Chen Chu's teacher soul was released accidentally.

Couldn't help but say a few more words.

Let the landlord educate and supervise well.

The landlord also listened honestly, bowing his head, which is called a humility.

It was as if he had made a mistake when he went back to school and was caught by the head teacher.

The two children were so focused on their phones that they didn't care at all.

After a while, the mobile phone was collected by the landlord.

The two children suddenly burst into tears, made all kinds of noise, and even wanted to smash things.

At first glance, it seems that he has not been beaten very often.

Then...then the landlord grabbed one by one into the room, and immediately had a complete childhood.

Crying everywhere.

Chen Chu naturally had an expression that didn't hear anything.

With hindsight, some found that they seemed to be nosy.

Or try to control your emotions.

After all, this landlord has been educated, so he is willing to listen to himself.

But if it is someone else, maybe you care about his child, and he has to scold you for being a nosy, and it's not your child, what are you worrying about!

Well, that's right.

So if this is the case, Chen Chu decides to educate the children with their parents.

Don't even try to run.

Just when the landlord was busy educating his two little injustices, the injustice's father also returned home.

As soon as he entered the house, he suddenly heard the cry of the child, and his face became a little bit wrong.

Just two steps away, I saw a strange young man sitting in the living room again.

Injustice's father was stunned all of a sudden.

"You are?"

Epic Educational Tips, On!

Injustice's father fell into a moment of silence.

This is not good education in the living room, so Chen Chu brought people to the kitchen.

After all, Chen Chu still didn't want to make things worse.

Just an education.

No wonder it's not that the family doesn't enter the house.

Your family is really indebted.

I haven't really used epic education skills next to a husband and wife since I got the system.

You are the first.

Just when Chen Chu was busy educating his father in the kitchen, the landlord who was busy educating the two in the room suddenly heard an inexplicable cry.

Not right!

When I opened the door and went out, I could see the direction of the kitchen, where my husband was crying and wiping away his tears.

The two little grievances who were crying saw their father cry, and the crying suddenly stopped, and they looked around curiously.

The landlord resolutely dragged the two small injustices into the house, and hurriedly closed the door by the way.

The two little injustices were about to cry again.

The landlord stared coldly.

"Let the two of you cry again... let Teacher Chen in the kitchen take you away!"

The cries of the two little injustices stopped abruptly.

I don't know why, it seems that Teacher Chen is more convincing than the police Uncle...


If it wasn't for Feng Qian's call, Chen Chu really didn't want to leave the landlord's house.

This is only half of the education, and I still have half to finish.

Save it.

I'll come back when I remember.

But even if it is only half of the education, the effect is naturally not much worse.

The unpleasant feeling in my heart that was overshadowed by others also vanished.

There is really nothing more comfortable to educate each other.

Mainly because the other party didn't dare to talk back.


Anyway, the ups and downs of Xingfu Xiaozao have been resolved, and Chen Chu hurriedly set off to Feng Qian's house to continue working.

But what surprised Chen Chu was that when he came to Feng Qian's room, he happened to see Feng Qian squatting on the ground, staring with interest at one of the architectural models where the newspaper had just been dismantled.

Seeing Chen Chu coming, Feng Qian quickly got up and said with a smile, "Old Chen, did you make this model yourself? It's so exquisite!"

"It is."

Feng Qian was stunned for a moment, "Why is that! Is there anyone else to help?"

"That's understandable."

After all, wasn't the pen master helping to cut it?

There is nothing wrong with Chen Chu's words.

Feng Qian felt that sometimes her class teacher was really incomprehensible when she spoke.

Naturally, Chen Chu subconsciously swept Feng Qian's state.

There was no movement.

It's normal.

If it's that easy, you don't need to be so troubled.

Besides, this is a special talent.

But at the very least, Feng Qian can still appreciate these models.

However, as far as this girl's vocabulary is concerned, Chen Chu does not expect Feng Qian to say anything good.

It's nothing more than a shitty cow batch six six six...

Being able to say that she is exquisite is already quite embarrassing for this girl.

Although Feng Qian didn't know what was in Chen Chu's mind, but looking at Chen Chu's eyes, there was a hint of helplessness... inexplicably felt offended.

"Old Chen..." Feng Qian's face suddenly turned ugly, and she pouted, "Don't look down on people!"

"Ah... ah?"

"Are you thinking in your heart that I would appreciate a fart!?"

"No, no!" Chen Chu hurriedly waved his hand, "I've never thought about it that way, not to mention your aesthetics have always been fine."


"Really, why else would I prepare so many models and small sculptures for you? Didn't I get it for you just because you can appreciate it? If you can't appreciate it, why would I use it? Isn't it playing the piano to a cow?"

Feng Qian was a little embarrassed to be praised.

Sure enough, it is still our old Chen who has a good look at people.

Immediately in a happy mood, he jumped and cut fruit for Chen Chu.

Chen Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

After getting along for a long time, these children seem to have figured out their own thinking patterns?

Good guy, with just a small look, he even guessed his mind closely.

Forget it, I don't want any of these.


As a result, Feng Qian's aunt, Ye Zitong, came to Feng Qian's house again today.

She has been busy looking for a job for the past two days, otherwise she will be urged to marry at home every day, which is very annoying.

The troubles of older women.

Seeing that Feng Qian had just cut the fruit and was about to send it to Chen Chu, Ye Zitong was bored, and followed a piece to Feng Qian's room to take a look.

Chen Chu was busy at the moment, when he saw Ye Zitong coming, he smiled and said hello, and resumed his work.

Ye Zitong strolled around and said with a smile, "Mr. Chen, I didn't expect you to be quite versatile!"

"I used to have an uncle who did this. When I was a child, I went to his place every day to play, and I came and went, and I learned how to do it."

Ye Zitong glanced, and his eyes fell on the model that was protected with newspapers there. When he saw an architectural model that had just been unpacked, he quickly went up to take a look, and after taking a look, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Where did you buy this model? It's so beautiful!"

When Feng Qian saw it, she hurried up and said in a hurry, "Auntie, don't break it for me!"

Ye Zitong rolled his eyes, "Stingy! What's wrong with me taking a look?"

"You're ashamed to say, you are so hairy, anything will be broken in your hands!"

"What does that have to do with me? Is the quality of the things you bought not good? It's my fault!"

"Anyway, don't touch it!"

"I touch it, what can you do to me? Little boy!"


The room suddenly fell silent.

Chen Chu's hands stopped, his expression stiffened, his heart twitched, and he mechanically turned his head to take a look.

Ye Zitong stepped on one of the small models hugged by the newspaper, and the parts were all scattered...



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