The next morning, swimming lessons.

After a holiday, Chen Chu found that Sun Ziyang seemed to have overcome his psychological shadow.

When he saw that Sun Ziyang had been able to swim for a long time and put the little duck lifebuoy aside, Chen Chu realized that the child had finally awakened his talent.

Name☆Sun Ziyang

Sex: Male

age 15

Virtue 95

Intelligence 84

Stamina 196

Aesthetic 81

The state of hidden current perception is exclusive (Sun Ziyang's exclusive state, in this state, he can feel the movement of the hidden current in the water);

Son of Water Exclusive (Sun Ziyang's exclusive state, in this state, the affinity with the water element is improved, the physical strength increases by 100 when in the water, the ability to stay in the water for a longer time, and the activity speed is greatly improved)

no vice

Talent E-level literature; A-level water

Skill passive water spirit (the speed of water activity is greatly improved)

Learning Efficiency 47

Comprehensive evaluationd

The state of aversion to learning is gone.

It should be during the holiday that He Cao made up for Sun Ziyang's disgust with learning.

Well, that's fine.

Sun Ziyang's talent is obviously very suitable for water conservancy-related industries and operations, and of course he can also become a professional diver and swimmer.

A high talent means a high ceiling. No matter which line Sun Ziyang takes in the future, he still has a bright future.

And during the holiday, Sun Ziyang suddenly asked himself to make up the class. Obviously something happened that caused Sun Ziyang to suddenly have a goal, and he was even willing to start working hard for it.

Chen Chu hadn't asked about the specifics. After the swimming class was over, Chen Chu called Sun Ziyang to him and asked about it.

As soon as Sun Ziyang heard Chen Chu asked about it, of course it was impossible to tell Chen Chu what happened in Sanya, but said seriously, "I just think I can't be too backward, and Xu Chao and the others have their own. When things are done, I have nothing to do, so I think about setting a goal for myself and working hard."

"Very good, then what is your goal?" Chen Chu asked hurriedly.

Sun Ziyang scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "Old Chen, I told you, don't laugh at me!"

"No no."

"I haven't made up my mind about the undergraduate degree, but I have already decided on the direction of the postgraduate entrance examination." Sun Ziyang said, "It's either a related research institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, or the Institute of Marine and Meteorological Sciences."

Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, but he really didn't expect Sun Ziyang to be interested in marine meteorology. He quickly stretched out his hand and patted Sun Ziyang's shoulder and smiled, "Yes! I have ambition!"

Because Sun Ziyang can go in too many directions, marine meteorology happens to be one of them, and the degree of adaptation is also 100, so Chen Chu naturally supports and encourages this.

Having a goal is a good thing, but if you don't have any goals, you will eat and die.

It's just that another problem is placed in front of Chen Chu.

So how should I pave the way?

I don't have any connections for this at all!

Ah, forget it, let's take a look first.

Anyway, Sun Ziyang really wants to go in this area, there are a lot of things to learn, and unlike other people's talents, Sun Ziyang's ability is more practical, and theoretical things basically have no talent blessing.

Really only rely on learning to make up for their shortcomings.

Come on, little white dragon in the waves.

Chen Chu naturally worked all night to make bracelets these two days.

Although Feng Qian has already put on the talent bracelet, the talent bracelet will only have a talent-enhancing effect on those who originally had talent. Feng Qian is still in the budding state of talent, so it should be useless.

Anyway, Chen Chu has been observing Feng Qian's movements for the past two days, and it's really nothing special.

The only difference is that Feng Qian seems to be in a good mood these two days.

On the contrary, it was Yang Tianyu, who followed Deng Sijia to dance for two or three days and rehearsed for two or three days. It was obvious that there was a sign of awakening.

All kinds of dance movements are very fast to learn, not to mention, physical coordination and other aspects are also shown.

It just so happened that the teacher didn't move at the moment.

This made Chen Chu a little puzzled.

Not quite right.

Yang Tianyu is also very good at painting, but his artistic talent has not awakened. Now he dances quite well, but he didn't see any movement in his talent.

There can be no system failure.

Chen Chu hurriedly asked the system.

Try using the gaze skill to observe


It's like never passing up an opportunity to make money.

Just stare at it!

While he was in class, Chen Chu stared at Yang Tianyu.

Name☆Yang Tianyu

Sex: Male

age 15

Virtue 84

Intelligence 85

Stamina 98

Aesthetic 88

state aversion learning

bad habits

Talent d-level dance (the talent cannot be awakened normally due to lack of potential); C-level art (the talent cannot be awakened normally due to lack of potential)

Skill Dance Soul passive (increase the learning ability of dance-related fields by 100)

Learning Productivity 347

Comprehensive evaluation e


Chen Chu's eyes widened, lack of potential?

Chen Chu glanced at the hidden message immediately.

Potential 0

Random events in the future?

Future fortune?

Chen Chu couldn't help patting his head and resting his forehead.

How can Yang Tianyu's potential be 0?

who ate it! ?


Wait a minute……

Chen Chu suddenly realized the existence of the three-headed dog of hell.

good guy!

I'm afraid that this potential is not all eaten up by the three-headed dog of hell! ?

Chen Chu suddenly couldn't help laughing and crying.

If this is really the case, then it can only be said that Yang Tianyu's luck is simply... ridiculously black!

The bad habits have not been eaten much, but all the potential points have been eaten by the three-headed dog of hell.

Chen Chu didn't take it to heart because he had been hiding potential points before, but now he realized it, and quickly scanned the whole class's potential points again.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm shocked when I look at it!

Chen Chu still vaguely remembers that at the beginning, everyone seemed to have a potential of one or two hundred. Now, at a glance, they are basically about forty or fifty potential points, and even some have only ten points left. Potential!

Only Xu Tianhao's group, and Wang Lebang and other children escaped the catastrophe.

Because the virtue is too high, the three-headed dog of hell didn't bite them.

Chen Chu realized it later.

I said why the later students' talent awakening is more difficult and more prone to problems.

The source of everything is here!

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