Seeing that Master Zhang didn't seem to have much confidence, Zhuang Rou hurriedly asked how much it could be restored.

"At most 80!"

"That's fine too."

Zhuang Rou didn't think about it too much, she really couldn't restore it to a 100% level, 80 was acceptable, and then she would use a knife to carve it casually. If Chen Zhen suspected anything, he would say that his hands were itchy.

At most, he will be scolded by Lao Chen.

After making up his mind, Master Zhang said yes, and the store owner hurriedly took the epic globe to the studio behind the store and prepared for a moment.


The sound of the electric drill sounded, and Zhuang Rou was watching.

Just as the electric drill was about to start drilling, Zhuang Rou's cell phone suddenly rang.

The boss was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly stopped the drill. When Zhuang Rou saw that the phone call was actually from Chen Chu, she quickly made a gesture of silence, and then answered the phone, "Old Chen, what's the matter? "

"I suddenly remembered that I forgot to take something. I'm going to go to your house to pick it up." Chen Chu said, "Remember to open the door for me later!"


Zhuang Rou hurriedly hung up the phone, and hurriedly took back the epic globe from the boss.

"Hey? Little girl, what's wrong?"

"Then what, I'm sorry! I have to go back now!"

"Then why don't you do it?"

When the boss saw that the cooked duck was about to fly, he was naturally a little anxious.

"Let's talk about it later, I'll talk about it later, I have to go back quickly!" Zhuang Rou didn't dare to waste time, she quickly walked out of the studio, took out her mobile phone, scanned the QR code on the wall, and said to the boss, "I Pay the deposit first, and if I want to continue working on it later, I will come to you!"


Immediately after the counter, there was a sound of 5,000 yuan in your account!

Hearing this sweet voice, the corner of the boss's mouth couldn't help grinning, and he quickly and politely sent Zhuang Rou out without talking, and when Zhuang Rou was in a hurry, he hurriedly said, "Are you in a hurry? If you are in a hurry, , I'll drive you there."

"Okay, trouble you!"

"No trouble, no trouble!"

After all, this year, how can I find a coin like you... ahem, a kind-hearted guest!

The shop owner hurriedly drove Zhuang Rou home, but the master Zhang still stayed in the shop and didn't even notice that the person had left.

All his attention is now on the video from his phone.

He took a close-up video of the epic globe just now, and he was addicted to it accidentally.

So beautiful, just so beautiful.

It may seem to a layman that this carving is no different from that carved by a machine, and it looks just like that anyway, but those who really know the line know how superb the carving is.

Carving dragon bones!

To outsiders it may be just an adjective, but insiders represent absolute technical authority.

How exactly?

In the small groove carved with a knife every time, the lines are irregular. Because it is too thin, it can only be carved by looking at it with a magnifying glass, and there can be no mistakes even when carving, otherwise there will be a slight Accidentally destroys the overall beauty.

Anyway, this master is getting more and more outrageous the more he looks at it.

Isn't this craft generally used to carve that priceless jade?

This craftsmanship can't cost hundreds of thousands of dollars?

No, when you meet someone who knows the goods, it is almost a million to start away.

How could anyone use this technique to carve a world map on stainless steel? waste!

I'll have to ask what's going on, if I can find the person who sculpted it, that would be the best.

Although I have buried my eyebrows at this age, it does not prevent me from taking a teacher!

As long as he is willing, Master Zhang would rather take out all of his net worth, not to mention learning all of it. It would be amazing to learn one or two skills. If he passes it on to future generations, he can basically rely on this skill. Craftsmanship made a fortune.

When Master Zhang came back to his senses, he was going to ask Zhuang Rou, but when he looked up, he found that both the boss and Zhuang Rou were gone, and there were only a few shop assistants left.

What about people?


Then Chen Chu was rushing to Zhuang Rou's house.

Not long ago, he was in Sun Ziyang's house watching He Cao make up lessons for Sun Ziyang, and he wanted to see what kind of state He Cao was in when he made up the class, but before he even looked at it, it suddenly sounded in his mind. Master Pen's voice.

"Little brother, your globe is almost gone."

This sentence scared Chen Chu's face to change instantly.

What happened to my seven hundred million! ?

The master simply explained the situation.

This little girl is going to give you something, so she plans to drill a hole, stuff it in and restore it.

When Chen Chu heard it, it was worth it! ?

Although he is not sure if the electric drill has drilled a hole, the epic globe can still be used, but at least no hole is better than having a hole!

He hurriedly called, suppressed the panic in his heart, and made his tone as calm as possible.

After all, if the little girl Zhuang Rou is not stupid, and she knows where she is, she will probably startle other children. Who knows if she will think she is a stalker, or monitor her or something .

Anyway, Chen Chu ran out of Sun Ziyang's house immediately, hurried towards Zhuang Rou's house, and followed Zhuang Rou's home speed at the same time.

It was already at the door of Zhuang Rou's community, and before Zhuang Rou arrived, Chen Chu could only find a corner to wait silently.

Thanks also to the pen to watch.

Seven hundred million!

I just said how could Zhuang Rou and Xiao Nizi suddenly become interested in my epic globe, it turned out that she wanted to give me something...

Although I don't know what it is, Zhuang Rou's heart and Chen Chu's are indeed received.

After all, the child himself is not malicious, and he does not know the situation.

Chen Chu doesn't blame her either.

After a long while, I heard Master Pen say that Zhuang Rou had already gone home, so he rushed to Zhuang Rou's house, and he had to pretend to be nothing.

Open the door.

Zhuang Rou has changed into home clothes, and her face is full of doubts, Lao Chen, what have you left?

Yes, teachers and students play each other.

Chen Chu didn't dismantle Zhuang Rou, just slipped around, and then smiled and said that it seems that I remembered it wrong, maybe I didn't take it in the dormitory. The hardware store in my hand has this low-level globe in my hand.

When the boss saw that Chen Chu was here again, he was holding a globe again.


"Guest, you, why are you here again?"

"Boss, it's the same old rule as last time, but you don't need any waterproof membranes or the like. Just get me some stainless steel sheets! Lend your studio to use it!"


That night, Chen Chu asked the pen master to replace the pillars and replace the epic globe. Anyway, the new one is basically the same in appearance.

Early the next morning, Zhuang Rou came to the study to prepare for yesterday's work.

It's just that he just picked up the globe and suddenly frowned.

"Is it my illusion? Why does it feel different?"

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