No, after dancing a few laps and resting, Deng Sijia hurriedly came to Yang Tianyu and said with a smile, "Yang Tianyu, do you want to consider becoming a dancer?"

Yang Tianyu and Cao Yunjing both widened their eyes at the same time, their eyes seemed to be saying Deng Sijia, you are afraid that you are not seriously ill! ?

Yang Tianyu shook his head decisively, waved his hand and refused, "No no no, I don't want to be a dancer, and besides, I'm not a dancer!"

"Cao Yunjing is not a dancer, you are!" Deng Sijia said with a serious face, "You learn fast, and the rhythm, rhythm and strength are better controlled than Feng Qian, I'm serious, you definitely have it. Dance talent!"


Feng Qian in the corner rolled her eyes and said nothing.

Ahh...I'm used to it...

"Forget it, forget it!" Yang Tianyu smiled wryly and shook his head, "Even if I have this talent, I don't really want to dance!"

"You don't feel embarrassed, do you?" Deng Sijia said quickly, "There are many boys who practice dancing with us! Don't feel embarrassed, and you have the advantage of being a sports student and a dance student. Even bigger, your physical fitness far exceeds them!"

Yang Tianyu still shook his head.

He certainly wasn't happy.

The reason is also very simple, it is not embarrassing, but embarrassing.

He knew so many sports students. If he knew that he had become a dance student, he would have become the target of everyone's daily jokes.

Besides, with his physique, he used to learn to dance, put on a close-fitting training suit and go to that station...

He himself felt a little hot eyes.

Seeing Yang Tianyu's extremely reluctant expression, Deng Sijia didn't force it anymore.

Everyone keep practicing.

Waiting until the evening self-study, Chen Chu was busy in the office, and suddenly Deng Sijia appeared at the door of the office with a peek.

"Old Chen, old Chen..."

Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, and saw Deng Sijia hurriedly beckoning to him, Chen Chu walked over in doubt, "What's the matter?"

"Old Chen, I have something to discuss with you."

Deng Sijia hurriedly took Chen Chu to the corner, shook her wristband dumbfoundedly and said, "Feng Qian has been staring at my wristband for a day today!"

Chen Chu was taken aback for a moment, "Ah? Is that so?"

"She might really like this bracelet." Deng Sijia said quickly, "Old Chen, can I give this bracelet to Feng Qian! Her eyes are so pitiful, I really can't stand it anymore."


Chen Chu was really relieved in his heart, Deng Sijia is such a good child, not only generous but also sharing.

Thinking about it this way, on the contrary, I am a little stingy. Even an S-level talent bracelet has to be scrutinized with other children here. Well, it is time to review and reflect on it.

"Since it's a gift for you, it's yours. You can give it to anyone you want. I have no problem with it."

"Okay, that's it..." Deng Sijia laughed dryly, "that's it..."

"If you have something to say, just say it."

"Old Chen, can you make a few more?" Deng Sijia said helplessly, "If I gave it to Feng Qian, then Jiang Yuan, Sun Jiaojiao and the others would be unhappy. I don't want them to say that I am partial."

"No problem." Chen Chu replied without thinking, "It's definitely not enough to do a few. In this way, there are all the girls in the seventh class. I'll get it to you later, and then I'll secretly give you a little surprise, why? Sample?"

Deng Sijia responded decisively, and then happily went back to the classroom.

"This kid is really good!"

Seeing Deng Sijia leaving, Chen Chu decided in his heart to prepare better gifts for Deng Sijia.

After returning to the staff dormitory, Chen Chu rummaged through the inventory while weaving the bracelet.

But nothing special was found.

Talent-related items are meaningless to Deng Sijia and will be immune.

Then just pump it!

In this breath, Chen Chu pumped tens of millions of teaching points into it, and finally got a useful one.

Charm ring quality s, special props, after wearing to enhance personal charm, can only be worn by the host and bound students.


If Deng Sijia becomes a professional dancer in the future, personal charm is still very important, and if there is charm blessing, the dance performed may also have an impact.

And this has nothing to do with talent, so it shouldn't be immune to Deng Sijia.

What's more, this thing is like a beast to Chen Chu.

After wearing a charm ring, it is easier to be noticed by others!


I don't want to be sliced ​​and studied!

I just want to be a teacher in a low-key manner, and a meager salary to live an ordinary life is enough.

Charm or something is almost like raising a gu for me.

Take out the charm ring and take a look, it's pretty ugly too.

The props produced by the system are basically not very beautiful.

Yes, process it.

When the time comes, I will find a jewelry store, I will process it myself, and I will get a beautiful ring and give it to Deng Sijia.

There are quite a few girls in Class 7. It takes two days to make so many bracelets even if it is all night.

However, after Deng Sijia got Lao Chen's affirmation, she directly announced to the girls in Class 7 that she had found the goods and wanted to come and book, but she would have to wait for several days.

All the girls in Class 7 were booked, including Sun Jiaojiao, who was training with the city team, and was counted by Deng Sijia.

No, when rehearsing in the afternoon, Deng Sijia gave Feng Qian her wristband first, "Since you like it so much, you probably won't be able to wait for so many days. If you don't dislike it, you can wear mine!"

Since everyone has a share at this moment, Feng Qian naturally does not dislike it, and quickly accepts "Thank you Jiajia!"

Then she happily put on the bracelet, and her face was full of happiness and satisfaction.

Deng Sijia couldn't help laughing and laughing. I had never seen Feng Qian interested in this kind of thing before!

After getting the bracelet, Feng Qian danced very hard.

quite positive.

Yang Tianyu, Cao Yunjing and others are naturally indifferent to the ring.

Keep rehearsing.

As a result, after practicing, Yang Tianyu graduated.

Anyway, Deng Sijia saw that Yang Tianyu jumped out at a level that was basically on par with her own, so she just gave one-on-one guidance and asked Yang Tianyu to rehearse with Cao Yunjing, while she took Feng Qian.

"No, no, no, Cao Yunjing, the action is wrong, come again!"


"No, it is like this, come again!"

Cao Yunjing was tired.

In the blink of an eye, Feng Qian graduated.

He hadn't even learned all the moves.

As a result, three people practiced him one by one.

I miss my dogs.


On the other side, Wang Xu's group.

I saw Lu Heming lying on the hospital bed made of a table with a terminally ill look.

Wang Xu came to him, grabbed Lu Heming's hand and looked sad, "Old Chen..."

Lu Heming coughed, "Wang, Wang Xu, teacher, I'm dying..."

"Old Chen, you..." Wang Xu raised his head, "Where is your oxygen tube?"

The person who was about to recite next to him didn't hold back and burst into laughter.

"The Great Filial Piety"

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