Anyway, Sun Jiaojiao's attitude made Xu Dafang quite puzzled.

The main thing is that it can't be fixed for him!

Before he came, he was thinking about how to ask questions later, but the premise was that Sun Jiaojiao sang against him, and then he scolded him all the time.


Sun Jiaojiao just stood in front of her, not holding her hands, but resting her on her lap. She lowered her head and said nothing, as if waiting to be criticized.


Xu Dafang stood up and saw that Sun Jiaojiao didn't talk back, suddenly she didn't know how to speak.

After thinking about it, I sat back.

I reorganize the language.

However, I have never seen my granddaughter stay so honest!

Xu Dafang didn't know how to organize language for a while.

The whole living room suddenly fell into a dead silence, and the atmosphere was a bit... weird.

Sun Qunce and Xu Xiaolin on the side didn't know what to say.

The main reason is that the children have changed so much that they have not yet adapted themselves.

After not seeing each other for half a year, Sun Jiaojiao felt like a different person.

Anyone can change it!

Not to mention Xu Dafang.

"e..." I don't know how long it took, Xu Dafang pondered for a moment before suddenly said, "No trouble?"

"No, no trouble."


Xu Dafang fell into silence again, and it was only a hindsight.


He still remembered that when the first year of high school started, Xu Xiaolin looked for her several times, all because Sun Jiaojiao was in trouble at school.

Xu Dafang really didn't want to worry about it, but in the end, there was still a trace of family affection that bound him.

But it seems that Sun Jiaojiao has become very honest in recent months, and she didn't even cause trouble for him.

Looking at it now, it seems that the child suddenly becomes honest and obedient.

So much so that in the silence, the doubts in Xu Dafa's mind never stopped.

Are you sure this is my granddaughter?

Can my granddaughter be so obedient?

Why didn't my granddaughter talk back to me?

Sanlian... Doubtful.

But at this moment, Sun Jiaojiao suddenly gathered up her courage and said, "Grandpa, I... I know I'm wrong, and I'm correcting it now."


"I know I was really disobedient in the past, and I have caused you so many troubles, so I must have made you worry." Sun Jiaojiao's eyes reddened, "Grandpa, give me a chance! I also want to correct myself. I'm now learning to make myself sensible..."

Nose twitching, tears welling up.

"I really want to correct it, I really don't want you to continue to worry about it..."



In the entire living room, only Sun Jiaojiao's sobbing was left.

Xu Dafang was stunned again.

cry, cry! ?

He had watched Sun Jiaojiao grow up since she was a child. Apart from crying when she was a child, she hadn't seen Sun Jiaojiao cry since she was in junior high school.

Even, he is still taking the initiative to admit his mistakes.

Human hearts are fleshy!

When Xu Dafang heard the whimper, his heart suddenly softened.

Seeing Sun Jiaojiao rubbing her tears pitifully, she wanted to coax a few words, but she swallowed the words after thinking about it.

It wasn't that he didn't give Sun Jiao Jiao many chances before.

But Sun Jiaojiao never took it seriously.

Now suddenly, it makes Xu Dafang feel that everything in front of him is unreal.

It's a bit of the illusion of a cat crying and a mouse fake compassion.

Xu Dafang was calm, but Xu Xiaolin on the side watched Sun Jiaojiao cry so pitifully, her heart softened, and she came to Sun Jiaojiao in a hurry. Xu Dafang said, "Dad, Jiaojiao is really different from before. Not only has she become sensible, but she has also become obedient! She is really correcting..."

Saying that, Xu Xiaolin hurriedly winked at Sun Qunce and asked Sun Qunce to help.

Husband, say something!

Sun Qunce smiled bitterly in his heart.

What am I saying!

I'm fine if I don't talk, but it makes him even more unhappy when I talk!

But after thinking about it, Sun Qunce cautiously said, "Dad, that... Jiaojiao is indeed correcting, um, that... I am also correcting..."

As he was talking, he was suddenly glared by Xu Dafang, and Sun Qunce was silent.

I really have no temper with this father-in-law.

Only cowardly.

"Okay, alright, why do you cry!" Xu Dafang suddenly said, "Can crying solve the problem? I'll give you another chance! If you really admit your mistake and correct it, and don't cause me trouble in the future, I will I recognize your granddaughter!"

As soon as Xu Xiaolin heard it, she quickly coaxed, "Jiaojiao, you see that your grandfather is willing to give you a chance, so don't hurry up and express your opinion to your grandfather."

"Grandpa, I must make corrections seriously."

"Okay! Then I'll wait and see!" Xu Dafang didn't dare to look at Sun Jiaojiao. He was too old to see this. He got up and said, "It's getting late, so I'll go home first!"

Xu Xiaolin hurriedly said, "Dad, it's so late, so stay home and sleep! You've even been drinking!"

"No need, I have my own home!" Xu Dafang said subconsciously, but after thinking about it, it seemed a bit too hurtful, and added, "You also know that I'm not used to sleeping outside."

"Okay, okay, Dad, then I'll send you off."

"No need."

Xu Dafang then turned his head and left, sitting in the driver's car, and returned home shortly after.

No one was there, and when the lights were turned on, it was empty.

Xu Dafang sighed, sat on the chair, and when he looked up, he saw a photo of himself and his wife, and all around this photo were group photos of his award-winning group.

Maybe it was because he drank a little wine today, and Xu Dafang's mood became a little complicated.

His wife has been gone for four years, and he is now alone.

He is actually a retired little old man now, and no one can say when he will leave and go down to accompany his wife.

He didn't have any thoughts at all, after all, with his daughter's poor family environment, what else could he think about.

But today Sun Jiaojiao's reaction made him a little relieved.

And it's not just Sun Jiaojiao, I feel that the relationship between Xu Xiaolin and Sun Qunce seems to be much better than before.

Especially when they asked them about Sun Jiaojiao before, they almost didn't know anything, but now they say a lot, and it seems that they are slowly shifting their focus to the child.

Suddenly, he felt that there was still some hope for continuing to live. Maybe he could really look forward to a family and a peaceful life.

Without glancing at his cabinet full of trophies and awards, Xu Dafang suddenly had a thought.


Why don't you take time to see how Sun Jiaojiao trains?

Anyway... take care.

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