After hanging up the phone, Chen Chu was at a loss.

Who helped?

After thinking for a while, Chen Chu suddenly realized.


The time with the child is too long, and it is neglected accidentally.

These children in Class Seven are all people from unusual backgrounds!

And Sun Jiaojiao's family was not an ordinary family.

Look I forgot about this.

In terms of connections, it must be that the connections of Sun Jiaojiao's family are stronger, and it is estimated that whoever took the initiative to suppress the matter, and it is still in the form of guarantee.

Anyway, no matter who it is, it's always a good thing.

Chen Chu didn't bother to worry, anyway, I finally got a good night's sleep tonight.

That night, Sun Jiaojiao and Tian Xiao didn't fight for too long. At 9:30, Sun Jiaojiao and Tian Xiao went home separately.

When I got home, I found that the atmosphere in the house was very serious.

I saw a grizzled old man in sportswear sitting on the sofa with an expressionless face.

Sun Qunce and Xu Xiaolin also sat aside, not daring to say a word.

Even when Sun Jiaojiao saw this old man, she immediately fell in love with her honestly, she walked up to the front and whispered something to her grandfather.

Xu Dafang glanced at Sun Jiaojiao, and said with a cold face, "Why did you come back so late?"

"Hit, I'm going to play badminton."

"En." Xu Dafang gave a nonchalant hum, "Go up and change your clothes first, I have something to tell you."


Sun Jiaojiao hurried upstairs to change her clothes, and there was silence in the living room again.

Sun Qunce and Xu Xiaolin did not dare to say a word.

Even if he has been in the shopping mall for many years, calling for wind and rain, and being in a high position all the year round, before Xu Dafang, he still has to be honest as a son-in-law.

In fact, Sun Qunce was quite flustered today.

He had a meeting tonight, and he would be back very late, but Xu Xiaolin suddenly called him to say that his father was coming, and scared Sun Qunce, so he hurriedly postponed all the meetings until tomorrow, and hurriedly Back home and waiting.

Mainly because when Xu Xiaolin was with him back then, Sun Qunce was a little confused when he was young, and Xu Dafang firmly disagreed.

After all, under the circumstances of the Xu family at that time, it was a honorable and respectable family.

After Xu Dafang retired, he was also the leader of the Jiangnan Sports Association.

My daughter ran off with a little bastard, and almost didn't get mad at him.

In the end, Xu Xiaolin secretly got the certificate from Sun Qunce, but Xu Dafang couldn't stop it, so she didn't show Sun Qunce a good look.

Especially after giving birth to Sun Jiaojiao, Sun Jiaojiao was a troublemaker again, and Xu Dafang felt that he was even more incapable of discipline and became even more popular.

To know that Sun Jiaojiao caused trouble, most of it was Xu Dafang's secret wiping ass.

Sun Qunce didn't care much at all, and focused on his own business.

Anyway, the relationship has always been so tense that Xu Dafang basically never came to the house on his own initiative.

"Dad..." Xu Xiaolin said cautiously, "Why are you looking for Jiaojiao?"

Xu Dafang snorted, "Did I ask you something?"

Xu Xiaolin suddenly closed her mouth and did not dare to say a word.

Xu Dafang slowly exhaled and frowned, "Who made Sun Jiaojiao's entry into the Jiangnan City Team?"

The couple looked at each other, Xu Xiaolin laughed dryly, "It was Jiaojiao's head teacher who first said that Jiaojiao has the talent and genes for sports, so she suggested that Jiaojiao go in the direction of sports, and then the coach of the city team took a fancy to Jiaojiao's potential. Just recommending Jiaojiao to join the Jiangnan City team... Dad, how do you know this?"

"How do you know?" Xu Dafang patted the table angrily and said, "I don't know how many times I've been thrown away by you guys today!"

Today, Xu Dafang happened to be having dinner with the leader of Jiangnan Sports Association. The other party answered the phone and kept talking. Xu Dafang just heard the three words Sun Jiaojiao, who was at the wine table. Everyone was stunned.

It wasn't until the other party finished the call that Xu Dafang asked what was going on.

This Jiangnan is the leader of the Sports Association, but Xu Dafang picked it up with one hand, so why don't you hurriedly smile and say the old leader, I made you laugh, and I don't know what happened, because a little girl from Sun Jiaojiao made a fuss.

Then I said, Jiangnan Yucai Middle School, Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School, Sun Jiaojiao...


Xu Dafang suddenly looked depressed, this seemed to be really his own granddaughter...


Shame to open the door for Shaoren, Shaoren is home!

Xu Dafang usually doesn't talk about his family situation at all, how dare he say it!

Let others know that his granddaughter is causing trouble in the school every day, how does he still have a face as a veteran cadre?

So outsiders basically don't know what's going on.

But this time it was weird.

Because in the past it was usually Sun Jiaojiao who caused trouble, he had to help find someone to wipe his ass, but this time it was different. There were actually a bunch of coaches helping Sun Jiaojiao to get around, hoping to get Sun Jiaojiao's profile. The matter was suppressed and Sun Jiaojiao entered the market team.

As soon as Xu Dafang first heard it, he doubted whether this was his granddaughter.

If I remember correctly, isn't my granddaughter dancing?

Without thinking about it, Xu Dafang asked the other party, looked for a photo, and took a look.

e... It's definitely the granddaughter.

no! ?

What's the matter! ?

Why is a dancer going to join the Jiangnan City team, and a bunch of people are helping Luo to plead for mercy on Zhang Zhang! ?

Xu Dafang was really at a loss, but seeing so many people willing to speak for Sun Jiaojiao, he felt a little sympathetic for the time being.

Has the child corrected himself?

Otherwise, how could there be so many people willing to help?

After thinking about it, Xu Dafang could only be cheeky again, and followed the leader of Jiangnan City and said, "Xiao Zhu, this matter will pass first, and then we will see the performance later. If the performance is not good, just kick it out."

The old leaders have spoken, and it will be over if it doesn't matter, and enter the observation period first.

It's just that the leader is also puzzled, why did the old leader suddenly help to speak?

Sun Jiaojiao...

e...isn't it...

After all, getting close to Xu Dafang and knowing about Xu Dafang's family situation seems to have realized something, and decided to continue drinking and chatting without mentioning this.

Then after drinking, Xu Dafang decisively asked the driver to take him to Sun's house.

After all, he had to understand what was going on.

After hearing what happened, Xu Dafang still felt that it was outrageous.

Why did you suddenly change from a dance student to a sports student?

But at this moment, Sun Jiaojiao had already changed her clothes. After coming downstairs, she stood aside and whispered, "Grandpa, I have changed."

Xu Dafang glanced at Sun Jiaojiao, but also felt something was wrong.

He and Sun Jiaojiao hadn't seen each other for about half a year.

But after meeting, I found that this Sun Jiaojiao seemed to have changed a lot.


Sun Jiaojiao dared to talk back to him before!

never been so cowardly...

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