Because of Zhuang Rou, Chen Chu decided to put his 700 million in the inventory.

Still the safest in the inventory.

Really, even if it is used in the future, I really have to buy a safe to lock it in.

Fortunately, this thing is always a surprise.

That night, Chen Chu called Sun Jiaojiao and asked if Sun Jiaojiao was getting used to this training day.

Sun Jiaojiao sounded quite happy, "It's quite adaptable, and coach Zhu Hong is also very patient. I learned a lot of skills today! We will play badminton together another day, and let you see my progress. Is it big!"

Anyway, Chen Chu felt relieved when he heard Sun Jiaojiao's voice. He thought that coach Zhu Hong should really teach with heart.

After all, you may not find such a good seedling with a lantern!

Then you have to practice carefully, and everyone's face will be bright if they really achieve results!

Of course, in addition to Sun Jiaojiao, now there is another Feng Qian waiting for Chen Chu to ponder.

However, because Feng Qian is still recuperating, there is no need to worry for the time being.

I have to prepare for going to Li Yiyang's house.

We can't let Brother Zhang Ziwen wait too long.

Chen Chu also got in touch with Li Dong. Li Dong spared time and said that he would come to the house tomorrow afternoon to talk.

It should get used to it, but Chen Chu still has a headache.

It was about Li Yiyang studying medicine, and he was still a little overwhelmed in his heart.

But then again, since Li Dong is supporting Li Yiyang to study medicine, it shouldn't be a big problem, right?

Forget it, no matter how much it is, I will act according to the opportunity tomorrow.

In the afternoon of the next day, Chen Chu came to Li Yiyang's house.

As a result, it was Yan Mao who opened the door.

Chen Chu was stunned, "Why are you here?"

For a moment, Chen Chu thought he had gone wrong and ran to Yan Mao's house.

"I'm reading with this Li Yiyang these days!" Yan Maoyi grinned, "Old Chen, I'm quite a diligent student."

tsk tsk...

Really shameless enough.

As the head teacher, I can't stand it anymore...

Are you still hardworking?

I don't know who looked at the book before and told me that he wanted to give up...

I can't say no to you!

But in this case, Chen Chu didn't bother to bother with Yan Mao.

Li Yiyang also came over and said with a smile, "Old Chen, come and sit first! My dad will be back later!"


As soon as Chen Chu sat down, Yan Mao poured water for Chen Chu very consciously, and then said with some yin and yang, "Old Chen, don't you often tell us that you can't be proud of yourself?"

Chen Chu glanced at Yan Mao a little oddly, "What do you want to say?"

"Let's just say, some people are particularly embarrassed when they think they can order something..."

Li Yiyang sneered secretly, want to smack me?

As soon as Yan Mao's voice fell, Li Yiyang immediately stole it and said, "Old Chen, Yan Mao is insinuating about you!"

Chen Chu frowned.


Yan Mao's expression changed, and he hurriedly said, "Old Chen, no, no, I'm not talking about you!"

But just at this time, Li Dong happened to return home, Chen Chu didn't care about Yan Mao, got up quickly and greeted Li Dong.

"Mr. Chen, you're welcome, you're welcome, sit down!"

Li Dong also has no air at all. After all, he is very clear in his heart that the young man in front of him has a profound influence on Li Yiyang.

Not to mention that Li Yiyang has undergone tremendous changes because of Chen Chu. In fact, what really makes Li Dong care about is what happened before.

Li Yiyang was framed by someone, but from the monitoring situation, Li Yiyang was basically the one who took the initiative to hurt him.

At that time, Li Dong's mentality was really broken. Many lawyers were invited to see that this situation was all about Li Yiyang hurting people after drinking, and because the victim refused to compromise, Li Dong was indeed at a loss at that time.

After all, it's just such a son.

However, things suddenly took a turn for the worse.

The most outrageous thing is that the victim took the initiative to confess everything.

Mingming had a very bad attitude before, with a posture of never bowing his head to money, but suddenly he took the initiative to admit his mistake. Afterwards, when Li Dong began to calculate the details, he suddenly found that Chen Chu had been following the follow-up, even He also took the initiative to go to the hospital to see the victim.

This...isn't common sense!

After all, this matter has nothing to do with Chen Chu. Even if something happened to Li Yiyang, no one would blame Chen Chu. After all, Chen Chu was just a temporary head teacher.

Even if he takes ten thousand steps back, Chen Chu has a very strong sense of responsibility, so he feels that he is partly responsible for the student's accident, but he always feels that some explanations are not clear.

Although I can't figure out the various details, Li Dong can be absolutely sure that all the turning point of the incident is Chen Chu.

Therefore, Li Dongxin is really grateful to this young man.

It can even be said that Chen Chu is the benefactor of the Li family, otherwise, Li Dong felt like Li Yiyang's previous appearance... alas, not to mention it.

After all, this is why Li Dong is now able to put down all the airs and talk to Chen Chu very sincerely.

In fact, he has never respected many people from the bottom of his heart. After all, many people are very hypocritical. On the surface, they call you brothers, but behind the scenes, they are trying to kill you. However, Chen Chu is one of the special cases.

I never really asked for anything on my own initiative, and I wholeheartedly put my mind on the child.

In the beginning, Li Dong was still thinking about what benefits Chen Chu wanted from him. He didn't care. After all, Chen Chu really helped, and he would try to be satisfied with whatever benefits he wanted, but , Lu Yao knows horsepower, and he sees people's hearts over time. Suddenly, he is really lucky that his children can meet such an excellent teacher.

It's really my parents...hey, wait a minute, Dad hasn't left yet.

The body is great, the food is delicious, and my father flirted with other aunts at the square dance yesterday...

Seriously, why are people in their 70s still so mad every day!

Change a wife every three to five, hooking your shoulders on your back.

Li Dong couldn't stand it any longer.

I only have a few female friends at most, you can change one every three days!

Don't say your son doesn't advise you! Look at my mother, Li Aunt, Sun Aunt, Zhao to deal with you when you go down!

Really! Can't stop for a while?

"A Little Too Much About the Pretty Aunt My Dad Knows" - by Li Yiyang

"About the square dancing grandma my grandfather knows is also a bit too much" - Li Yiyang ·

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