Huo Ju was stunned for a moment.

Organization gets involved! ?

This made Huo Ju immediately remembered the work arrangement some time ago, and transferred a Director Qin from No. 1 Middle School.

It is difficult, this matter is also related to Chen Chu.

"Let Xiao Qin come over."

"it is good."

After a while, Director Qin also came to the office.

"Huo Ju, are you looking for me?"

"Come on, Xiao Qin, come and sit."

Huo Ju hurriedly beckoned and motioned Director Qin to sit and chat.

Director Qin was a bit at a loss. After all, she had just come to the Jiangnan Education Bureau, and she was not too familiar with this Huo Bureau.

Suddenly being called over, I felt a little panic in my heart.

"Xiao Qin, how did you get used to it?"

"Thank you Huo Bureau for your concern. You've adapted quite well, but it takes a while to get used to things at work."

"That's fine, that's fine, if you have any difficulties, you can come to me directly."

"Okay, okay."

Huo Ju smiled, and then cut to the topic "Xiao Qin, ask you something."

"Huo Ju, you said."

"Do you know Chen Chu? It's the intern teacher from Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School."

Director Qin was startled for a moment, "I know him, Xiao Chen! I have a good relationship with him."

Because Director Qin was arranged by the organization, Huo Ju of course did not dare to be blatant, and could only be side-by-side.

"This Chen Chu and the organization..." Huo Ju winked.

Director Qin didn't know what he meant, so he whispered, "Actually, it's similar to me."

When Huo Ju heard this, he suddenly realized.

Regarding Director Qin, the organization did not tell him the details, but Huo Ju still knew a little.

After all, Huo Ju himself is also an organization person, but it is not the core.

Probably after knowing that a student had made a great contribution, Director Qin arranged for him to come to the Education Bureau from No. 1 Middle School.

With that said...

Could it be that this student...

Huo Ju raised his hand for a seven, and looked at Director Qin tentatively.

Director Qin coughed and took it as a response.

Seeing Director Qin's reaction, Huo Ju knew that he couldn't ask any more questions, and hurriedly said, "Understand, understand, keep it secret!"

Bureau Huo finally knew why Mr. Xu wanted to come over in person.

The arrangement of the organization!

Now that he knew what was going on, Huo Ju suddenly knew something.

Immediately have people withdraw all the prepared documents.

Organizations require people to be kept secret, so of course they can't mess around.

Just keep the status quo.

Even if Elder Xu came, he must have asked me to help solve the problem!

Huo Ju quickly picked up Chen Chu's information and read it.

Twenty-four years old, single and unmarried.

Let me arrange an object?

Huo Ju shook his head and took a look at Chen Chu's photo. This young guy looks very bright, his salary is quite high, his conditions are not bad, and he is not worried about not being able to find a girlfriend, right?

Then look down.

The current address is the staff dormitory building of Jiangnan No.1 Middle School...

Huo Ju suddenly realized.

Arrange the house?



Not long ago, the Education Bureau did get an internal discounted price from a real estate developer. The quota has not yet been determined. If Chen Chu is given a quota, it is a big deal that the Education Bureau will give another subsidy.

OK, just do it.

Xiao Qin has such a good relationship with Chen Chu, so this matter is left to Xiao Qin.


Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School, Finance Department.

Today, the person in charge of the financial department is crying with envy.

Seeing the attitude of Jiangnan Education Bureau, do you want to send money to Xiao Chen again?

In addition to envy or envy.

But the person in charge signed a non-disclosure agreement and dared not speak out.

In the past six months, I have signed several non-disclosure agreements.

He De He Neng, the person in charge of my financial department!

The non-disclosure agreement is still in my turn.

Anyway, that bonus is really enviable for the financial person in charge.

The first was a bonus of 50,000 yuan issued by Jiang Police, who signed a non-disclosure agreement.

The second one was Deng Sijia's guarantee to send Beiwu. The school gave 10,000 yuan, and the education bureau gave 20,000 yuan, a total of 30,000 yuan. This is public.

The third is a bonus of 300,000 yuan issued by Agricultural Science. Those who signed a non-disclosure agreement were specially rewarded for Xu Chao's major contributions.

The fourth one was a bonus of 600,000 yuan issued by Jiang Police not long ago, which was also signed with a non-disclosure agreement.

The person in charge of the financial department was stunned, why did Jiang Police send two more?

And the second amount is so huge?

Because of the non-disclosure agreement, the person in charge of the finance department still got some information.

Half of Wang Lebang's bonus was personally given away, accounting for half, and the other half was rewarded by the General Office.

The person in charge of the financial department was dumbfounded. What did Wang Lebang do? There are 300,000 bonuses?

not to mention this...

There are also three year-end bonuses from the school, which are two or three hundred thousand.

We dare not ask, we dare not say.

In addition to envy, there is only envy.

I have never seen so many bonuses in my life, which is outrageous.

A full million!

Isn't it possible to directly buy a suite in Jiangnan?

The person in charge of the financial department decisively decided that in the future, when meeting Chen Chu in the school, he would have to get close to it.

Really, I have never seen a teacher who can buy a house with a year's bonus, or an internship!

But the question now before the head of the finance department is quite thorny.

There's a reason the bonus hasn't been handed out yet.

The bonuses distributed by Police Jiang and the organization will definitely not be accounted for, and there is no need to pay taxes. It is not included in the school's income and expenditure.

But the guaranteed bonus is calculated.

This created a problem. The bonus was signed with a non-disclosure agreement, and it also took public funds from various units.

Therefore, there is no way for private distribution, and the school needs to arrange distribution, but it will involve the school's accounts...

Because there are too many sources of bonuses, and the amount is relatively large, it still needs to be reviewed and approved. It has to be reported to Jiang Police and the Agricultural Science Institute after accounting for Chen Chu separately, and then the review and approval...

The workload inexplicably doubled.

The person in charge of the financial department said that it was very good!

But the most outrageous thing is...

Chen Chu has a share and he can understand why Director Sun also has a share!

Director Sun's bonus this year is 500,000 yuan.

Sure enough, is it because Chen Chu and Director Sun have a very good relationship, and Director Sun often helps to deal with things?


Is it time for me to lick Xiao Chen now?

It doesn't matter whether the prize is awarded or not, the main reason is that I want to communicate with young people.


Chen Chu was busy making models in the dormitory when suddenly the phone rang.

Seeing that it was Director Qin's call, he quickly connected it.

After greeting each other for a while, Director Qin started talking about things.

Here, we helped to obtain an internal discount price of a real estate, and the discount was very strong.

And it is rough, not off-plan.

Chen Chu was instantly moved and asked what the price was.

After the discount, it is about 670,000 rough.

Of course, this is the final price that the Education Bureau has subsidized 50,000 yuan.

Although it was already a bit ridiculously cheap, Chen Chu agreed without hesitation.

He can still get the down payment now, but he hasn't seen the house yet, so he asked where it is, and decided to take a look tomorrow!

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