Sun Ziyang had called He Cao quite a few times this morning, but He Cao did not answer.

This made Sun Ziyang immediately realize that something must have happened, and immediately set off to He Cao's house, and it was He Cao's nanny who opened the door.

Sun Ziyang asked if He Cao was at home, and the nanny nodded and said he was sleeping in the bedroom.


Sun Ziyang was stunned for a moment, and then quickly knocked on He Cao's bedroom door.

"He Cao, He Cao?"

After shouting for a while, the door really opened.


Seeing how He Cao just woke up, Sun Ziyang couldn't help being a little confused.

"You've been sleeping?"

"Ah...yes..." He Cao yawned and said, "I stayed up all night and only came back this morning. I was thinking of going to make up lessons for you! I accidentally overslept!"

Sun Ziyang looked up and down He Cao with a strange face, but he really didn't notice anything unusual.

"You, are you really all right?" Sun Ziyang asked in a low voice, "Isn't that person surnamed Ren doing anything to you?"

"You have to talk about something, it's really something!" He Cao said with tears in his eyes, "Last night, the surnamed Ren dragged me to play mahjong. I said I wouldn't play mahjong. I won more than 70,000 in one night!"

"Ah... ah? Then what?"

"How dare I ask for his money! I finally lost all this money to him, and it's a bit of a numb for me to shoot the gun, and I have to count his cards all day long!"

Sun Ziyang's eyes widened, "Just here? He dragged you over and played mahjong all night?"

"Otherwise!" He Cao shrugged, "Can he still kill me?"


Sun Ziyang couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Damn! Then you should tell me!"

"I thought something was wrong with you guy!"

He Cao suddenly smiled apologetically, "Isn't this too sleepy? I didn't hear the sound, sorry!"

Sun Ziyang smiled, and suddenly said indifferently, "Aren't you tired of pretending like this?"

"Ah... ah?"

Sun Ziyang had already noticed some details.

"You acted really well, but why are your hands shaking all the time?"


He Cao fell into silence for a while, and subconsciously took back the hand on the door.

"Have a few words?" Sun Ziyang sighed, "I feel like you need someone to talk to you now."

After a long while, Sun Ziyang followed He Cao into the bedroom.

"Let me see your hand!"

He Cao sighed and spread his hands.

Sun Ziyang glanced at it and was shocked. He Cao's palms were all covered with scalded small eyes, densely packed, at least twenty or thirty on one hand, and some of them seemed to have begun to deteriorate.

He Cao had already applied scalding cream.

Sun Ziyang's eyes narrowed slightly, "Is the cigarette butt hot? Ren used your hand as an ashtray last night?"

He Cao didn't say a word, and sighed heavily.

"I feel that some of the wounds have deteriorated, why don't we go to the hospital?"

He Cao shook his head, "This can't be done. What if I go to the hospital and the hospital calls the police?"


Sun Ziyang was stunned, this is really possible.

After all, no matter how you look at the injury, it's either self-harm or abuse. Nine times out of ten, the hospital will call the police.

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal, just rub some medicine and it should be fine after a while!"

Sun Ziyang pouted, "No, I really can't stand it anymore, so I'll call Brother Hao now and ask Brother Hao to come up from Xin'an Township to discuss how to deal with this matter."

When He Cao heard this, he became anxious and quickly said, "Don't, don't, really, I don't want to implicate you!"

"Besides, this is really a personal grievance between me and the surname Ren, and it was also caused by me. If I didn't provoke him back then, I wouldn't have these things now. It was purely my own doing, and I gave you Getting involved, I can't feel sorry in my heart."

"I'm surprised, what conflict happened between you and your surname Ren? Why did you target you like this?"

He Cao gave a wry smile, and had no choice but to briefly explain what happened back then.

After hearing this, Sun Ziyang's eyes widened, "Damn it! Don't you like Tian Zhen? Why are you more distracted than me? Eating what's in the bowl and thinking about what's in the pot?"

"It's not the same." He Cao hurriedly explained, "I don't actually like that girl! I only have Tian Zhen in my heart!"

After hearing this, Sun Ziyang became even more puzzled, "Then why don't you like you chasing others?"

"Cough cough..." He Cao not only said with a red face, "Isn't this just to pretend to be forced to show off in front of my classmates..."


Sun Ziyang was silent for a moment, then pointed at He Caobi with his middle finger, "Well, it is indeed something that your previous temperament can do!"

He Cao also felt embarrassed and embarrassed: "Cough, what, Sun Ziyang, you have to help me keep this matter a secret! Otherwise, if it spreads out, I will definitely be despised by everyone!"

"The problem is that your wound is getting worse now, so you have to deal with it, right? Even if you don't go to the hospital, at least you have to go to a small clinic to see it!"

"I'm afraid of calling the police!" He Cao hurriedly said, "If this is really reported to the police, if the surname Ren finds out, I will be even worse!"

"Then why don't you ask Li Yiyang to handle it for you? Didn't he start studying medicine? He should be able to handle this, right?"

Of course, He Cao didn't want more people to know about him, but the problem is that his hand is really hurting now, and the wound has begun to deteriorate. If he doesn't deal with it properly, if he loses his hand, won't he be able to play the piano in the future? How can I play for Tian Zhen?

After thinking about it, He Cao said okay, and asked Li Yiyang to come and have a look.

Sun Ziyang called Li Yiyang, saying that He Cao's hand was scalded, and asked Li Yiyang if he could help him to deal with the wound.

Li Yiyang was quite puzzled when he answered the phone.

"Why do you suddenly think of looking for me? Why don't you go to the hospital!"

Sun Ziyang said, "Don't worry about this! You will know when you come. By the way, this matter has to be kept secret! Don't let other people know!"


Li Yiyang just hung up the phone, and Yan Mao, who was following Li Yiyang to make up the class, asked, "What's the matter?"

"It was said that He Cao was scalded and let me deal with it, ah... By the way, I was told to keep it a secret, you must not say it!"

"Don't worry, I've always been tight-lipped!"

"Then I have to go there now!"

"Then let me follow along!"

Then Li Yiyang and Yan Mao went to He Cao's house together. As soon as they opened the door, they saw them coming. He Cao was stunned, "Yan Mao, why are you here too?"

"I happened to be with Li Yiyang!" Yan Mao said, "What's the matter with you! Why keep the scald a secret?"


He Cao's mouth twitched.

He felt that he might not be able to hold this secret...

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