The days are finally on the right track. After experiencing the initial wave of students, as Chen Chu expected, the business gradually became normal.

But even with normalization, there is indeed a slight shortage of manpower.

Chen Chu finally recruited three more people to help with the kitchen.

After all, it is impossible to let Wang Lebang do it all by himself.

Of course, these three people have also been tested by Wang Lebang, the quality is guaranteed, and there will be no problem with their character.

Originally, I wanted to hire a chef, but Lu Mei strongly refused.

If she thinks that if she doesn't do anything, she won't be a meal eater?

In this regard, Chen Chu and Zhao Yizhou naturally respect Lu Mei's opinion.

Just do it for a while, and then think about it later.

At noon that day, Xu Tianhao and his party were resting after having a meal on the top floor of Happy Kitchen.

Xu Chao couldn't be idle, so he wandered around on the edge of the top floor after eating. Naturally, Chen Chu planted all kinds of green plants here.

At this moment, Xu Chao saw Lu Mei walking out of the back door, carrying a small hoe in his hand, just loosening the soil on a piece of ground behind.

After all, it was almost one and a half now, and there were no guests for the time being. I was also idle when I was idle. Lu Mei didn't rest either, so I planned to loosen the back piece of land and plant some vegetables or something.

After all, every time I went to the market to buy vegetables, Lu Mei felt a little distressed when she saw that those green vegetables were sold at such a high price, thinking that she might as well grow some of them herself.

Lu Mei was loosening the soil, when Xu Chao's voice came from behind, "Sister Mei, what are you doing?"

Seeing that it was Xu Chao, Lu Mei smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

This sister Mei was called out by Deng Sijia and others first, and the boys followed suit, and during this time, many people from Class 7 also came to help, and Lu Mei was already familiar with everyone.

"What do you want to plant?" Xu Chao asked.

"I plan to grow some greens first..."

"Oh?" Xu Chao raised his eyebrows, "Can you show me the seeds?"

Although Lu Mei was puzzled, she still took out a small bag of seeds from the bag and handed it to Xu Chao, "What's wrong?"

Xu Chao looked at it for a while, then shook his head and said, "Sister Mei, the environment here is not suitable for growing this kind of green vegetables. Even if they are grown, the taste should be very bad."


"Look, the color and shape of this seed, if I remember correctly, this should be the seed of the Keyu company. The seeds of their company have a very distinctive feature. The seeds are large and round, and it is easy to identify. come out."

"Although their company's seeds can basically live anywhere, they will have huge differences in taste due to the soil and water in different places, and even the shape and size will be different. This seed is more suitable for planting in the north, and it will be smaller in the south. Some, and the appearance that grows out is not very pleasing."

Lu Mei was stunned for a moment.

"If you want to plant seeds, the first choice is Kunnong's seeds. Their seeds are more suitable for planting in the south..." After speaking, Xu Chao squatted on the ground and grabbed a handful of soil, but he couldn't help shaking his head again." Sister Mei, no, this place is too dry, and the nutrition is not enough, you see the grass next to me telling me that this place is not good..."

Lu Mei tilted her head, "Ah...ah?"

Xu Chao came back to his senses, and seemed to think that his words seemed a little too shocking to the world, and quickly explained, "Look at these weeds next to you, they are thin and not tall, you can see how poor the nutrition of this place is. Even a grass with such a tenacious vitality is difficult to live well, not to mention that there are such tall buildings next to it that block the sun, and there is not much time for sunlight in a day.

If you plant it, it will probably be useless. If you plant it or not, you will tell me that it will not taste good when you plant it. Is it unnecessary? "

"Then Xu Chao, how do you do this?"

Lu Mei was a little nervous for a while.

Teacher Chen's students... so amazing!

Culture is really different!

It doesn't sound very clear, but it sounds reasonable!

"Sister Mei, otherwise, let me plant it!" Xu Chao smiled and hurriedly said, "Just tell me what you want to plant!"

"Ah... No, no..." Lu Mei naturally waved her hand to refuse, "How embarrassing this is, I don't even know if you guys came to help, I should thank you!"

"Sister Mei, don't be polite to me!" Xu Chao reached out and snatched the little hoe over, "Let me come and let me come, just watch from the side!"

Lu Mei couldn't stop it at all, but when she came back to her senses, she found that Xu Chao was already loosening the soil, and while loosening the soil, he said, "Sister Mei, you just loosened the soil in the wrong way. Turning the inside three times and turning the outside three times is the way I have loosened the soil now. If the soil is loosened in this way, the air permeability will be better, the respiration of the crops will be enhanced, and the nutrient content of the soil can be increased at the same time, and the moisture can be locked as much as possible..."

As soon as Xu Chao finished loosening, he grabbed another handful of soil, and after feeling it carefully, he said, "It's almost there, water a little more..."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Chao ran into the store in a hurry, entered the back kitchen with ease, took a basin of water, came out and poured some on the soil.

"It's almost there, come on, Sister Mei, give me the seeds!"

"Oh...oh..." Lu Mei handed the seeds to Xu Chao subconsciously, and saw that Xu Chao grabbed a small handful of seeds and started to get them on the ground. Seeds are crushed.

Lu Mei suddenly came back to her senses, with a puzzled look on her face, "Xu Chao, didn't you just say that this kind of seed is not suitable for growing?"

"There are also methods that are not suitable for planting. In fact, it is largely affected by the problem of soil quality, but we can improve the problem in other ways..."

Then Xu Chao said a lot.

Lu Mei's head was buzzing.

Seed iteration?

Genetic screening?

What the hell is this talking about! ?

After all, Lu Mei hasn't finished junior high school, and after a long time, she basically can't remember what the biology class in junior high school was about.

It sounds like it's pretty awesome.

"Sister Mei, go with your work, just leave it to me!" Xu Chao waved his hoe and said, "Besides green vegetables, what else do you want to grow? Just tell me!"

Before Lu Mei could speak, Xu Chao hurriedly said, "By the way, why do you have to plant some onions, ginger, and garlic? I'll arrange these when the time comes. By the way, I'll plant some green peppers and hot peppers!"

Lu Mei came out with a small hoe and seeds, but came back empty-handed.

She was pushed back by Xu Chao.

The whole person is a little confused now.

Don't I grow vegetables?

How did Xu Chao finish all the plants after planting them?

Teacher Chen's students are too... helpful!

Because Wang Lebang had been shouting for help all day long, and he was in a hurry if he didn't ask for help, Lu Mei didn't dare to disturb Xu Chao, for fear that her talk would make Xu Chao unhappy.

The next day, Lu Mei went to the backyard to take a look.


This sight made Lu Mei dumbfounded, only to see that the seeds that Xu Chao had just got on the ground that had been loosened yesterday were sprouting out today!

Lu Mei thought she was confused, so she quickly rubbed her eyes, leaned over to take a closer look, and found that a bunch of small greens had sprouted.


Lu Mei used to plant a lot of land at home, and even more green vegetables. Under normal circumstances, it will take three or four days to plant buds, but how can they sprout in just one day! ?


The Lumei people were dumbfounded.

After waiting until Xu Chao, Xu Tianhao and others came to eat, Lu Mei hurriedly came to Xu Chao, "Xu Chao, the vegetables you planted yesterday sprouted!"

"Ah?" Xu Chaoren was stunned, "No, that's not right! I think it will take at least two or three days for the buds to sprout!"


Lu Mei quickly said with a serious face.

Xu Chao hurriedly walked towards the backyard without saying a word, because he wanted to follow him to take a look, but because there was no time for the guests, he reminded Xu Chao before going back to the kitchen quickly.

Xu Chao squatted on the ground and scratched his head, looking at the green vegetables that had sprouted all over the floor, he was also a little confused.

"You guys have no reason to grow up so fast..."

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