembly toolboxes! ?

Various types of screwdrivers, pliers, tweezers, soldering irons... You, a girl, don't feel tired and panic when you carry them on your back?

What I knew was that Liu Yuchen ran to the physics lab recently, but what I didn't know was that he was preparing criminal tools.

And Tian Xiao, good guy, I haven't seen a bunch of sandbags in my schoolbag for a few days.

You put this weight training on hold, didn't you?

Anyway, Sun Ziyang and others also felt that they were a little abnormal.

Wu Ming recently watched the court trial scene a little over the top, and stayed up all night watching the lawsuit, which was interesting.

When Deng Wei had nothing to do, he thought about watching the evolution of the earth and pondering the movement of the earth's crust.

Sun Ziyang also writes poetry and prose at home.

At once……

Anyway, everyone is not normal, so it's normal.

And Chen Chu naturally took Xu Chao's reaction in his eyes, but he didn't expect the effect of this talent to come out so quickly.

Even in class, Xu Chao silently looked at the potted plants on the windowsill, with a doting smile on his face, as if he was possessed.

Chen Chu was also a little helpless in his heart, as long as his talents began to awaken, none of them were normal.

Sure enough, it is said that genius and lunatic are in one thought.

The stronger the talent, the more dazed people look?

Anyway, Xu Chao looked a little demented.

So when the get out of class was over, Chen Chu called Xu Chao to the office.

Seeing Chen Chu's stern face, Xu Chao's mental state immediately returned to normal.

"Old, teacher."

"So why are you in a daze all day in class?"


Xu Chao scratched his head, not knowing how to explain for a while.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to talk about you. Anyway, you can know what you have in mind. Hurry up and adjust your mental state these days. Can you hear it clearly?"

Xu Chao nodded quickly.

At this moment, Chen Chu opened the drawer and took out a USB flash drive.

"Take it!"

Xu Chao was stunned for a moment, and the person who took the USB flash drive was a little stunned.

"Teacher, what is this... for?"

"Of course it's something that can make you energized!" Chen Chu raised his eyebrows and whispered, "Don't let anyone know about this thing, after you take this thing home, copy the contents to your own computer, And this thing is not suitable for watching with your parents, so you can just watch it secretly by yourself, and there are many things in it, at least dozens of g, you can watch it slowly and appreciate it slowly, in addition, after copying it tomorrow Give me back the USB drive!"

Xu Chao blinked his eyes.


Old Chen...is he so human?

Fellow people!

But, but I haven't seen these things for a long time.

Xu Chao winked and said, "Old Chen, this... this is not good! You, as a head teacher, show students this kind of thing..."

Chen Chu suddenly said solemnly, "What's wrong? I'm a student who cares about me. Is there a problem?"


Xu Chao decisively shook his head, "No problem."


Chen Chu waved his hand, and Xu Chao returned to the classroom.

"Even if the bad habits are wiped out, this kid is really unclean, and he still thinks about these filthy things, and he has not rejected me yet, so he has to let Warden Xu give him more smiles."

"Fishing Law Enforcement"

Chen Chu couldn't help but snorted coldly, but he felt a little helpless in his heart.

Originally, I was going to buy some books for Xu Chao.

But there are so many books on plants…


Mainly because new books are too expensive to buy.

When I came back from Deng Sijia's house last night, I went to the bookstore to take a look. It was a few hundred yuan at every turn, and there were so many students in Class 7. If anyone wants to buy books in the future, who can afford it!

So after thinking about it, Chen Chu came up with a more efficient way. Last night, he asked the teacher's younger brother for an account on the intranet, and went to the electronic library to download a lot of books and papers related to botany. I contacted a high school classmate who stayed to teach in an agricultural school.

Anyway, after going back and forth, I carefully selected dozens of learning materials, from the introduction of botany to the soil...

In short, enough for Xu Chao to learn.

That night, the door was closed.

Xu Chao inserted the USB flash drive, opened it, and his eyes lit up.

"Fuck! Old Chen is actually playing for real!?"

Xu Chao is not a fool, especially since he was deceived by Chen Chu in the sauna last time, he didn't trust Chen Chu for a long time.

But when he opened the USB flash drive, he found four folders appeared on the USB flash drive.

Domestic, European and American, Japanese and Korean, exotic.


Xu Chao's DNA, which had been dusty for a long time, suddenly moved!


Lao Chen is so professional, he can be classified well! ?

No no no!

Xu Chao quickly shook his head.

good guy!

Almost got scammed!

Why is this head teacher so bad! ?

Don't you think I don't know that this opening is the full set of the Spring Festival Gala!


Xu Chao moved the mouse and subconsciously clicked on Japan and South Korea first.

In an instant, countless folders popped up.

What catches my eye are all kinds of unknown numbers.




Um! ?

Xu Chao narrowed his eyes.

Damn, this, this, this...

Xu Chao coughed, and quickly got up to confirm that the door was locked, and then plugged in his headphones decisively.

Excited heart, trembling hands, turned inside.

"Introduction to East Asian Herbology" df

"About the small day... the list of plants in the r country with good children" df


Xu Chao couldn't help but patted the table.

"I fucking know! The surnamed Chen is cheating on my feelings!"

"Last time I took us to the old age steaming center for excitement, and now let me watch this..."

"What a dirty heart! It's so bad!"

After all, Xu Chao decisively opened the domestic area, and never looked at the messy headlines that evoked reverie. When he clicked on it, it was really unique.

"Encyclopedia of Indigenous Plants, Volume 1" df

"Introduction to Plant Taxonomy" df

When Xu Chao opened this point, it was as if a whole new world had opened up in an instant.


The next day, seeing Xu Chao's sluggish look, Chen Chu winked and played with the USB flash drive in his hand.

"How is it? Exciting!"

"Haha..." Xu Chaopi smiled but said, "It's very exciting."

"The teacher has said that this is a good thing for you, but young people should pay attention to their bodies and exercise moderation. You can tell you're staying up late just by looking at you."

Xu Chao almost gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will pay attention."

"Okay, let's go back!" Chen Chu waved his hand, "Remember, be disciplined."

Xu Chao pouted, turned his head and went back to the classroom.

"About my class teacher is a bit skinny"

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