The green vegetables grew too fast, which naturally made Xu Chao puzzled.

This is very inconsistent with the law of growth.

Even in class, Xu Chao has been pondering this question, even thinking hard.

And Chen Chu naturally noticed Xu Chao's state, and frowned during class, as if he was thinking about something.

After class, Chen Chu called Xu Chao out of the classroom.

"You've been absent-minded in class today, what are you thinking about?"

"Teacher, uh... this..." Xu Chao told Chen Chu his doubts, "Teacher, it should take three or four days to sprout, but it was planted yesterday, and it sprouts today. , I can't even think about it!"

"Even if you add pesticides, it's impossible to sprout the next day! It feels completely against the laws of nature!"

As soon as Chen Chu heard it, he subconsciously used the teacher's eyes.

Name☆Xu Chao

Sex: Male

age 15

Virtue 93

Intelligence 84

Stamina 85

Aesthetic 81

state aversion to learning;

Passive growth force (plants affected by this state will undergo genetic mutation, their growth speed will increase by 200, their vitality will be more tenacious, and the duration is unknown)

Passive Son of Nature (plants affected by this state can communicate messages in a special way, the duration is unknown)

no vice

Talent C-level plant affinity

Learning Efficiency 147

Comprehensive evaluation e

good guy!

I spent so much time trying to find so much information for you, but I didn't let your talent truly awaken!

Plant a land, your talent has begun to awaken?

However, it may also be that with the accumulation of the previous ones, the real awakening begins when the time comes.

Chen Chu didn't bother about this issue either, his brain is running wildly now, to see how to make up...cough...explain this problem.

However, this question is really difficult to explain.

After all, it has begun to violate the laws of nature.

You can't tell Xu Chao that this green vegetable grows as long as you like, it's none of your business, right?

This made Chen Chu have a headache.


"Xu Chao, the vast world is full of wonders and wonders. The mysteries of plants are endless, but it can't be explained clearly in a sentence or two!"

"But...Old Chen, that's what it says in the book! And it's the information you gave me!"

"The information is not necessarily accurate!" Chen Chu said solemnly, "Practice brings true knowledge, don't rely too much on knowledge in books, you can see how much our rice yield per mu in the past, and how much we have per mu now, for people in the past For example, do you think they would believe in such a high volume? Would they all find it unbelievable?"

Xu Chao nodded in understanding.

"So the same is true for plant growth. In the past, everyone thought that what was planted would take a long time to be harvested, but later with chemical fertilizers and various professional cultivation methods, is this time also slowly shrinking?"


"So don't be surprised, all you have to do is discover the mysteries, dig out the mysteries, and sum up the experience!" Chen Chu coughed and said, "Do you think the teacher made up...cough, say Does it make sense?"

Chen Chu finally dismissed Xu Chao, and when Xu Chao walked into the classroom, he wiped the sweat from his head.

But then again, because it was influenced by Xu Chao, he forcibly changed the genes of green vegetables, which increased the growth rate.

This talent... a bit against the sky!

But after thinking about it carefully, Chen Chu felt something was wrong.

He has been paying attention to Xu Chao's state.

Xu Chao takes care of not only the vegetables, but also the potted plants in the classroom and the green plants in the happy little stove.

The other Chen Chu didn't know either.

Anyway, within the scope of observation, no matter whether it is a potted plant or a green plant, it has not been affected in any way, only this green vegetable has been affected.

Does this passive state have a certain chance to trigger, or does it need to be triggered under certain conditions?

Chen Chu quickly inquired about the system.

When Xu Chao personally selects and cultivates seeds, there is a certain probability that the seeds will be genetically enhanced directly.

Because the talent has not been awakened, it is a random event and has no reference significance.

When the talent is awakened, the state will evolve

Chen Chu's expression was slightly shocked. If this state evolved, would it still be worth it?

What others can only accomplish by cultivating and selecting seeds for decades, when it comes to Xu Chao, I am afraid this time will be shortened to a rather outrageous level!

And the plants affected by Xu Chao are genetic mutations, not magic!

This means that the mutant gene can be analyzed from a scientific point of view. Once the mutant gene is analyzed, it can even be cultivated and selected, and the gene implantation can be promoted... At least it can save half of the labor of the working people in China!

Chen Chu immediately made a decision in his heart, and the next thing to focus on is Xu Chao.

After school was over in the afternoon, Xu Chao went to Xingfu Xiaozao to eat again.

He squatted on the edge of the small vegetable patch in the backyard, eating and thinking about fried rice in one hand.

While eating there, Xu Chao felt dark beside him, and when he turned his head, he saw Chen Chu also holding fried rice and a plastic stool in one hand.

"Sit and eat! Squatting is not tired!"


The two sat on the side, eating and talking.

"After thinking about it for a long time, did you figure out anything?"

"I think it may be that the genes have changed!" Xu Chao took a bite of the rice. "The growth rate is affected by many factors, such as soil, water, nutrients, etc., but these factors are all within a very reasonable range. It won't increase the growth rate so outrageously, I also checked the information on the seeds, and the company's official website also says that the growth cycle is three or four days..."

"I've been thinking about it, but it's only possible that under certain conditions, the genes have changed, which greatly increased the growth rate of this green vegetable!"

"It's just that I can't figure out what kind of conditions can make plants undergo natural genetic changes!"

Sure enough, this talent was not given in vain. With such a high intelligence, he quickly discovered the key problem.

But if you keep thinking about it, you won't come up with anything.

After all... your talent is a bit unreasonable.

"This proves that your knowledge reserve is not enough!" Chen Chu took a mouthful of rice, shook it with his chopsticks, and said, "You have already involved plant genes, and with your current knowledge reserve, naturally there is no way to explain it. "

Xu Chao looked at Chen Chu subconsciously, as if waiting for Chen Chu to answer the next step.

"Don't look at me, it's better for you to study these things yourself than I tell you!" Chen Chu said sternly, "It's still the same sentence, learn more, see more, work hard, practice will bring true knowledge, and one day you will be able to explain this problem. It's time to enter our country's engineering academy, just around the corner!"

Xu Chao was stunned for a while, and he couldn't help laughing and crying, "Old Chen, don't be joking! How can it be possible that I am still admitted to the Engineering Academy like this!"

"Young man, anything is possible!" Chen Chu took a spare rib and put it into Xu Chao's bowl. "Believe in yourself, the teacher will reward you with a spare rib to cheer you up!"

"You obviously don't want to eat it, it's all fat!"

"Nonsense! The teacher is hurting you! I won't give it to others if they want to eat it!"

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