Chen Chu didn't know what was going on, but for now, let's be patient and wait for Pan Qing's reply.

I thought it was another student who was looking for a walk by himself!

As a result, there was a problem with the file again.

ahh... my brain hurts...

Anyway, Chen Chu knew that he would definitely not be able to sleep this afternoon, so he tidied up the bed quickly, changed his clothes and was ready to go out at any time.

I took my teacher's qualification certificate with me.


A Deng Wei has been guaranteed, and the certificate is still issued.

I just don’t know how many teachers’ qualification certificates can guarantee…


Seems like it can only be guaranteed once...

Forget it, forget it.

Bring everything you can!

Chen Chu hurriedly rummaged through the box, and took all the salary card and medical insurance card.

But what Chen Chu regrets a little bit now is that Officer Long refused when he wanted to send him a good citizen pennant, and only took the money.

Otherwise, the pennant seems to be able to guarantee it, right?

e... If it really doesn't work, I will ask the third hospital for a paper doctor's qualification certificate.

Whether it can be guaranteed or not is another matter.

There are many certificates, the big deal is Stud.

And Pan Qing also quickly called the above.

In fact, Pan Qing is also quite puzzled, because it is reasonable to say that the days for the review are not yet at all!

Why did the review start in advance?

She hasn't had time to prepare yet!

It didn't take a phone call to find out that someone had written a report letter to report Sun Jiaojiao's evil deeds during her previous school days, and the file was even more shocking, so she rejected it directly.

Well, I finally know what happened.

Pan Qing was not surprised. After all, Class Seven had a good reputation and must have a lot of enemies. They dared not provoke Class Seven from the front.

Luckily things weren't too bad.

After that, Pan Qing immediately began to follow his own contacts, and a phone call quickly reached the head of the Sports Association.

But the negotiated results were not satisfactory.

Because it was reported first, it was very troublesome.

After all, the Jiangnan Sports Association should pay attention to the impact. If things get bigger, it will not end well.

After all, Sun Jiaojiao's file is a real problem. If it is exposed, even Pan Qing will be implicated.

After all, the Sports Association is an official organization, but it can’t be hungry. Talent is second, and people must be clean first.

Pan Qing also had a headache. If it hadn't been reported, it wouldn't be a big problem, but it was stuck at this time, and the job would be difficult to do.

There is no other way, only a different way.

Pan Qing could only let his father take the shot. After all, he was a veteran cadre, and he would definitely be able to speak better than himself.

Not only Pan Qing, Zhu Hong, Liu Xiaofei, Li Haifeng, and Liang Jialiang were all walking around.

If you hadn't contacted Sun Jiaojiao, everyone wouldn't have done this.

But this contact, Sun Jiaojiao's foundation and talent, as well as the character she is showing now, is still worth giving everyone a try!

As soon as this thing was tossed, it was tossed into the night.

Sun Jiaojiao didn't know what was going on. After training, she followed Tian Xiao to the school gym to fight.

Just as the two were fighting fiercely, Chen Chu appeared in the gym halfway through.

Seeing Chen Chu coming, the two hurriedly stopped their movements. Whether it was Tian Xiao or Sun Jiaojiao, their eyes lit up and their faces looked expectant.

"Old Chen, do you want to come and fight us together?"

Hit you on the head!

I'm still having a headache about your business!

I've been waiting for a day and still haven't received any news. Your matter seems to be hanging.

I secretly slandered in my heart, but there was nothing unusual on Chen Chu's face.

After all, there is no need for children to know these things.

"Stop calling, I still have something to do! You two go home early to rest, do you hear me?"


"Okay, that's it."

Chen Chu didn't say much, turned his head and went back to the staff dormitory.

There is no news now, which means that there is still room for things to be dealt with.

But Chen Chu felt that the problem was not small.

Sun Jiaojiao's situation is quite special, different from other children, because she wants to join the local sports association.

Other children are from other schools or organizations to file files, and they are basically in a state of secrecy.

Only Sun Jiaojiao was recommended by Pan Qing, and it was almost public, so the trouble was here, and it was still reported. It was obvious that someone was targeting Sun Jiaojiao, but Sun Jiaojiao's file was a problem.

To be honest, Chen Chu doesn't have any particularly good solution.

If the city team really can't get in, it can only go to the provincial team.

Go the open recruiting route.

As long as Sun Jiaojiao shows her extraordinary talent and aptitude, and if she has made a record in advance, she should write a letter of repentance. Chen Chu is asking the school to issue an understanding, taking the responsibility of supervising and correcting, and then trying to find a way to make the province If the sports association also supervises and corrects, Chen Chu believes that the provincial team should try their best to keep Sun Jiaojiao.

Moreover, when they were out of town, they didn't know Sun Jiaojiao well, so they wouldn't target them.

Of course, this is only a general idea, and it is not easy to implement and operate it.

It may take a long time to toss, and it requires a lot of network support.

In particular, Yuan Wen needed help to get on line with Kunhai.

Plan ahead.

However, just as Chen Chu was preparing the plan, Pan Qing suddenly called.

"Mr. Pan, how's it going?"

"e... how do you say it?" Pan Qing coughed, "The matter has been resolved, and the review has passed."

Um! ?

Chen Chu was overjoyed and quickly said, "Mr. Pan, thank you so much!"

"Ah... No, no, Mr. Chen, I really didn't help much."

Chen Chu thought that Pan Qing was being modest, and said again, "Mr. Pan, if it wasn't for your help, how could Sun Jiaojiao..."

"No, Mr. Chen, I really didn't help!" Pan Qing smiled bitterly, "I have searched all the people I could find, and even asked my father to discuss it in person, but the responses I got were all over the place. I don’t agree, I refuse, to be honest, I gave up, and the same goes for Coach Zhu Hong, they have all found people they can find, and the answer is still the same.”

" did it get resolved in the end?"

"I don't know the specifics! It's just that the above suddenly notified me that the review is over, and it remains to be seen."

Chen Chu was startled, "Mr. Pan, you don't know who helped?"

"I really don't know, it was suddenly notified from above." Pan Qing said, "But it seems that there is no need to worry about it. Is it okay to be fine anyway?"

"e... too."

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