The next morning, Chen Chu set out to see the room.

The mood... a bit indescribable.

I never thought I would be able to buy a house so soon.

It didn't take long for her to graduate, and she hadn't even turned a regular.

I'm about to buy a house?

It feels like a dream.

It didn't take long for Chen Chu to come to the Fengjingyuan that Director Qin said, the real estate that was built three years ago and has just been handed over.

The people from the sales department led them to the rough room to take a look.

Beside you, chattering non-stop.

"Sir, this house is very well lit."

"And it's a school district room. The second elementary school is next to it, within one kilometer. It will be convenient for you to pick up your child in the future..."

After observing it, the location is not bad, the lighting is barely, the layout is... average.

A bit far from the school.

It can only be said that it is reluctant. It is more than 120 square meters, and it is about 100 after subtracting the public stall. There is also a small balcony with a garden. All the rough houses cost 970,000, which is close to 1 million.

The internal discount price of Jiangnan Education Bureau... Is it so cruel?

Save nearly 300,000!

Then what kind of bike do you want, you must get it!

Anyway, after seeing the house, Chen Chu naturally went back to the dormitory to make a good calculation.

There is no problem with the down payment with the money he has now, and the salary will be paid immediately, so it will not be difficult for him to live.

No matter what, there are several wages, and there is basically no pressure in life.

It is not necessary to buy a house with the full amount. After all, there is still a provident fund that can lend 300,000 yuan.

Anyway, including taxes, all kinds of miscellaneous, 700,000 can easily be won.

After this was uncertain, Chen Chu hurriedly contacted Director Qin.

Director Qin gave Chen Chu a contact information. He is one of the shareholders of Fengjingyuan. After meeting, we will discuss in detail.

The whole process went very smoothly. Chen Chu chose the ninth floor, and the price was slightly more than 10,000 yuan, which was completely acceptable.

After the confirmation, the down payment is made on the spot, and the purchase contract is signed first.

As for the provident fund loan, it must be done later, anyway, just wait for the notice.

Coming out of the sales department, Chen Chu was dumbfounded when he looked at the house purchase contract in his hand.

Who would have thought that with this dazzling effort, the balance of the bank card was basically empty.

However, after all, he settled down in Jiangnan.

"Don't tell your parents about buying a house, and don't tell anyone else."

Chen Chu couldn't help but muttered.

The parents can't say it for the time being. After all, so much money has suddenly come, and they are too lazy to explain.

What's more, there is still a lot of things to do with decoration, and the school is about to start, so there is time to do decoration.

Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. It's quite convenient to live in school now, except for a little bit.

He happily took the house purchase contract and returned to the dormitory. After carefully placing the house purchase contract, he continued to make models.

On the other hand, Xu Dafang was quite happy.

After all, the granddaughter performed well, she was sensible and well-behaved, and most importantly, the talent displayed by Sun Jiaojiao really surprised Xu Dafang.

This reflex and body control is really close to the quality of top athletes!

Wouldn't it be a waste to stay in the city team with such good qualifications?

Sun Jiaojiao should be given a better platform, right?

So in the past two days, Xu Dafang has been thinking about contacting the provincial team, preparing to send his good granddaughter to the provincial team.

Soon a provincial team leader named Li Shizhang came down from Kunhai.

After arriving in Jiangnan, Li Shizhang immediately visited Xu Dafang and called him Old Xu.

After meeting and chatting for a while, Xu Da just started talking about business and wanted to recommend Sun Jiaojiao to the provincial team.

Li Shizhang came down this time mainly to give Old Xu face.

In fact, I was already mentally prepared.

After all, there is no such thing as a relationship.

Generally, the quality is reluctant, and the foundation is still solid, because they have never been selected, and they have entered the provincial team by relationship.

The higher the platform, the more intense the competition, but the more opportunities there are.

It is understandable that people go high and water flows low.

Li Shizhang felt that if the quality of Sun Jiaojiao mentioned by Xu Dafang was not too bad, then she would be admitted to the provincial team for training.

You have to give Old Xu face, right?

"Little Li, it's hard for you to make a trip in person. Let's have a meal together today, and by the way, take a look at the child's aptitude."

"Okay, everything obeys Mr. Xu's arrangement, I'll be more respectful than obeying my orders."

Xu Dafang called Xu Xiaolin in one call and asked Xu Xiaolin to cook a meal. Today, he brought a guest to the house for a meal, and asked Sun Jiaojiao to go home early.

The moment Xu Xiaolin received the call, everyone was stunned.

What day is this?

Dad actually wants to bring guests to the house for dinner?

Oh my God!

Xu Xiaolin couldn't believe it. She didn't know how many years it had been. Even if it was a holiday, she invited Xu Dafang to come to the house for dinner, but Xu Dafang was unwilling to come, and she took the initiative to come over today.

Xu Xiaolin hurriedly responded, happily went out to buy vegetables, and prepared a good meal.

Again, he hurriedly called Sun Qunce and told him to leave work early.

"What? Dad is going to bring guests to the house for dinner?"

When Sun Qunce, who was in the office, heard it, he was so frightened that he almost threw his phone away.

"Are you kidding me?"

"What am I kidding you! Dad called me personally!" Xu Xiaolin said with tears in her eyes, "Although I also find it a bit bizarre, at least it's a good start!"

Xu Xiaolin hoped that she could reconcile the relationship with Xu Dafang, but she also knew her father's character, but she didn't expect her old and arrogant father to come here on his own initiative.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Sun Qunce must not be allowed to perform well!

Sun Qunce heard it, okay, I'll serve you some good wine tonight.

As a result, Xu Dafang thought that choosing a day would be better than hitting the sun.

Li Shizhang had already called him anyway, so why not call Sun Jiaojiao's head teacher Chen Chu as well.

First, thank you very much, and secondly, ask if there is any difficulty.

There are so many people, drink some wine, everything is easy to say.

After making up his mind, Xu Dafang called Xu Xiaolin again and asked Chen Chu to come over for dinner.

Xu Xiaolin didn't have any opinion, after all, their family wanted to thank Chen Chu for a long time, but Chen Chu has been very busy.

Then he called Chen Chu and said that Sun Jiaojiao's grandfather had called for dinner at home.

Chen Chu is still busy making models for Feng Qian. He originally wanted to refuse, but Sun Jiaojiao's family had called it several times. , the elders have to give face, right?

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