Sun Ziyang quickly let Li Yiyang look at He Cao's injury.

He Cao opened his hands, and Li Yiyang and Yan Mao's expressions changed slightly.

Instantly realized something.

Li Yiyang came directly with the medicine box, and hurriedly began to help He Cao deal with it.

Yan Mao walked up to Sun Ziyang and asked in a low voice, "What's going on here? Who burned it?"

Sun Ziyang remained silent and said nothing.

"Why don't you speak?"

Sun Ziyang said, "Why do you know so much?"

After all, He Cao had already promised to keep it secret, but Sun Ziyang was tight-lipped and didn't plan to tell Li Yiyang and Yan Mao the matter.

"Okay, okay, I know what's going on if you don't tell me!" Yan Mao turned to look at He Cao, "He Cao, if I didn't see this, I wouldn't interfere, but now that I have seen it, I can Take care."

He Cao said dumbfoundedly, "Yan Mao, I got my mind, but it's not a big deal..."

Before He Cao finished speaking, Yan Mao interrupted, "That's not good, I can't pretend I didn't see it! Besides, we're all in the same class, and if it's deeper, it's the same sect brother, something happened to you. If you don't help, I'll be reluctant in my heart!"

"Okay, Yan Mao, don't get involved in this matter." Sun Ziyang hurriedly said, "I'll solve it with He Cao, and if you join in, it will make things even more troublesome."

Li Yiyang frowned and said, "Stop for a while, I'm dealing with the wound! Don't bother me!"


The bedroom suddenly fell silent.

This tossing lasted for about half an hour, Li Yiyang was disinfected to remove rot and applied medicine, and finally bandaged, and the wound was treated.

Li Yiyang hurriedly ordered twice, "You've made it very serious. I'll come over the day after tomorrow to help you change the dressing. It may be a little itchy in the past two days. It's long flesh, so don't scratch it!"

He Cao also felt that his palm didn't hurt so much, and quickly said "Thank you!"

"No thanks, I'll give you a fraction of the cost. The medical fee is 32,828 yuan. Credit card or WeChat?"

"Ah... ah?"

He Cao was stunned for a moment.

Li Yiyang is happy, "I never said that I was treated for free!"


"make a deal!"

Li Yiyang waved his hand, "Stop joking, why don't you tell us what's going on?"

Yan Mao quickly echoed, "He Cao, just say it! Everyone is in the same class, if you have any difficulties, we will definitely help you!"

Before this was changed, Li Yiyang and Yan Mao didn't even bother.

After all, He Cao was not very likable before, and because he always liked to pretend to be forceful, he was kind of floating.

So Li Yiyang and Yan Mao didn't deal with He Cao very much.

But after getting along this semester, everyone played with each other every day, and the feelings naturally accumulated.

Under the care of Lao Chen, the collective consciousness of the class gradually took root in everyone's heart.

In the past, the word "classmate" was really just a classmate in everyone's heart, but as time goes by, the two words "classmate" have become more and more important.



Dating each other and falling in love with the seventh class?

All in all, the word "classmate" was given more weight in Class 7.

So that Li Yiyang and Yan Mao could not turn a deaf ear when they saw that He Cao was injured.

If you don't do anything, you will feel very uncomfortable in your heart.

Seeing the attitudes of Li Yiyang and Yan Mao, He Cao was naturally moved, but it was precisely because of this that he couldn't involve these two people.

You are righteous, so I can't help but be righteous, right?

Besides, this is really a big hole!

I don't mind jumping down by myself, and I'll pull you all together to jump down!

When something really happens, am I worthy of you?

This let Lao Chen know, so what?

Being titled is a trivial matter, and Lao Chen can't even kick me out of Class 7!

"Don't ask, I won't tell you anyway!" He Cao's face was filled with a pleading look. "Really, I got my mind, it's really not a big deal..."

Sun Ziyang knew that this matter was very complicated, and said, "You can just pretend you don't know anything, don't say anything!"

"If you say that, I'm even more curious in my heart!" Yan Mao said with a gloomy face, "If you don't say it, my heart will be even more itchy!"

"How can there be such an appetite?" Li Yiyang also quickly said, "He Cao, if you have any problems or difficulties, just tell me! Let's help solve it together, the number of people is great!"

"Yes, yes!" Yan Mao said anxiously, "Come on, hurry up! Don't tell me I'm going to kill you!"

He Cao didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, and looked at Sun Ziyang helplessly.

It's not good to find someone, but these two.

But the brain circuit of the seventh class itself is different from others.

Sun Ziyang shrugged and spread his hands.

Don't look at me, I didn't know they were so difficult to deal with.

I hadn't interacted much before.

But no one in the seventh class is easy to deal with. After all...he was not an honest person.

"You'd better say it!" Sun Ziyang said, "But we have to declare in advance that only the four of us know about this, and we must not tell anyone else!"

Li Yiyang and Yan Mao nodded, as if you can rest assured that we will never speak out.

He Cao was silent for a moment.

At once……

Is one death not enough?

Do you have to let me do it again?

Forget it, anyway, he can hide from the first day of the first year, but he can't hide from the fifteenth day. If he really doesn't say it, He Cao is afraid that Li Yiyang and Yan Mao will pester him every day, so he can only open his mouth and tell the two of them what happened.

"That's probably what happened."

"Ren Tianqi?" Li Yiyang rubbed his chin, as if recalling, "This name sounds strangely familiar! The Ren family in the southwest... oh, I remembered."

However, Yan Mao was stunned, "I've never heard of it! What's the origin of the Ren family in the southwest?"

"Your family is not in business, you don't know it's normal!" Li Yiyang waved his hand, "My dad has dealt with the Ren family in the southwest!"

Li Yiyang roughly explained the information he knew to Yan Mao, Sun Ziyang nodded slightly and said, "Well, anyway, the Ren family in the southwest is very powerful, this Ren Tianqi is indeed more attractive than us, we really can't afford it. he."

Yan Mao clasped his hands and couldn't help frowning, "Then this matter is really difficult to handle!"

Seeing the situation now, He Cao quickly smiled bitterly, "I've already said it, this matter will pass with patience."


The three suddenly spoke in unison.

Li Yiyang said, "It's not like we haven't bullied people before, I have done the same."

"I've done it too." Yan Mao said, "So Ren Tianqi will definitely not let you go! Sooner or later, you will be killed by him!"

Sun Ziyang nodded in agreement, "I've done it before, so I think so too."

He Cao "..."

I really have to thank Lao Chen for you guys who didn't go in...

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