"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Teacher Chen, I'm sorry..."

Ye Zitong kept bowing to Chen Chu and apologized.

Especially knowing that these models are still handmade by Chen Chu, the frequency of bowing is faster.

Feng Qian also took advantage of the situation to say something.

"Old Chen, you can see that she is disobedient, educate her well!"

Chen Chu checked it, but fortunately Ye Zitong got his foot in time and didn't really step on it all.

Also wasted a few small parts.

In the dormitory, there are still quite a few pens that have been sharpened and spared, so just replace them again.

Chen Chu couldn't really blame others for this, he waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay, just pay attention in the future."

Feng Qian also wanted to take this opportunity to fuel the flames and let Lao Chen educate her aunt well.

Seeing Feng Qian's mouth just opened, Chen Chu's eyes widened.

Shut your mouth!

Feng Qian shivered with fright, and she closed her mouth decisively, holding back her voice and didn't dare to say a word.

"Okay, if I have nothing to do, I will continue to work, you two, if there is nothing to do..."

"I understand, I understand, I'll go out right now!"

Ye Zitong hurriedly walked away, not forgetting to bow and apologize again before leaving.

"You go out too."

"Ah... oh..."

Feng Qian didn't dare to say anything, after all, Lao Chen must be in a bad mood now, so don't touch Lao Chen's bad head!

He left the room decisively.

Chen Chu closed the door easily.

Fortunately, it wasn't a big deal. Chen Chu was busy with work until after four o'clock in the afternoon.

After all, I was embarrassed to stay at Feng Qian's house for dinner.

Not suitable.

They usually leave early before dinner time.

Just went out with the broken building model, but when Chen Chu looked at the door, he also picked up a piece of paper with handwritten words.

Aunt and dog are not allowed inside


Feng Qian and her aunt really love and kill each other in various ways!

However, Chen Chu still tore off the paper.

No matter how good the relationship is, it is always the elders, and the respect should still be respected.

Back to the staff dormitory, and continue to repair the model.

It looks like there are only a few days before school starts, and I don't know if the children have a full or full holiday this holiday.

Anyway, he was too full.

A vacation feels more packed than a school day.

And I can't continue to make models tonight.

This month, the time to sit in the clinic is only two days, so I make time to sit there for a while.

With such a high salary, if you are still dissatisfied after four days of consultation, even if you don't say it, people will definitely have opinions in their hearts.

Bad influence.

Moreover, Chen Chu usually only chooses to go to the clinic at night, and it is the emergency department.

After all, there are not too many people at this time, and it is not easy to meet acquaintances.

This did not change the shift with the emergency department in advance, and said that he would go to the clinic tonight.

As soon as the news came out, all the members of each department group of the third hospital instantly became all members.

In order to ensure that the order of the hospital will not be affected, only ten people are allowed to participate in the consultation. According to the list, the others will be broadcast live.

After eating, Chen Chu came to the third hospital.

In order to hide from the public, the ten participants were all dressed in the same clothes as Chen Chu.

Protective clothing, goggles, masks, etc., cover them tightly.

After all, there was a special period of epidemic prevention before, so this kind of dress is still normal.

Not too suspicious.

And for the live broadcast of Chen Chu's consultation, the third hospital specially brought professional photographic equipment.

The patients who came to the emergency room were also a little nervous by this scene, but a notice had been posted on the wall, and a notice had been provided.

Because before every patient came, they had to explain that it was not a program on TV, but a live broadcast of the clinic, which was convenient for internal communication, and would not disclose any patient information. The notice was written about the content of the video. code directly.

Simply print out a bunch of notices to prevent patients from thinking.

Today's consultation is quite easy, and I haven't encountered any particularly difficult conditions for the time being.

There is even a period of time without patients.

Taking advantage of this time, some people specially brought the very difficult conditions encountered in the hospital these days.

Chen Chu helped to analyze various materials and was as detailed as possible.

After all, they all enter the hospital through professional examinations. It can be said that basically reading and learning are quite powerful, the foundation is also quite solid, and the comprehension is naturally quite strong.

It's not much easier than teaching the children in Class 7.

It wasn't until about 11:30 when the ambulance brought a person who was seriously injured.

There were also two policemen.

Chen Chu received the news, so he hurried over to take a look.

His face couldn't help changing.

The opponent's abdomen was directly pierced by a half-sectioned steel pipe.

Rescue quickly.

This tossed until after one o'clock in the morning, when Chen Chu came out of the operating room.

The condition has stabilized.

After understanding the situation with the police, I realized that it was a young man who couldn't think of it.

Being dumped by a woman, I wanted to jump off the building and commit suicide.

I don't know whether to call it lucky or unlucky.

He didn't fall to his death while hanging on a tree, but was pierced by a steel pipe stuck in the grass.

I don't know which bear kid picked it up and put it there.

Sometimes reality is just so illogical and all kinds of magic.

After all, the life was saved, and the parents almost didn't kowtow to Chen Chu, so they couldn't cry.

It was probably in the hospital, and he gradually saw life and death more and more. Chen Chu's heart was really uncomfortable at times.

After all, since the system has given us this ability.

We can't hide it, try our best to contribute as much as possible without exposing ourselves.

To save one more life is to save a family.

After all, it was originally the strongest teaching system.

That Chen Chu's greatest ideal must be to teach without discrimination.

Class seven is just the beginning.

Chen Chu also hopes that these children will try their best to contribute their strengths when they shine in all walks of life in the future.

Contribution is a point.

Everyone is doing well, and the family will be doing well too.

It's almost time to get off work.

Chen Chu can't stand it, the doctors who follow him can't stand it, and those who watch the live broadcast can't stand it.

The body is the capital of the revolution.

Of course, for the systematic Chen Chu, it is a different story.

This is not back to school, Chen Chu began to toss the model again.

Having said that, with the start of school, the Southwest Debating Competition is about to start.

Thinking of Wu Ming's mouth, Chen Chu began to have a headache.

I don't know if Wu Ming's temperament is better this holiday.

This little gangster, sometimes makes Chen Chu feel a lot of pressure.

Well, I will take a look at Wu Ming's house tomorrow and do some pre-match guidance.

When the time comes to go to Kunhai, Chen Chu may not be able to follow.

But don't get in the way at that time, and it will be troublesome if you are in trouble with the judges.

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